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Everything posted by Numbnuts

  1. Numbnuts


    sozio now with added miniguns Khe Sanh Vietnam
  2. Numbnuts


    Players pay respect to a broken mission (jokes aside the mission was pretty good)
  3. Numbnuts


    out of ammo and running low on voice cracks Benjamin Levine attempts to intimidate a bmp with the power of levitation
  4. Numbnuts

    Super FOB

    I don't know what you are talking about it is completely balanced maybe a fix to the ACE glitch that lets you build trenches instantly would make them more balanced
  5. Numbnuts

    Super FOB

    You cant even see the downstairs I blocked all the doors
  6. Numbnuts

    Super FOB

    Enemy forces were repelled by the immense power of my fortress
  7. Numbnuts

    GAZ aerodynamics

    A astronaut parks a little over the lines before embarking on his short lived moon mission
  8. Numbnuts

    And down we go

    The gaz flipped and lost 2 wheels the gunner and driver were wounded but made it back to base
  9. Numbnuts


    AWE safari tour directed by Ryko we were surprised when we found veteran level AI
  10. Numbnuts


    A marksman attempts to navigate the Arsenal.
  11. People stopped using it and some people claim it is Broken on EU3 whilst it works fine for others. it only started working for me today after at least a month of it not working.
  12. First found It working on EU3 but I tested it on virtual arsenal and it works. after a another quick test i could not put the ahoy logo on in VR
  13. This is going to be a quick guide on how to get the AW tags and logo 1) Step one follow the old tutorials apply for member get the xml address put that in your profile and get your user id added to the XML 2) step 2 open arma3sync select profiles then select the non default one for me it is Numbnuts then click start game not sure why this works but it did for me.
  14. Eu 1 2 and 4 just can't compete with 3 they are just too casual like eu 3 you fear the enemy because the AI is often better than a player.
  15. Yeah there is a cache in security that you can clear I can't see how that would solve problems unless you are running out of space or something. Also I have just ordered new PC parts so I should be back to trash talking Duffy on ts soon.
  16. So sad my PC is out of action right now can't wait to watch the steam.
  17. The only time you will see a convoy in use is if there is someone acting as commander or some sort of event eu1/2 are practically arcade shooters even eu4 doesn't use convoy's due to the travel time and the fact that a convoy battle group is as effective sometimes less effective than a heli born battle group.
  18. I'm going to guess you are referring to eu 1/2 convoys are rarely used because eu1/2 are pretty casual and it is faster to just fly the squads into the ao with a heli if you want convoy's and medievac Eu 3 is the place.
  19. Marksmen have been using night optics as far back as Vietnam but u can understand removing them for balance the best way to get around this is to look around with the gen4 nvgs then when you find the enemy switch between nvgs and your marks optic until he stops moving then take him out it is a tactic used by a marksman who ran out of anmo on his m14 in Vietnam to find the target with his night optic then kill it with an m16.
  20. Teamspeak needs a tampon isn't an error code so we can't diagnose the problem and fixing a problem that we can't find is impossible if it is a server problem there will be evidence of that in your client log.
  21. Can't do much without more info inside your ts client there is an option to open a log (can't remember what it is exactly called) but screenshots of any errors will help massively. Would help more if I could but my PC is dead right now so I'm posting this with my phone.
  22. A grey arsenal slot means that something in that class is not available it might be that something in the vas is not on the arsenal try making a class from the ground up on the arsenal and the weapon config error is beyond me I don't understand that stuff. After a quick but of research the weapon.cfg is a common error it is just a result of using scripts and it seems to have no effect on client stability lots of people tend to get it.
  23. its the latest update the shacktac plugin/server should get an update that disables this will take time tho. like all updates bohemia interactive releases it brings plenty of bugs.
  24. If i catch the start i can post a skinny if that is wanted.
  25. Thats great i was freaking out looking for bt updates if you want to test this theory change your avatar to lets say an apple then disconnect from the TS then rejoin and nobody should be able to see the apple
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