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Posts posted by BlastaMasta

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jason. said:

    However if it could be limited to only being used on the vehicles in or very near to base, then I suppose it could be useful. For this I think it could be made automatic like the other clean-up script, but instead of being disabled based on players being near, it could be based on if a player has interacted it within the last 5 mins etc.


    Yeah, thats what I intended. The script would work for vehicles at base only and would only affect their position, placing them back at their respective spawns. Damage status, fuel and armament would in no way be affected.

    Players could use the script to put back vehicles after rearming/repairing/refuelling them, for example.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Jason. said:

    But since you're talking about the base the current script isn't going to do anything since there will always be players close.

    Something you can do in that situation is grab a hunter and carefully nudge the greyhawk off the pad.

    I don't think adding the script you mentioned is necessary and might end up being misused by trolls (they are very creative)

    The thing about nudging planes and helicopers is that in nine out of ten cases either you, the helo or both blow up. And if you don't blow up, the nudge won't be very far and you'll still waste precious time that would be better spent brrrrrrrting enemies with that sweet 30mil..


  3. 15 minutes ago, Chutnut said:

    I do clean up base every now and then, To my knowledge there is an auto cleanup script which works on empty objects when no client is 500m or less away from it.

    Yep, i know about that. But does that also clean the vehicles? I always assumed that it just removed dropped objects from around the arsenal..

  4. After playing yesterday some knob left his UAV parked on the repair pad and reslotted/logged off. Due to not being able to repair/refuel my jet, and ASL eagerly awaiting CAS, I had an idea: wouldn't it be possible to make a script that resets all (air) vehicles to their original positions? I have noticed that misparked jets are a bit of an issue, sometimes they're parked in such a way that they block access to the runway or the repair pad.. Now i personally know from experience that parking a jet back in front of its original hangar can be a bit tricky. And from my research regarding mods that would add towing vehicles tothe game I've found that none of these mods are remotly stable enough for me to even make a mod request on the forums.


    That is why i came up with the idea of a cleanup script. This could give a certain group, say Vortex, the ability to reset all air vehicles' positions at base. The armament, damage, fuel and respawn (if a vehicle was destroyed) should remain untouched.


    The need for a zeus to move misparked vehicles would be eliminated and Vortex could save valuable time that is now spent on reparking/retrieving scattered jets and helos, which in turn would make Command very happy.


    Any input on this?

  5. Boats in general were very positively received by the community whenever ASL or PlatCo decided to use them as a way to get to the AO. But I have to agree that adding a mod just to get this single landing craft might not be very feasible. But maybe this will get the ball rolling and get squad leads to utilise boats as infil/exfil more.

  6. On 4/24/2017 at 0:35 PM, Miczils said:

    Im sure im also guilty of that every now and then, i reckon getting pissed off a bit ago when a pair of Vortex Cas Pilots were auto-hovering their Harriers over the AO waiting for orders, we may have thrown a bit too much meat about them in the squad,  but even that, i made sure to let things like that go and just talk it out with the pilots to make sure it doesn't happen again.


    Yep, lesson learned, criticism received, will not happen again. Twas fun though ;) Props for handling it the way you did. Others would've probably started yelling again.


    But on a different note: After working 12hr shifts in a fucking ambulance, I come home to play Arma and unwind. Not to get fucking yelled at for slipping up and crashing a helo or if my piloting on that day isn't up to par for some ASLs. Behaviour like that is 100% unnecessary and uncalled for. I sometimes have the feeling that some people in this community take the game and their roles in it waaaay to serious. After all it is what it is: a game. And games should be fun. For everyone. Everyone should do, and in my experience does their best to play their role and work together.


    I have the most fun ingame playing vortex, so if I can, that's what I do most. I know that I'm not the best pilot out there but you can be 100% sure that I do my best every time I'm in a helo or a jet.

    People make mistakes, thats just the way it is. And if I crash or get shot down or don't land at the designated LZ 'cause it's hotter than a ghost pepper and would mean that my precious reinserts would instantly get slaughtered you can be sure as shit that I'll do my best to avoid that in the future. But shit happens, and that's a-ok. 


    Also I think it would be grand to have more debriefings after long and complicated missions. This would give everyone a chance to voice constructive criticism whilst improving their own skills.

  7. The thing that bugs me about this thread is not @Stips suggestion, but the way people are reacting to it. Or to be more precise how people are giving him negative rep for merely making a suggestion. I honestly don't think the reputation system is meant as an "upvote/downvote" functionality like reddit for example and in my eyes it should only be used to mark spammers/people that post shit and the like. Of course you can give rep for things you like but don't shoot down things you dislike. Rather write a post and discuss! This is a forum after all.


    Making constructive suggestions should not be discouraged like this. Anyone who has good ideas might get scared and think "oh, well.... what if they screw my rep.. nobody will take me seriously if they look at my profile". This is a bad thing as I'm sure there are a few good ideas floating around in peoples heads that might actually improve the experience for us all. Anyone should be encouraged to voice their opinions on all aspects of gameplay and to suggest improvements.


    As for the actual suggestions, yes, I agree with the others that it would be a whole lot of work to implement these changes and I don't see them working out all too well to be honest..

  8. Hi,


    sometimes, when loading a saved loadout at the arsenal, the short range radio fails to load into the inventory. This is really annoying when rearming, esp when you are in a hurry. I've oftentimes found myself in the situation where I needed the radio only to realize that I don't have it on me - occasionally preventing me from relaying valuable intel to other team members. Always checking the inventory after grabbing ones' stuff is not really a good way to prevent this as that costs valuable time that one doesn't always have.

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