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Posts posted by D34TH

  1. Quality judgement without objectivity (tests) and metrics is like chasing your own tail.

    What is a good "quality", "experienced" player 500h, 1000h, 2000h, 10,000h , 100,000h; or is it no. of kills, or no. of successful landings, or no. of AOs without getting killed, no. of complex minefields deployed, miles driven without hitting any rocks, no. of correctly applied quickclots , dBs of laughter when you miss-throw a nade ?

    Whom i like is not "quality" is love <3. And one must be a hell of a stud to love 30 ppl at a time.


    *play Op Flashpoint again to re-discover the true spirit of ARMA ! The character was always fighting alongside people he didn't know, strangers he didn't know whether to trust or not, always outnumbered and outgunned, always questioning himself, the plan, the others, always geared with anything he could get  his hands on, always having partial or no intel about what was going on. The atmosphere created  was "real". The plot got thicker with every mission. There was always something deeper, something looming  beyond the mission, beyond the war, it perfectly related to the era the game was portraying, to 50 years of daily reality in people's lives in E. Europe. That made the game special and unique among thousand others. It is an art form to transpose that in a multiplayer environment but since it can only be done in coop mode and given the number of artistically inclined people in here i think you could be the first to truly do that, if only ...*




    It has become common place here to frown upon I&A for being chaotic, not tactical, played by idiots because it is "public" . Well, it is not everywhere the case, I&A can be played very tacticool , all vanilla com channels properly used, squads communicating, rules being enforced strongly but calmly and politely, people waiting in a line to optimize chopper boarding, the likes of which is yet to be seen even in EU#3, the arsenal blacklist/role eliminated any discussion about gear, etc. I have seen this,  to my surprise ... A smart system in place made all "idiots" play very high "quality" tactically together...


    • It is estimated that there are 500,000 survivors of accidents caused by landmines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war. In addition, millions of people live under the threat of those weapons, sometimes decades after conflict.
    • According to the 2012 Cluster Munition Monitor report, 94 percent of registered casualties are civilians and 40 percent are children
    • One cluster bomb contains hundreds of bomblets (or submunitions) and typically scatters them across an area the size of two to four football fields
    • Bomblets are small, often the size of a 'D' battery or a tennis ball and have a failure rate of up to 30 percent; unexploded bomblets become de facto landmines
    • More than 70 countries stockpiled over one billion submunitions in 2012 
    • The United States stockpile contains at least 730 million submunitions
    • 34 countries are known to have produced more than 210 types of cluster munitions, 17 of which are suspected of still producing in 2012 
    • Cluster bombs impede economic development, restrict access to water and deprive children of safe access to education
    • There were 40 countries and territories affected by the presence of unexploded munitions as of 2012
    • Unexploded bomblets were responsible for nearly 10% of U.S. fatalities in the Gulf War
    • The United States dropped 19 million in Cambodia, 70 million in Vietnam and 208 million in Laos
    • The U.S. executed more than 580,000 bombing missions over Laos, dropping, on average, an entire planeload of bombs every eight minutes, around the clock, for nine years.
    • The most cluster contaminated areas are in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Iraq, Laos, Kosovo and Vietnam.



    Army 2016: Russia to complete trials of cluster bomb
    Nikolai Novichkov, Moscow and Neil Gibson, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
    12 September 2016

    Russia's Bazalt, a subsidiary of the TekhMash Concern, is to complete state trials of its latest PBK-500U Drel (Drill) 500 kg-class universal gliding cluster bomb in 2016, according to TekhMash's director general, Sergei Rusakov.

    "We are planning to complete them before the year end," Rusakov told IHS Jane's at this month's Army 2016 defence exhibition. He added that the PBK-500U Drel can be launched by day and night in all weather conditions and in contested areas. "An aircraft that drops the bomb can stay at [a] safe distance, as the Drel has a long range," he said.

    The PBK-500U is designed to attack targets such as armoured vehicles, land-based radars, and air defence command posts. The bomb has a length of 3,100 mm, a diameter of 450 mm, a combat weight of 540 kg, a maximum glide range of 30 km, and incorporates 15 SPBE-K submunitions.

    An aircraft can launch the bomb from 14,000 m, Rusakov added.

  2. 1 listening to all sides is a major prerequisite for any improvement (and not any personal vendetta)

    2 the truth also

    3 "warnings" instead of teaching him something about advanced models flight characteristics / AO veteran approach tactics etc obviously didn't improve anything

    4 as  a "veteran",  getting shot down by a BMP (not an AA asset) didn't teach the kid by example much either, disconnecting right after the "wrong doing" (avoiding thus any kind of responsibility) taught him even less and he picked up on it, behaving exactly the same way later, once himself got shot down

    5 after 1h , finding the desired slot taken by the kid and starting a "personal vendetta", still not giving him any advice but continuously looking for evidence of wrong doing (even while you were offline!?!) while he was trying to play his role and do his job of flying people and equipment wasn't helpful at all. You did not want to teach the kid anything at that moment, you just stood there watching him fail, that's the truth. "Tacticool, milsim-ish" = we don't just watch friendlies fail and die, right ?

    6 make an objective, transparent, tough test, like a pilot's license, everyone takes it if wants to be certified and allowed to fly, once the pilot gets his license then all trolling and picking on must be completely stopped

    7 judging an idea based 100% on the issuer and not the content is a major lack of "professionalism and focus on improvements"


    plan B :"Kid i see you would like to fly. In this server we have strict rules about slotting and advanced flight model assets. If you want to learn i could teach you a lot at x o clock on the x of July if you desire , because the server is usually empty then"

    plan C:"Kid i see you would like to fly. In this server we have strict rules about slotting and advanced flight model assets. But i am sure, given that the server is almost empty, nobody would truly mind  a veteran taking a kid as co-pilot and teaching him something useful. Hop in as co-pilot for 10 min, but not more, because the rules must still be enforced here"


    If he refuses and still trolls, shoot him in the head, report him and perma-ban him like the worst kind of traitors deserve.


    just the little devil's advocate point of view  (overemphatic, against the tide, lacking omnibenevolence, omnisciently delusional, suicidely non dogmatic, indisputably black sheep-ish) ...


  3. I stand term-wise corrected. The common place is that the server admins keep an eye on things and catch offenders,  that is why common people call for "admins" and not "zeus-level players" for "policing" duty. But now that the contextual distinction in terms is clear to me i won't misuse it in the future. I know and appreciate that the work is voluntary as i have done it myself without any paycheck.

  4. Just now, McKillen said:

    There were no admins online and he didn't call for one. Two zeus players were the only players on so what more can we give him? You can't expect admins to be on the server all day everyday seeing everything

    not if there were 10 servers and 2 admins no, in that case you would be 110% right

  5. but to know is part of the job right, you cant just play the game and admin only what you see 100m around you right ? you can spectate, stay in zeus and continuously scan,  do admin stuff .... i have done it for 2 years i am not guessing , i know


  6. In-game name when banned: DEATH

    What message displays when you attempt to connect? You are banned permanently. Reason: "Abusive to staff."

    Why do you think you were banned? eu#3 server: 3 seconds after "leaving" the arsenal in an all white outfit i was subjected to a plethora of rude words in a rude tone by the player "shadow knight" although i had no intention of leaving the base in that outfit (i never broke any AWE rule and I never played in any outfit not having lvl5 body armor and helmet before losing all aprox 20 outfit saves in the arsenal). Inspite of his rude tone and words i responded calmly without using ANY bad words, reminding him that a helmet is not mandatory, that i am not breaking any rules and that white can be an effective camouflage near building walls, and some rocks on that map. he stepped up the rude tone and words and started making rude threats of ban and his leadership position. I said calmly that leaders are shown at the AO while fighting the enemies and that respect must be won there not by this kind of actions at the arsenal in base. His rudeness continued and later i got a ban message while playing the game , following the rules and being at the AO in a non white lvl5 body armor, playing the autorifleman role i was in, the way i have always played in the AWE servers. That is 100% what happened. Please ask him to present the full unedited recording which will prove NO (zero) bad words from my side and plenty from him and also NO "abusive to staff" anything.

    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? The "abusive to staff" reasoned ban is a blatant lie as the unedited full recording will prove. There can be no evidence to support any abuse to staff from my side as there was no abuse from my side. The recording will prove a lot of verbal abuse both in words and in tone and inappropriate behavior from his part though ...

    Which administrator banned you (if known): shadow knight

    When were you banned: 02/07/2017

  7. @Jochem

    I could use some help when/if you find the time :) as i got steam coming out of my ears on this one ...


     _excess = 10;
    _counter =0;
    while {_counter<_excess} do {
    waituntil {inputaction "pushtotalk">0};
    _counter=(_counter +1);
    hint format ["radio counter %1", _counter ];
    sleep 1;
    playsound "electricity_loop";

    _pos = getPosWorld player;
    _highestPos = [0,0,0];
    _highestHeight = 0;
    _posX = 0;
    _posY = 0;
    _startPos = (_pos getPos [_radius/2-5, 0]) getPos [_radius/2-5, -90];
    _currentPos = _startPos;
    for "_posY" from 10 to _radius step 10 do{
        for "_posX" from 10 to _radius step 10 do{
            if(getTerrainHeightASL _currentPos > _highestHeight)then{
                _highestHeight = getTerrainHeightASL _currentPos;
                _highestPos = _currentPos;
            _currentPos = _currentPos getPos [10, 90];
        _currentPos = _startPos getPos [_posY, -180];


    _grp = createGroup east;
    _snipercover =[];
    for "_i" from 1 to 10 step 1 do{
    _snipercover = createVehicle ["Land_Grave_dirt_F",_highestpos, [], 15, "none"];
    _sniper = _grp createUnit ["O_T_sniper_F", getposatl _snipercover, [], 0, "can collide"];

    _sniper setunitpos "auto";
    _sniper setcombatmode "red";
    _sniper setbehaviour "stealth";
    _sniper dowatch getpos player;
    _sniper dotarget player;
    _sniper setskill 0.9;




    counts number of "radio" transmissions and/or number of seconds as trigger (*atm i could only do  it to work for the vanilla "TAB" key PushToTalk) and once _excess (10 sec and/or transmissions) is reached gives a sound warning and spawns a sniper and some "cover" for him at a high ground, at a distance of _radius (50m but could go up to 1000m) from player.



    The plan was:

    1 find ASL player, check if near AO
    2 trigger excessive radio chatter, +/-give subtle warning to ASL
    3 find high position to spawn a sniper
    4 spawn sniper and some _snipercover at high position and make him "smart" and join the action
    5 after 5 min remove sniper if not dead and the _snipercover obj created

    6 reset radio chatter counter and make  the script loop


    1  i didn't try yet

    2 its done but only for "vanilla PushToTalk"

    3 its done / could be refined

    4 done / still needs refinement to make the sniper smarter

    5,6 i tried but did not manage to get it to work

    (*the counter hint is in there just for testing/debug)




  8. back on topic :


    _excess = 10;
    _counter =0;
    while {_counter<_excess} do {
    waituntil {inputaction "pushtotalk">0};
    _counter=(_counter +1);
    hint format ["radio counter %1", _counter ];
    sleep 1;
    playsound "electricity_loop";
    _pos = getPosWorld player;
    _highestPos = [0,0,0];
    _highestHeight = 0;
    _posX = 0;
    _posY = 0;
    _startPos = (_pos getPos [_radius/2-5, 0]) getPos [_radius/2-5, -90];
    _currentPos = _startPos;
    for "_posY" from 10 to _radius step 10 do{
        for "_posX" from 10 to _radius step 10 do{
            if(getTerrainHeightASL _currentPos > _highestHeight)then{
                _highestHeight = getTerrainHeightASL _currentPos;
                _highestPos = _currentPos;
            _currentPos = _currentPos getPos [10, 90];
        _currentPos = _startPos getPos [_posY, -180];

    _grp = createGroup east;
    _snipercover =[];
    for "_i" from 1 to 10 step 1 do{
    _snipercover = createVehicle ["Land_Grave_dirt_F",_highestpos, [], 15, "none"];
    _sniper = _grp createUnit ["O_T_sniper_F", getposatl _snipercover, [], 0, "can collide"];

    _sniper setunitpos "auto";
    _sniper setcombatmode "red";
    _sniper setbehaviour "stealth";
    _sniper dowatch getpos player;
    _sniper dotarget player;
    _sniper setskill 0.9;



    counts number of "radio" transmissions and/or number of seconds as trigger (*atm i could only do  it to work for the vanilla "TAB" key PushToTalk) and once _excess (10 sec and/or transmissions) is reached gives a sound warning and spawns a sniper and some "cover" for him at a high ground, at a distance of _radius (50m but could go up to 1000m) from player.




    The logic flow was:

    1 find ASL player, check if near AO
    2 trigger excessive radio chatter, +/-give subtle warning to ASL
    3 find high position to spawn the sniper
    4 spawn sniper at high position and make him "smart" and join the action
    5 after 5 min remove sniper if not dead and the _snipercover obj created

    6 reset radio chatter counter and make  the script loop


    1  i didn't try yet

    2 its done but only for "vanilla PushToTalk"

    3 its done / could be refined

    4 done / still needs refinement to make the sniper smarter

    5,6 i tried but did not manage to get it to work



  9. Yes, I completely agree that both Zeus and SL should work towards gaming fun as the ultimate goal (because that is why we  all play here) but should be 2 different people with 2 different jobs and tool sets in working towards that goal (like a pilot and co-pilot in an F18 if i may say so) ....my ten cents :)


    * only the mission makers and Zeus's approach to doing his job can define what the specific fun in AWE means, SL can only add to that a more subjective kind of fun given his style within the Gauntlet context. Otherwise, each of us risks to define fun for everyone = what he personally sees as fun*


    **short historical reference: they said communism is perfect because it asks from you only what you can give and gives you what you need ... the deal breaker, in reality, is that the party gets to decide what each can give and also what each needs ...*

  10. 4 hours ago, Noah_Hero said:

    And that is also what in my opinion is the main job/target of the one in charge (and which is pretty much similar to the one ZEUS has): do the mission in a way that everyone has the most possible fun.

    I disagree completely on this one and i see a major problem with this approach. In my opinion  Zeus's mission is to make it as much fun as possible for everyone while SL mission is to make sure that all players get a pie of the action and enjoy the fun Zeus and Gauntlet provides .... Combining Zeus with ASL is, in my view,  the biggest mistake leading to at least one of the 2 very important "jobs" being done wrong every time.

    (Even an ass. rifleman could provide this kind of fun by pretending he didn't spot that BMP sneaking so it surprises everyone at close range for exhilarating fun and screams but that is not the right approach imo).

    I think zeus should just zeus and enhance the mission in a fun way for everyone while ASL should just lead the troops into that fun so that the perfect positioning between a milsim and "arcade" :) gets achieved.  

  11. If you start/ stop the para auto ejection script from an ASL action menu (auto para on/off) you only use resources when needed, give each player para eject action menu only when ASL sets it on and gain alot of time from not taking a parachute from the arsenal and not having to swap backpacks at the arsenal and after landing. Plus ASL could decide a paradrop action on the fly if needed. Would be like gearing up while in the air vehicle..... If you use the safety para script you wouldn't even have to add an action menu for each player, just the on/off for the ASL...i can only test the scripts on local unfortunately.

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