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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. Welcome! There are always a couple of people who would like to do some sort of Medevac squad, just ask when you join the server, just make sure you transport players while waiting for a Medevac call
  2. I think pretty much anything "Dark" as such is restricted considering there are mostly always children playing/lurking around. You'll probably never find something that isn't offensive to someone.
  3. Teddy

    Ahoy World

    Welcome I think we've all watched about that much of LTs OPs.
  4. Teddy

    gday all

    Welcome! Enjoy your stay
  5. Any specific times? I can do any time.
  6. Title. Tried it solo and its pretty boring and slightly difficult, will probably be better with other people.
  7. Teddy

    AHOY to all

    Ahoy! i saw you on the stream the other week
  8. I will not subject myself to such games.
  9. They have two different magazines. The normal one and the "reload" tracer mag. The normal Tracer mag means every bullet is a tracer, but the reload tracer mag means the last couple of bullets is tracers, but the rest aren't.
  10. I agree. It would be nice to have this available for all classes. Would allow for more flexibility and would just be generally nice to have a marksman like rifle there for anyone. However i would take the AK-12 over the MK18 any day anyway.
  11. Not just any old pink KUMA. It has to be factory new, right?
  12. Good points. However the only people i see "Ramboing" are people in hunter HMGs *Cough* Scar *Cough* and fill em up with what you said as ridiculous amounts of rockets, kill the armour, and then mop up the infantry with the HMG.
  13. So during the apparent server update (On EU1 at least, not sure about the others) today, with the most notable change, the removal of VAS, has gotten quite a lot of people flustered. Including me as one of them. I knew this change was coming, but i didnt know when and I'm sure a lot of people were/are in the same position, and are a little bit angry that all of their load outs are gone and weren't really notified or given time to try and transfer the load outs to arsenal to at least ease their transition. Now this still has its problems has half of the things in arsenal now are restricted, which is probably the #1 that has annoyed me with this little update, i feel like my freedom to create classes has been whisked away. A lot of people have voiced their concerns on the server over a lot of this. I'll definitely be spending the next couple of days in arsenal trying to work around the countless restrictions in place now to try and sort my classes out. Another quick thing is that the stamina system is back. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but i sure hope it isn't here to stay. I think i had a lot more to say, but i have forgotten, hopefully a lot of this in taken in.
  14. Cheers Chuck and Brandenburg.
  15. As i understand, there are different ranks (ambassadors, Spartans etc.) and i understand that one is ranked above the other. Now, my question is say, if you want to become a Spartan, must you work your way up through the ranks below, or if a staff member sees fit, can just let you skip past a rank. I think this is a silly/obvious question, but i'm unsure how strict the staff are with ranks and how they deal with it. Thanks.
  16. In-game name when banned: IOnceWasATeddy Why do you think you were banned? It says for Teamkilling, however in my eyes, and probably 5 others peoples eyes, they would completely DISAGREE. Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? Because I'm completely innocent, two people, under the user as MIKE and JOSEPH, were teamkilling, so i and half the server call for an admin, which for about 1-2 hours DOES NOT turn up, so me, and a couple of other people take it up on ourselves to TK them to STOP them from RUINING the rest of the servers game. Then when the admin eventually does turn up, we tell him the problem then goes silent for 10 minutes, and then JOSEPH and MIKE and back at their little shenanigans. Then i kill one of them again because he's suspected to do something dangerous, and i get banned. Yippee, i realise TKing is against the rules, even TKing back TKers is against the rules, but when an admin doesn't turn up for 2 hours, gotta do what you gotta do. This is the ONLY server I've played on since I've got this game, and I've been part of this community for a while now and i know for a fact some of the regulars in the game know me and that I'm not a troublemaker. Which administrator banned you (if known): Initails as MK When were you banned: 03/06/2016 2:25am GMT (roughly)
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