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Posts posted by Buglet

  1. Hello everyone, my name is Buglet, and in the hope of enhancing squad-based gameplay here on EU 1 & 2 I'm creating a guide on character loadouts, as well as giving information on how to use the equipment, and how each role is best optimized.








    Just like in the real military, ArmA 3 allows us to play in squads. A squad is a group of soldiers (typically 4-10 units) who work and stay together in order to complete a set of defined goals. In a squad, every unit will have a different "role" to fulfill, and it's the unit's equipment that allows them to fulfill that role to the best of their ability. When everyone in a squad fulfills their role to a high enough standard, it is a common occurance for the squad as a whole to preform well.


    In a squad, communication is key. Although each unit has a specified role it is often the case that units must collaborate and merge their skills (e.g: a squad medic cannot preform well unless supported with cover by his squad members). Each member of the squad should be able and ready to follow simple commands ("Move there", "lay down covering fire", "engage that enemy", etc...). Without this level of basic communication, the squad will fall apart.


    Let's get to the details!




    Squad Formation


    Squad formation is all about hierarchy. Orders must be given, and without someone to give those orders they'll never get done. That's why we have squad formation. I'll try and make this quick.


    Here are the components of a squad:


    • Squad Leader
    • Team Leader
    • Autorifleman
    • Asst. Autorifleman (x2)
    • Rifleman AT
    • Combat Lifesaver
    • Marksman
    • Ammo Bearer

    And here is the structure:


    • Squad Leader - SL
      • Team Leader - TL
        • Rifleman AT - AT 
        • Asst. Autorifleman - ASST. AR 1
        • Ammo Bearer - AB
      • Autorifleman - AR
        • Asst. AUtorifleman - ASST. AR 2
        • Marksman - Mks. M
        • Combat Lifesaver - MEDIC

    None of this is set in stone. The squad formation is at the jurisdiction of the squad-leader; he can change roles, change the hierarchy, etc... You'll notice that the squad isn't led by only 1 person - in-fact, three members of this squad are in leadership positions. This is so that commands can be simplified. It's much easier for the Squad Leader to command two people (Team Leader & Autorifleman) who then command their troops, than for the Squad Leader to command eight people directly.


    If you are a Squad Leader remember this. You DO NOT have to command everyone - pass the command down, and it'll get done. (Example: SL can say to TL that he wants a compound cleared. TL then commands his 3 guys on what exactly to do. Saves a lot of time and effort for the SL who probably has other stuff to do).






    Ah, the loadout. Like I said, every member of the squad has a job and its their equipment that allows them to do that job. I'll try to make this brief too (may add pictures soon!)


    ALL MEMBERS OF SQUAD should have a Map, Compass, Radio, Watch, Binoculars, a few Smoke Grenades, RGO Grenades, a small backpack (unless stated otherwise), appropriate clothing for mission, and (if needed) NVG's.


    • Squad Leader: When it comes to equipment, a squad leader has little specialized stuff. I would recommend a GPS as it allows awareness of immediate terrain without having to commit to opening the map. An IR laser on his gun is a must, as well as range finders. The Squad Leader should not carry any heavy explosives or weaponry - in-fact, a Squad Leader is perhaps the member of the squad with the least firepower. That's okay, though, because quite often the Squad Leader travels near the back of the group! A good sight (ARCO) is always helpful too.
    • Team Leader: Not dissimilar to the Squad Leader. Would also suggest a GPS and perhaps an underbarrel Grenade Launcher on their weapon. Not essential!
    • Autorifleman: This role merges leadership with firepower. Obviously, some sort of LMG is a must. Don't be tempted to carry a lot of ammo - you've got the Ammo Bearer! Again, IR Laser on the LMG is a good thing!
    • Asst. Autorifleman: A simple Autorifleman. Would perhaps carry a little less ammo than their counterpart.
    • Rifleman [AT]: This role is always subject to change - there are multiple launchers with multiple uses - Anti-Tank, Anti-Air, guided, unguided, etc... the details of this role are to be decieded by the commanding roles depending on the mission at hand, however it is essential that this unit carries some kind of launcher. Even if you don't think it'll be needed, it's safeer to go with than without!
    • Ammo Bearer: Better get that Carryall Backpack! This unit should not be carrying much ammo for himself, but rather ammo for other people! That means LMG mags, rockets for AT, more First Aid Kits, and so on... The precise contents of this pack always change - if you're expecting A LOT of enemy infantry, but limited enemy air support, it's probably not a good idea to fill up with AA rockets... etc... Have common sense!
    • Marksman: This class is specifically for longer-ranged engagements. I'd suggest a slightly higher-caliber weapon with a longer barrel (Mk 18?) with a more precise optic set. Also, one tip is to travel light! This unit should be able to move freely and swiftly around the battlefield in order to deliver precise, longer-ranged engagement. While the rest of the squad is effective up to about 400m, this unit is effective at over 700m! It makes a difference!
    • Combat Lifesaver: One misconception is that this unit is explicitly a walking First Aid Kit - alternatively, some people forget that their role is to heal people. It's a difficult balance. In a perfect scenario, this unit will never have to stop being a normal, everyday rifleman. However, when another unit suffers a casualty, it is up to this unit to fix them! You'll want a lot of First Aid Kits and a Medkit, as well as a lightweight gun for simple engagements a personal protection. One tip: stock up on those smoke grenades! They're VERY useful.


    All this is merely my own recommendation for a working squad. Feel free to make changes to any unit's equipment, but be careful not to hinder their performance as their role while doing so!




    Final Tips


    • Covering fire is useful. If a medic needs to get somewhere, smoke grenades are a good idea, but so is making a lot of noise. If the enemy is shooting at you, they're not shooting the medic - simple.
    • USE COVER! AI squads in ArmA don't do this much. They like to go prone and stay there. Use rocks and trees and walls and objects to conceal and protect yourself.
    • If you want to question a command, do it quickly. The Squad Leader and Team Leader are people too, and sometimes make mistakes. If they give you a command you disagree with, don't have a go at them. Just say: May I suggest we do [this] instead? It would be safer/quicker/more fun, etc...
    • Know where your squad is and what they're doing. I can't explain this in any better way than to give an example. Once, a squad I was in was having a bit of difficulty. A few of us couldn't spot the targets we were supposed to be shooting. Due to what can only be a lack of communication, we were in-fact looking in the wrong direction, and had been doing so for a few minutes already. Keeping good communication so that you're always aware of your squad's activity is ESSENTIAL!


    And that's it! Enjoy!


    Will be adding more in future!


    sorry for using Comic Sans



  2. I'm not very well educated when it comes to how ArmA missions work, but I know that in ArmA 2 it was possible to make it so that the server restarts the mission automatically at fixed times (I've seen it done in Altis Life too)

    Is it possible to do this on I&A? That way, we won't need to wait for an admin to restart the server when it bugs out/gets hacked. Also, it allows a nice switch around of the roles. It seems unfair just how first-come first-serve the slots are (I've seen pilots and snipers hog their slot for in excess of 12 hours...) it would give other people a chance to try out new roles!

    Just a neat idea. You could make it so that the server restarts 4 times a day? Every six hours..

    Please tell me if this isn't possible. If it is then I see no reason why it shouldn't be implemented! Keeps the server clean and provides diversity in the slot occupations!

  3. I like the idea, and frankly it would make it so much more realistic.

    One issue to consider is that it may have a negative effect on server speed, especially at peak times... 60 players + AI enemies (lots of those) and then + AI cigs, with their own set of behaviour coding, plus all the code that dictates what happens when they're killed/interacted with? It would require a lot of work, and may have some horrible repercussions.

    But the theory is amazing, and I would love this to be implemented.


  4. You're quite right. But it does. If you can't bare the problem with people being solo on EU1 play EU3 where team play is a must.  


    And the problem of people going solo and not playing there roles will ALWAYS be there. Admins can only sit for so long kicking people for not playing there roles but after all they don't have 24hours in a day to waste on it.


    I agree it is an issue but sadly it's not easily fixed. 


    Oh and the EU3 thing is a joke which i'm sure Adshield understands. But thankyou for sharing your concern with my comment.

    I respect that this community let's admins play - on an old server I played on, admins were expected to do nothing but administrate. It was quite dull, and they didn't get very far because no one wanted to be an admin!

    Honestly, my answer is usually to just fix the problem myself. If the medics are bad, I'll play a medic; if pilots aren't doing their job, I'll play a pilot. It solves a lot of problems, and when you decide to play well people will follow suit - it really does pay off to lead by example (I will cherish the day when video game players realise that sitting and raging never fixes a damn thing). It's simple psychology, if a bunch of bad medics see you playing as a good medic, they'll see it and think "damn that guys good and he looks like he's having fun. Maybe I should put down the rocket launcher and LMG!"

  5. Eu3.

    Not to put you down, but simply suggesting he move to another server is extremely counter-intuitive. It doesn't solve anything at all.

    As for your issue, Adshield, I can fully relate. I do, on occasion, come across some very good medics, and they play properly - use smokes, use the dragging feature, travel at the back... They know what they're doing.

    Sadly, on EU 1/2, those medic slots are first come first serve, and unless admins are notified not much is going to happen about all these Lone Ranger medics. This is a problem, because I tend to go on the server at times when no admin is in sight!

  6. The ArmA community amazes me with their talk about how much better they think they are than typical FPS players. That being said, I have noticed that most of the players in the community are really the same as the ones they criticise.. lazy, impatient, and greedy.

    It happens. But please. Don't take me wrong. A good number of my close friends I've met playing arma and they're all incredible people.

    I find comfort in the fact that every game will have good and bad players, every government good and bad politicians, every school nice people and bullies, every shop fast and slow checkout workers... Just the way the world is.

  7. I've encountered every one of these problems at least once while being a pilot.

    A lot of people overlook the diversity of how you can play in ArmA - you don't need to be on a hill. Why not try something different, like sneaking around a valley so you can attack the AO with surprise at close range? Often I get some passengers in my chopper and one of them says "I marked an LZ" so I check my map. What do I see? 5 points all around the AO, all marked identically as "LZ", all on a hilltop within 500 metres of AO epicentre. I'm always inclined to kindly tell them that I have my own plan that is much safer.

    Also experienced pilots don't like landing on hilltops. Not just because it's dangerous, but it's also damn repetitive! If I'm in an MH-9 I don't want to just hover in over a hilltop and drop it down, I want to be sweeping through low valleys and drift the chopper into a concealed place. Asking me to land on some exposed flat surface high up is just altogether RISKY and BORING. Why play as a pilot if you're just flying back and forth in a straight line, with a high chance of getting shot every time?

    And yes, a lot of other pilots are impatient. Once, I was waiting on the helipad next to spawn, and another heli comes back from the objective with a very impatient pilot. He was so desperate to get passengers that he attempted to land on the helipad next to me, destroying both choppers in the process. Is it with it? Delaying all the players for so long just because you didn't want to wait your turn? Really frustrating.

    Transport pilots like to have fun too. I appreciate that every minute that ground troops spend getting ferried between places is a minute that they aren't doing anything, but you need to let pilots have their fun also. I'm sure I can speak for a majority of pilots when I say that we LIKE to try new landing areas, we LIKE to test our own limits with some terrain-hugging flying, and we LIKE to not be crashed into when waitngi for passengers. And most of all, we like to be in control of our own vehicles, and very often, typing in caps "JUST LAND US ON THE HILL I MARKED" is not only a redundant waste of your energy and time, but also very frustrating for the pilot.

    Sorry for the long post, but I can relate.


  8. Thanks for all the replies guys. Seems like I'm the only one getting this problem! I'll see if I can get some footage of this happening if it occurs again.

    Like I've said, I'm just as confused by this as it appears a lot of other people are. There is every possibility that I'm wrong!

    Thanks again for all the help

  9. Okay guys. Could everyone who is interested in taking part in the development of this trailer please drop me a personal message. Don't hesitate to inform other people about this, too, so that as many people as possible know that this is something that anyone can take part in!

    Once I have a nice list of everyone who wants to take part, I'll send out a 'script' screenplay sort of thing, that way the voice actors can get to work making some samples and people who'll be staring in the trailer can begin planning the events.

    The trailer will be composed of both cinematic clips and videos from both EU 1 and EU 3. My aim for this trailer, in short, is to show not only how thrilling playing on the servers can be, but also to show how essential the strong community and teamwork is to the game. The trailer should last no longer than 4 minutes, (that figure doesn't include credits and disclaimers). I think that, if everything goes smoothly, we'll be able to have a recording session planned for MARCH 7TH 2015 - perhaps spilling over on to the 8th if need be. If your interested in taking part, it would be worth making sure you have a few hours spare on both of those days (not sure about times, but will probably be somewhere between 12PM - 9PM GMT). All of this is subject to change.

    I have great aspiration for this trailer and have already written down some killer ideas for some short scenes. If everyone who wants to participate can let me know by MARCH 1ST that would be great, that way I can send out a script by MARCH 3RD.

    Please bare in mind, there is every chance that this could take a few weeks longer than planned here. All dates put in this post are VERY temperamental. But, with that said, there is no reason we can't have a trailer published by MARCH 14TH with everyone's enthusiasm and cooperation.

    Thanks again guys. Let's make this a trailer that will go down in history.

    EDIT: added timezone info

  10. First you are talking about:


    Now, couple of things I find strange about this:

    - You seem to be the only person with this problem

    - Danne has claimed that this rarely happens when he is online

    - Why are you flying within locking range over an AO?

    - Are you being shot at by small-arms or AA missiles? Your two statements seem to kinda counter eachother.

    - I have never, ever seen you online on TS3 or Arma (as Buglet atleast)..?

    - If it is happening and you don't get any response, why do you not notify an admin if you know both how to use side channel and Ts3 anyways?

    - I get shot at by both small arms and AA

    - I don't report to an admin because the issue is not something that needs immediate attention, at least to me. I have never actually been shot down. I just get targeted/shot at

    - often enemy jets are within locking range of AO, thus I also must be to provide effective AA at the AO

    - I have only recently started playing under the name of Buglet (literally last couple of days)

    As I said, I am as clueless as you are by this. I don't want to come here and say there is a problem with the whole server that demands attention, I am merely reporting an issue that I, along with some of my friends and other pilots I've seen, are having. Next time I'm online I would be happy to gather some footage of me being mistaken for an enemy jet.

  11. Hello everyone!

    Amongst other things, I have an interest in video editing, and I am always interested in creating trailers for games and communities such as this. It is because of this interest that I am embarking on an objective as follows:

    Objective: Make Trailer

    Area of Operations: my computer (and fridge, if I get hungry)

    Aims: to create an awesome trailer for AhoyWorld Invade & Annex so that outsiders can see what they're missing

    Intel: Invade & Annex is awesome, therefore, this trailer must be awesome

    In all seriousness, I have asked Mattadee to collaborate with me in making this. I aim to spend a few weeks on it, perhaps more. This time will include planning, playing the game, gathering footage, editing, playing the game some more, perhaps playing some more, and then uploading.

    Firstly, I would love ideas. I already have a good idea of how I want the trailer to be, however if anyone has some suggestions I'd be happy to talk to you guys about them.

    Secondly, I'd love a voice actor or two. I need someone who has a good mic, and who can do a real nasty, gruff soldier voice. You'll probably be asked to say something like "buckle up soldier", "mortar incoming!", "honey, I'm home!", or "ooh that dress SO suits you!". If you think that's you, drop me a message and perhaps we can hash out a deal!

    I hope I can make this awesome, and I'll keep you all updated here!


  12. Being an admin that has been on EU #1 more or less daily lately, I can't recall a single time this has happened while I've been on.

    There are several possibilities here

    1. I have a really bad memory

    2. Pilots haven't been too vocal about it when it has happened (I do try to follow up on all team kills I see though)

    3. I'm totally clueless about what is going on on the server

    4. This is probably not really a big issue

    Could someone else provide another view of this?

    Anything constructive messedupsmiley?I forgot one

    5. This happens, but not while I'm on the server.

    Not sure what to say to that, as it affects me very often. Almost every time I fly over the objective in the buzzard. I'm almost certain that it isn't my fault as I always make sure to let people know, both over side chat and in teamspeak, that there will be a friendly buzzard over the AO - even more so, sometimes people acknowledge what I've said, putting an 'ok Harry! good luck' into side chat or something. Yet I still get shot at - and again, I'm certain that it's by team mates, as it happens even when I'm flying over an already-completed objective to give the people waiting on the ground a wave.

    Perhaps it's just me - maybe I'm simply a terrible pilot and people are shooting at me as a way of telling me to get out that damn plane... But it happens.

  13. Hey guys,

    So, I tend to fly quite a lot in EU 1 or 2, and whenever I get the chance I hop into the Buzzard AA. Recently I've been noticing a problem.

    When I, or any other pilot on Bluefor flies the buzzard, a lot of people mistake us for an enemy jet, as we look identical to the opfor jets. When flying at 300m+ it's no surprise that those on the ground who look up instantly think we're enemy. Quite often. I find myself being shot at and locked on to by FRIENDLY troops who think I'm an enemy. Occasionally, even after saying repeatedly in side that there is a friendly jet in AO, I still see friendly troops shooting at me (I have PID'd people shooting at me as friendly a number of times).

    I've even been on teamspeak and heard everyone in the channel say 'WE'VE GOT AN ENEMY JET IN AO!' when I fly over, and I'm forced to correct them before people start aiming titans my way.

    The only fix I can suggest is give either bluefor or opfor a different jet, however I realise that this is easier said than done considering the differences in the jets in arma.

    Just wanted to report this problem that I've been having


    EDIT: what I meant to say was that the enemy jets LOOK like the buzzards ... Similar wings, sound, etc...

  14. Hey guys!

    My name is Harry, however I tend to go by the alias of Buglet (long story...). I've actually known AW since I got ArmA 3 back in its early beta stages, and some of you might known me from the teamspeak (Old Greg is usually my name there). I've decided to finally make an account.

    I look forwards to teaming up with all of you, on minecraft as well as ArmA, and I hope you all have a good day!


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