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Everything posted by Joebillibob

  1. Joebillibob

    Very close air support

    I would like to point out the marvelous piloting skill of that player, whoever he is. ?
  2. There is a bigger playerbase for the public servers, so it's always going to be more popular than EU3.
  3. If you mean in general, I think, during the summer period, we are going to see less people on the server. People are probably busy with real life and stuff. How dare they /s
  4. The units on the Middle Eastern Insurgents factions spawn with empty gear, meaning they have nothing in their inventory. When i was Zeus yesterday, i took control of several units of this faction, and some of them (not all) had only their rifle with the mag attached to it with empty clothes. They could not reload or throw grenades, which limits their fighting abilities.
  5. I had a discussion with staff about the rally point. It's principal use is for when the server is low pop, like BB said. Sure, you can spawn one when we have a lot of people in the server, but it should be discouraged. I had to explain this to some people and they seemed to understant the "realism" aspect of it. I would not get rid of this feature, but speak to thoses who use it when there is a vortex element to convince them otherwise. Chain of command always win, but we can give our opinions.
  6. Well now i am offended ? I get the real life argument, but since AWE is more gameplay focused and less realism/milsim, i would have no problem to see it reintroduced. As always, personal opinion. ?
  7. Well, on AWE at least, ASL or PlatCo can always force people to wear the same camo, but i only saw this once since i joined a couple months ago. All we need is more people wanting to be Lead, thing that i see rarely. Waaay too much bitching/responsibility for some. Can't say i disagree haha
  8. Well it all come down with personal preference. If you know you will auto fire a lot, you can think ahead and bring spare barrel. Be punished if you don't bring it.
  9. Well i not agreeing with this personally, not at all cost anyway. I like having more stuff, but sometimes it bring a lot more problems. Sure, you can have more weapons, but when you realise you have 3-4 types of 5.56 ammo type that are not compatible with each other, i find this really complicated when it comes to logistics. So, moderation can be good.
  10. I would be fine with that, as i think the SCAR is the biggest reason why i think we need this mod.
  11. You clearly are not a believer of the good ol "spray and pray" tactic.
  12. Is the cleanup script still despawning the HVT? We did a kill HVT mission but could not locate the body. It could be us missing it, but a lot of the bodies were already gone.
  13. I agree, or we are being lied to when the server says "repair complete" ?
  14. I tried to partially repair the truck as an engineer. After it failed, i did a full repair with the repair truck. The truck continued to leak after this. So i moved it to a repair spot in an FOB and did a servicing. After this, the truck still leaked heavily. Maybe it was a isolated incident. I will continue to check this to see if this bug reappear.
  15. Stiletto 0.59 When driving ural spawned by the server (civillian, enemy), they seems to be in a constant state of fuel leaking. Even after complete repairs, the trucks still leaks. The truck also loose fuel when the engine is turned off.
  16. Stiletto 057 Since 0.56, i have not been able to restrain any civilians. The action is not available on the ace interaction menu. the only way i was able to do so was to overdose the civi with morphine and after that restrain him. Not being able to do so complicate extraction of HVT interesting/complicated. I also was not able to select any attachements, sights or mag to the L103A2 DP. Don't know if it's a glitch on my side or not.
  17. That was indeed an nice improvised evening. Thanks for our evil overlord zeus ! @ShadowAce11
  18. I was on 0.56 and i tried to change pylon on the A-10C and the progress bar showed up for the 3 pylons i tried to switch. At the end of it, it said that i was too far away. i tried to get closer, no changes. When i put the jet further away, the progress bar does not show up. Furthermore, when i get back in the plane, the pylons have been added, but are empty and cannot be reloaded when serviced. I still have my old ones.
  19. I must have looked in the wrong section then. I get why it was removed. That's a lot of space only for 1 map. Thanks for the input!
  20. Hi guys I was looking on the suggestion mods and map for the enhanced server and saw one for the Chernarus Redux map. I saw that the staff mentionned that it required CUP, thus the idea was scrapped. Since there was a recent poll about the quantities and sizes of mods used, and if it was too much or not enough. I wanted to know if the staff had the same opinion than before. That map require only the CUP terrain core, which is about 3,55 gigs. That could open a new possibility of other maps with CUP without having all the CUP stuff we don't need. Like i said, i don't want to officially request it if the majority of users are against the return of CUP, even if it's only for the maps. I had a great time in Chernarus, and would like to see it in the Enhanced server.
  21. Is it the same thing with the vehicules? Or are they more balanced if mixed with RHS stuff?
  22. I saw the poll about the Tanoa map, and even if i want to see the map on the rotation, i undertand why it was not added. Not everyone have the Apex DLC, and i understand that it would piss off people who doesn't have it. It was mentionned that it would be used in certain game night tho. That's different for the vehicules DLC, which can be used even if others don't possess the expansions. I guess a poll would be a good idea.
  23. Could i know why? I mean if there is a majority of players wanting theses new assets, why not implement it? I could see that other players not having the DLCs would be a point against having them in the server, but it would not be detrimental to others.
  24. Are the new tanks will be added to the servers? Or we will not be adding dlc only vehicules?
  25. Quick question : is there any chances that the tank dlc will mess with the mods when released?
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