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Everything posted by LEO

  1. during this session we maniged to capture a POW. we shud make pows in to a grate sorce of intel if they are returned to base. also make it so blue for looses carma if they execute a pow in handcofs also used 2 M112 demo blocks on a cashe it did not blow the cashe
  2. LEO

    Hello All!

    welcome lucas it's random for eu3 /AWE it usually starts up at 17.00 cest and usually ends at 23.00 also note that today there is MSO which will take almost all of the players from eu3 if you need asistance with the mso or the eu3 repo please contact me in team speak and i wil try to assist you. (if i am unable to i wil try to get some one that knows what the issue is)
  3. i sugest that rifleman 12 is replaced with a engineer. also one issue i had during this runn whas that green team (3-6) do not have a dedicated TL .(this part reffers to this evening) with the current work load of the enginer adding the team leader role ontop of that made my job rather hectic + that i bearly had time to take care of my team in between saving you from steping on tripwiers and taking care of my self. so if you can make it so either the squad leader has slot 3-6 as a personal escort and dont seperate them from him self. and then use team ( 7-12 ) as a exstention of him self. that wuld be the optimal setup in my opinion at this point the current squad setup is not suted for this kinds of operations in my opinion i whuld rather have a 8 man setup per squad/team 1) Squad Leader BT1 2) Medic BT1 3) Autorifleman BT2 4) Rifleman /assitant BT2 5) Engineer BT3 6) Rifleman LAT BT3 7) Marksman BT4 8) Grenadier BT4 eny ways stil a solid game mode
  4. my sugestion as always is to have minimum of 2 enginers or eod experts per squad to lighten the work load of the current only 1 enginer also is there a way to have somthing to give you information on threat level on the ground ( wen it comes to how often exblosives are placed of if the locals hate us)
  5. i have done some testing on this mod and i realize that it needs some serious re work for it to actually be playable and funn
  6. i like this idea.but i think players should be educated before it's added to the game. also instead of having a dirty bomb mission have a mission where terrorists are planning to release nerve agenst in to a town and the players mission is to disarm the realese mecanism and then bring it back to base for safe disposal
  7. i had a incedent where 1 enemy was invicebol and that after we GL,ed his pos to death i where only able to see his rifle after he died ( the way i tracked him down was to see the dust fly up from his shooting ) it might be a error with the unform pack or some uniforms that are unavalebol might be on the ai edit i sent lindi a copy of my mods
  8. lytium and it looks like some sort of local milita
  9. mean wile me and sony just arived 1 sec after you guys flew off and thot that we where to late for the flight
  10. side note this was taken a few days after the repochange so its some what old
  11. LEO

    fastroaping done right

    the attack on black mesa
  12. he was behind some trees so mat was unable to see him so i went down there to recon the pos
  13. mine if i add this here? the reason for the real world ban on clustermunitions is that that the (bomblets) had a nasty habit of malfuntioning becoming landmines due to prodoctuion defects (or intended altering of the munitions) and that the cluster munitions was not always maped properly. Witch made them a B*** to remove, also the constant threat of the munitions randomly exbloding in your face it just adds to the funn factor. (not realy) and in some cases the cluster boms where mistaken for aid packs WARNING real life photo of what undetonated cluster munitions can do (strongly advice to be over 16 to see )
  14. version. unable to find out we have a new variant of the bug that makes slots un usebol after players dc the player that ocupied this slot was skulcollector http://imgur.com/a/BAfCa Edit by Skull: Interesting to note is that I had timed out when this happened. Observed this with other players who lost connection in previous versions as well.
  15. photos for last evenings operation photos taken by vlk http://imgur.com/a/JZ1DU
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