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Everything posted by ansin11

  1. It does take expertise to rig a block of C4 in the right place for something to be effectively destroyed though. But yes, I would go with this. Why make them obvious though? Gotta watch your step, soldier.
  2. Yes. This is the case for every role. If it doesn't get picked you don't get its benefits. Need transport? Get a pilot. Need AT? Get AT. Need CAS? Call Deathstar. Need something repaired? Call a repair specialist. Need something to explode? Call EOD.
  3. What are you talking about? The Arma I know takes all the RAM it wants, usually 5-9 GB.
  4. ansin11

    Swift Strike WIP CVN Night

    Screenshot of a WIP. I was told forum backgrounds are user submitted images...
  5. ansin11

    Swift Strike WIP CVN Dawn

    Screenshot of a WIP. I was told forum backgrounds are user submitted images...
  6. ansin11

    TK Penalty

    Hence why I said just don't do anything if it's a pilot. Good Lord please send help.
  7. ansin11

    TK Penalty

    Allow two teamkills and don't leave banning to a script lol. I never suggested that. Just kick them, show some hintC or move them into a random OPFOR AI, what do I know. What issues does an EventHandler have with derp revive? I also don't see why you wouldn't run such code simply because it cannot solve all cases. That would require some advanced AI and certainly nothing Arma commands / functions can perform. Of course people always find a way to do what they want to do, but if a script keeps somebody from TKing even one more player per day then running that script is worth it. I mean it's not like the script is gonna do the staff's job, it should just provide an automated response to certain events. And sure, if someone hops into a pilot slot just to TK that'll still be the exact same as if he did that in the current state of I&A.
  8. ansin11

    TK Penalty

    Filtering out pilot TKs shouldn't be too much of an issue because you can just check if the killer was a pilot. The pilot slots would obviously be a backdoor for unpunished TKing as far as the script is concerned, but then again, staff visits the servers on a daily basis to solve pilot (competency) issues.
  9. ansin11


    The LIM-85 is part of the Apex DLC.
  10. Looks like a reasonable idea to me. Being a local command it should be run in onPlayerRespawn.sqf I guess.
  11. I actually don't know if AW runs custom garbage collection on its servers, but except for removing markers and objects such as radio towers you usually don't need to make such a script as the engine does that for you. When building a scenario in the editor you can go to Attributes > Performance and edit Dynamic Simulation and Garbage Collection settings for your mission. Have a look at that feature of the editor and you'll know how it works immediately.
  12. Well it's clearly a far more MILSIM scenario :-)
  13. Well thats exactly the type of problems @GrandBravo wants the players to face as far as I understood.
  14. First of all, tho I am not sure if the file is in such format because you shared it, so I'll just doubt that, Description.ext should be a .ext file, not a .txt. To achieve this, select "Save As" and then choose "All Files" and then name the file Description.ext. I didn't test your code, but I had a look at it. The opened { curly brackets don't add up with the closed }; ones and you forget a whole bunch of semicolons all over the place. The code should probably look more like this (hidden because lots of code): Notice that classes 1stPlatoon and 6thRegiment are part of class 7thBattalion, making them both subordinates of the 7th Battalion, yet you list none of them in the subordinates array of class 7thBattalion. What you do list there is a class you didn't make at all. At the same time, 1stPlatoon is a subordinate of 6thRegiment but not part of its class? As the BIS documentation for the assets array is not unambiguous about wether to put its definition in curly brackets or not, I used both options in the code; you'll find out what works.
  15. That is pretty sick and I have to say I have never seen the Gorgon one. If it's only there since I & A 3.2 then that explains why I have never seen that on the server. Am I the only one who hates looking at that file? I always use editor for sqf and this is one of the I & A files that comes unformatted in editor :-)
  16. Out of the top of my head I can list the To-199 Neophron, all HEMTT and Hunter variants, the Bobcat, the M2A1 and A4 Slammer, the T-100, the MBT-52 Kuma, the FV-720, the AMV-7 and the Panther for examples of vehicles without alternate camos. Those enough? Question resolved tho, should have read the I & A code before.
  17. Could we run this setObjectTexture [0, "a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_co.paa"]; on unarmed Striders and this setObjectTexture [0, "a3\soft_f_beta\mrap_03\data\mrap_03_ext_co.paa"]; this setObjectTexture [1, "a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"]; on armed variants? For BLUFOR ones only, of course. It's a skin BIS never fully finished and thus never put in the game, the files come with every copy of Arma anyways (for a brief time after Apex release a tickbox slipped past BIS and this camo was selectable in the Virtual Arsenal). The interior remains kinda AAF-ish, but the outside of the vehicles looks less inviting for friendly fire.
  18. Defenitely looks like Arma messing around to me.
  19. This man tells nothing but lies
  20. That is a thing I have never heard about before. Double-Alt was not the issue? Did you Run any mods Restart you game before testing it in the editor?
  21. Buzzard AA seems more like a ground attack aircraft with air-to-air missiles. The Gryphon is indeed better sensor-wise. Stealth is a pretty major factor against fifth-generation fighter jets such as the Shikra and the F/A-181; you can't shoot what you can't detect, and as the initial test done for this thread shows we are talking about a few kilometers here.
  22. I don't fly the Gryphon much, but I know that it is slower than both the Shikra and Black Wasp II. Both the NATO and CSAT jets are available in stealth variants, I don't know wich variant spawns in I&A, but obviously the stealth technology offers advantages in defensive flying. I would leave this judgement to a better pilot like you tho, Jason.
  23. I would do a few days of testing on the public server with a respawning F/A-181 Black Wasp II running AA loadout.
  24. It is how radar and other sensors work in reality. And it is balanced in my opinion, or at least can be. See, I had to spawn the Mi-48 high up in the sky (at an altitude you wouldn't normally fly a helicopter at with AA or air-to-air threats) so that the radar reflection from the ground doesn't eliminate the helicopter's reflection. So, against fighter jets, just fly low, slow and without active sensors and they might just not see you at all or only at a much much closer range. Next, I had no AAA or hostile CAP to worry about, it was just the Kajman and me. Now normally, you fly with your radar off, because tracing the signal back to its source is even easier than using it to detect stuff yourself. Thus, I probably would't be flying with active radar looking for targets to avoid getting detected by enemy forces in a combat environment. Now all this is indeed not balanced at all on the I&A servers because CSAT has complete air superiority there. The players get no counter to the relatively frequently spawning Shikras and Gryphons. As far as I know, at least the Shikra outruns the Cheetah's AA capabilities (Iranzan and Scar both reported not being able to take down a single Shikra that was not going for a landing) and all we get for CAP duties is a Buzzard AA, a plane that has struggles taking on Neophrons and Wipeouts, both ground attack aircraft and not fighter jets.
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