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Posts posted by Skullywag

  1. Damn I wish I could play this right now, sounds awesome. And those chairs...


    How's the noise in base now? Are the helipads still moved back a little?


    A sniper team wiped you out huh Skully... I think you may have benefited from a certain member of Bravo's skills in that situation ! Back in just over a week fella ;)

    Heli pads are still pretty close unfortunately.

    Snipers are a major threat in this version 1 round near you can wipe out most of your squad if spaced badly. A new spacing technique has been proving successful in bravo. It involves me shouting "get the **** away from me!...I dont wanna die."

  2. I was on when a seemingly large exodus happened. Around 15 players disconnected at the exact same time. There was no losing connection message and around 5 of them were steam ticket failures. I do not however seem to suffer from any issues logging in or staying on, ill keep an eye out for any issues I have.

  3. Some more escapades from BRAVO squad:


    Getting ready to head out:




    Antony-J and Poonikins show off their formation flying:




    Couldnt get any of it happening, but some serious MOUT happened here:








    Pooninkins Y U NEKKED?:




    Ive also got a gif I need to make showing off some dancing, hope it comes out ok, ill upload it tomorrow if i can.

  4. Neither the revive or squad manager are new to AW I&A.


    Arguably more popular, but as Raz said the author of the Squad Manager has allegedly said he doesn't want others to use it. That has to be respected.


    I'll see if I can contact Xeno and ask him nicely ;)

    err i never said the type of mods were new but these individual mods are. BTC was removed due to major bugs/flaws, This isnt BTC revive in this version its R3F or a derivative, hence me using "new revive script".


    Also there is no allegedly about it, he has told people to not use it and yes as much as I agree his wish should be respected, im a firm believer in open source especially in terms of game modding so I dont agree with his choice in the slightest. But this is getting off topic now just wanted to make my point.

  5. the squad management system will have to be changed again. that can't stay for legal reasons



    This one was a good mix of the 2 that came previously but also had its flaws, the main one being that even if i had a squad setup and locked it someone could still join if they pick a squad position from the class select screen in my "squad". Still waiting for that perfect squad manager, Xenos was the closest so far just needed a better UI tbh,

  6. I never even considered upstairs, I stand corrected. Also wanted to add something I forgot last night. The new revive is really nice as is the squad manager, is this a custom squad manager or a mod freely available?

  7. Just thought id stop by after a session on EU1 to say that this new version is a bloody good improvement over past versions...thankyou to all who worked on it, enemy sniper teams are actually snipers now and need to be prioritised and treated as major threats (bravo experienced a squad wipe due to not being able to spot the sneaky bugger), which I love. The EI seems to react better to being shot and dont just stand there, the new side missions are a nice change of pace and means that squads that are playing as squads have a chance to do an engagement on their terms and have less chance of it being ruined by a lonewolf. And finally whatever optimizations you did have worked as my frames have improved slightly which is always nice.


    I do however have one complaint......


    you promised me chairs......:P

  8. Regarding the squad system, it's the only one we have left to choose from. If you wish i can remove it,

    Xeno has thrown his toys out of the pram, well actually he's scooping them back up and hiding them in his pram! He's said he'll take anybody that uses his squad UI to court because that is his intellectual property. Also if i said i didn't want somebody to use my stuff i would hope they respect my wishes.


    Find me/Create a new squad system and you may have it.

    It is NOT allowed to throw out even one error.


    Disabling the copilot seat is a tricky game and I'm not sure it's worth it when weighing up pro vs con


    Explosive experts are the only people that can blow up the tower as far as i know? Jester added that nugget in although now you mention it I'm not sure if it made this release.


    If you want tables and chairs then by god you shall HAVE tables and chairs!! :)


    See, this, this is the info i was missing. I was not aware of the drama surrounding the groups script.


    On the Co-pilot thing you would know better than I, so I bow to your experience on this one.


    Anyone can currently blow stuff even if they have no explosives or are not an explosive expert (I know the carrying explosive would be almost impossible to check for so by role is fine) so if its gonna come in next release then yay.


    Chairs! by god i do want! also YAY!


    On the groups script front, I am a software developer by trade and I am a bit surprised at myself for not getting into Arma modding sooner, no other game has escaped my tinkerings so im not sure why Arma has, perhaps I just enjoy playing too much that I dont need to go that extra step.....maybe this is the time....

  9. I personally believe the mods and all that stuff are secondary to having a place where "like minded" players can get together to play even the current I&A version. At the moment server 1 is ruined by everytime a squad gets together any planning you do is pointless as someone comes with you or halos in and breaks the first rule of BRAVO, Big Rockets At Vehicles Only, launching their rpgs into squads of EI and alerting everyone to our presence and therefore turning the engagement into a duck shoot.


    So im no too bothered on the mods front, id prefer (for now) to keep the current ones and maybe add some others that are proven to be of a certain quality. I dont just want ALL the guns off the bat only to find half of them not used/needed. Quality over quantity and all that.


    So the idea as Antony stated has been batted around in BRAVO and even put to some of the admins already who seemed to me to believe it a good idea. So i vote yes to the usage of server 2 in a better way but not necessarily in the way proposed in this thread.....so yes....maybe...

  10. I have been playing on EU1 for a while now and have experienced both the newer version and the older (revive script) version of I&A and have some suggestions, im partially well known for creating "bravo squad" on the server and we usually have some decent conversation that obviously sometimes involves I&A, this is some of the feedback ive collated over the last month or so:


    1: Anyone being able to plant C4 on radiotowers/sideobj diminishes the explosive expert role.


    Suggestion: Make the exp expert the only role able to do this, it will promote squad play as he will need to be protected while he plants etc.


    Problems: What if no one is an exp expert on the server?


    Partial solution: give the ability to squad leads as well, if the squad lead cannot delegate to his exp expert he takes on the role himself. The main issue is still there but if there are no squad leads or exp experts on then someone will have to back out and be one of those roles.


    2: Bring back the old squad manager and not the IPAD thingy.


    Suggestion: The problem here isnt with the UI, its the lack of control, in the old version you could create a squad and accept deny requests plus allow your members to recruit etc...the new version has 4 squads and any number can join each. This is an issue that I have personally experienced, in that I create "bravo squad" and get my regulars in there, the server see us having a good time and working together and about an hour later I have 25 guys under my command...and the 3 other squads are empty.


    3: copilot seats....


    Suggestion: disable it as per a post on: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11987, now im not an arma dev so no idea if this is feasible in terms of I&A, but If it is I feel this will give some stability and be less frustrating to players as currently I hear "get out of the copilot seat" about 50 times a day and see people dying due to chopper breakage quite a lot also.


    Problems: pilot gets killed near AO, chopper lands but doesnt explode, sometimes a player would jump in copilot and return it to heli spawn. I dont have a solution to this bar ground pounders blow the chopper but then they need to have explosives of some kind...however currently, blowing the chopper seems to be the done thing anyway.


    4: Can we get briefing tables/area back


    Suggestion: Move the heli pads back a little so noise isnt so deafening in the main terminal, and make the side rooms briefing rooms, this will again promote proper squad play and push us away from the current lone wolf syndrome that seems to be taking over.


    These seems to be the 4 most talked about subjects that as far as I know can be addressed.


    Thanks for reading.



  11. Just to be clear I wasnt stating I would only do low level admin, I was just enquiring if it was possible but if as Cain says you might as well be full blown admin then id still like to put myself forward.


    I really do feel a few more "playing" admins would be a boon to the community. However I understand that ive not been playing THAT long (compared to some) and ive not even donated yet (due to the inconsistency of my experiences i might add) and none of the admins really know me so I would not expect to be given the keys just like that, for now im willing to continue what I was doing, reporting rule breakers to the admins via TS.

  12. Based on Zissou's point above Id like to inquire if there are levels of admin available, in that can one be given the permissions to kick/ban without having to do the server/mission restarts?


    I dont see a reason to give everyone the keys to the server when 90% of the "work" is just keeping the peace, I have been an admin on many game servers and even though Ive not done it on an Arma server I am about quite a lot and if the need is there I would put my name forward to fill that need. If anyone needs to talk to me about this or anything grab me on TS next time im on.

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