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Posts posted by Arkod

  1. After re-reading Giddy's post, this is what is wanted:


    [...] minimal mods on EU 1/2 maps and missions.[...]


    [...] The mods we were thinking of using would be a Weapon's pack, Weapon Attachment pack, Uniform pack, Some form of a vehicle pack and less intrusive form of acre 2.[...]


    That's essentially EU3 modset without extra maps and no ACE. Yes, maps are a big part of the current modpack size - actually about half of it -, but they add a needed variety. Without extra maps, the only real alternative is Altis, which is a great map, but playing it 24/7 gets repetitive.


    So, the request here can be resumed as "EU3 modset without extra maps", right?

  2. I would say that its ACE and ACRE that probably intimidate more users to come towards EU3 than anything,


    I was fortunate that the first time I went on, a couple of the players on there showed me the basics of ACE without treating me like an idiot.


    As you've said, we don't want to drive the community apart, and some of the guys I play with are a little bit unsure of what effect ACE and ACRE will have on their gaming, so this sort of thing is something I would take part in.


    I definetely agree that those 2 mods are the most intimidating ones, but at the same time they are the core of EU3, everything else is just flavour stuff - uniforms, weapons, vehicles, maps... That's why a gamenight with ACE and ACRE should help people the most.

  3. I don't think that making another -lighter- modset will help. Other than some technical stuff (actual server, mission/s, more admins?) it probably will divide the community even more. Right now AW has 2 player bases: those who play on EU1/2 and those who play on EU3. Ocasionally players jump between the two, but generally speaking there are "core" players for each modset.


    If you open another server with a middle-ground modset, it may create another sub-community, and from general experience, dividing a community like that is never a good idea. It potentially could create more problems than solve. 


    On top of all of that, openining another server may bleed players from EU3, which already is suffering from low amount of players on average compared to 1/2. I would prefer if AW focused on promoting EU3 instead of opening new servers. 


    I have a feeling that players are "intimidated" by EU3 and they can't just hop and play to try it because they have to download 20+GB of mods.


    A gamenight with just ACE and ACRE is a really good idea that would show players the basics of EU3 without downloading much. 



  4. Honesty the main issue with the pilots isn't the slotting when there isn't enough ground forces etc, the main issue and anyone whose played ASL/PltCo could agree that we are constantly nagged for CAS which is specified against the rules!

    We will call it when we need it!


    I think the issue is that there isn't enough armored enemy vehicles AND at the same time we have too many ways of dealing with them - MAT/HAT/CAS and each FT usually has 1-3 AT4; and 1 decent AT4 shot is enough to disable an MBT.


    In my opinion attack helicopters like Apache should not even be present for normal gauntlet. Missions aren't challenging enough to use them. On the other hand, CAS littlebird is a versatile asset that could be used for CAS, Recon and limited transport - I believe there's a variant that lets people sit on the sides, on top of rockets/miniguns. Littlebirds HE rockets can be used to limit mobility of armored targets - allowing easier shots for MAT/HAT.

  5. If the goal is realism, then why not remove Command Channel and use Direct for map marking? (It should work, right?) When planning, leadership already does it grouped together, so direct would be the same as Command for that, but you won't be able to place "magical" markers in the middle of a mission unless you're close together.


    Main issue with going for proper realism on EU3 is that it's still a public server. It is quite hard to limit what random people will do there - that's why every day there's talk about what guns are available for each class, what scopes to use, uniforms, etc. In my opinion it's also a reason why Leading is harder than it should be - some players just don't listen. That's why we have CAS engaging too much or MAT pushing in front of Infantry with their GMG humvee and annihilating most enemy infantry AND armor... (there should be a different discussion about allowing MAT/HAT to use armed humvees)


    Going back to side chat topic - someone (probably admins) needs to decide what's more important for EU3: realism (side disabled) or convinience (side enabled).

  6. I just wanted to stop by and tell thank you to Pixel for organizing gamenights. I've only been part of 1 or 2, but really enjoyed them.


    As for improving, I think 2 things are essential to achieve a better immersion:


    1) 1st person only. This video from Dslyecxi explains it quite well:

    EDIT: Not sure if it's possible to make the video smaller on forums...



    2) No RTB after AO. Doing missions without going to base feels more fluid, interesting and opens new needs such as Logi support for ammo and FOB positions, especially after an AO has been cleared and you need to group to plan the next one.


    Respawn/Reinforcement can be adjusted to the mission and/or amount of players.

  7. I always wanted to see something else other than Mission-RTB-Mission... 


    How would re-deploying work after death? I would suggest that heli pilot has to wait until X (6+?) amount of players are back at base. That way you don't have a constant stream of freshly spawned people with full ammo coming into AO, instead you'll get "waves" of reinforcements.


    People using different type of ammo should not be a problem. Just make it clear that the standard ammo is 5.56, but if someone wants to use anything else it's their problem. Also, if someone is concerned about not having enough ammo, they can get a backpack and fill it, but they'll have to deal with all extra weight or lack special items such as extra ammo for AT/AR.


    I'd like to participate in this kind of gameplay. Any way I can know when it's going to happen?

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