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Everything posted by LightningKillTV

  1. 1. I know it takes long to make such missions and I know you are doing your best bacon and I am not saying you have to spend more time on it but it would be nice to see some missions by for example Jochem because I know he makes good missions. 2. I don't think you guys understood what I mean with the interviews: I just want to talk to a new player that I come across on the server to inform him about the rukes you guys made, talk about the mods and make sure he understands it all and talk about the gamenights and training days. I NEVER stated that I wanted to do this to keep people out of eu3 and only allow certain people on the server. I would want to do these interviews so the staff doesn't have to worry about it. 3. I also never intended to put a ranking system in the server in the server, I just want to prevent people from taking a chopper or A10 without knowledge of it that is all. 4. I also agreed to someone who also said that the mission designer chooses the camo. 5. I read most parts of the shacktac TTP because I am very interested in the army and all that comes with it, shacktac explains it perfectly even though it is based on a game. 6. My objective is not to put more bullshit in the game because I really enjoy it how it is now, otherwise I wouldn't care so much about EU3, the only thing I want to do, just like you, is to stop and prevent people from being unruly.
  2. Yeah that's what I also said in my topic and I think that is the best idea in my eyes
  3. I was also thinking of this. I'd love to see some more people react to this and see other peoples reaction.
  4. I was thinking about the best transportpilot on the server so yeah you are a perfect example. And can you explain the ranking system? do you mean like team lead that can rank up to squad lead and so on or really like private, corporal,...?
  5. I will make that poll once everybody that wants to vote on this poll has done it And I totally agree on that we have to stick at at least one slot.
  6. In most milsim units you're locked to one slot only. It is impractical when there is like 10 people on the sever yes, but nowadays the server is quite popular on normal days during the week so I mean when we can try and set it up when there's a lot of people online. I know that but it's also making the gameplay more realistic and I think that's where we are trying to go with EU#3. I know I can be annoying sometimes and I sometimes indeed talk with my indian accent or (try and) talk like Borat but that is only at base. I mean we are not in the army so it doesn't always have to be strict and so on you know. And I think EU#1 is more for casual day gaming and EU#3 is more for a more realistic but also more fun gameplay as a team.
  7. RAZ EDIT: The above poll is not from AhoyWorld officially raz edit: Changed topic title to be more informative Hello fellow players of EU#3. I want to talk about something that is very important to me and probably also to a lot of other players. First of all I want to talk about the growth and behavior of players on EU#3. A lot of you know that EU#3 is booming and it is affecting the behavior on the sever, for example people take CAS jets without being given the orders to do so, others get in a pilot slot without having the knowledge and ability to fly and some people aren't even on teamspeak. I feel like EU#3 is turning in to the new EU#1 and I'm sure we don't want that. One of the problems that is causing this is that we want EU#2 to be a mix of a relaxed gaming community and a military simulation unit. I also want it to be like that but it's very hard to maintain. That's why I'm thinking of this: New players have to do an "interview" with certain members who want to do these "interviews" like me. We would take about the rules, explain how the mods work and so on. We would also talk about the following: Set slots: people have to choose 3-4 slots where they want to specialize in. To give an example: Frozt would probably specialize as a pilot but he can also choose 2-3 other slots to switch when he gets bored of flying. Training days: on these days we train to specialize in our slot and get used to the equipment that comes with our slot. Choosing 1 camo for all of us to stop the accidental TK'ing. (I've tested the RHS ocp and ucp camo clothing and vests combined with tfa backpacks and it worked perfectly. You have to prove your a good pilot/squad lead/team lead/platoon commander/tank crew by showing it and you can rank up from co-pilot to pilot and from team lead to squad lead and from squad lead to platoon command. Another thing is that we should do more custom missions, like we are doing this saturday, instead of a mission generator because then we can control what vehicles we take and so on. This would also give us the possibility to decrease the amount of enemy armor vehicles if we wish to do so and actually give us a chance to be like a proper infantry unit that gets supported by an IFV like a M2A3 Bradley or another tank and the rest of teh convoy in MRAPs. Something about the mods now: the most important thing I have to say about the mods is that we need the Challenger back. It is not Op -> a tank is designed to take some hits and the setup with the loader and a commander without a gun is perfect according to me and our most famous tank crew: Bomb 1-1. Another thing I want to advise you to take a look at for future notice is ACRE 2: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19324 I am willing to spend a lot of time on the development of EU#3 and improving the realism for all of us but of course I am not the only one in this community. That's why I started this poll so you guys can vote. Thanks for your time, LightningKill
  8. Yeah at least one challenger should be in EU#3, I mean the challenger is pretty strong and people say it's OP but it's really not. A tank should be strong and can take some hits and the challenger is the best looking tank with also the best setup (commander has a Ir sight and not a gun)
  9. we're here for you mini! If you ever want to talk to someone about anything just send me a message brother!
  10. I don't know what the admins think about this but in my opinion people who teamkill because they are bored don't belong in this community, not even after a month.
  11. Here it is! Make sure you keep the rules in mind! https://soundcloud.com/lightningkill/eu3-community-meeting
  12. Here's a video I made about how to get a custom emblem in Arma! Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=208R6pG-YuY
  13. EU3 is actually a mission called patrol ops where random missions spawn in Altis but we are using mods to get more authentic gameplay, the server is up 24/7 and we organize game nights on it you're free to join
  14. On a more serious note: I think that more regular people who are more active on the forums and do stuff for the community are willing to become an admin
  15. god damned, I've got a cold and my nose is not clean, no admin for me I guess raz?
  16. Wednesday the 4th of february I will be hosting the weekly game night on EU3. We will be playing patrol ops just as always but missions that are made by you guys are allowed as well! Rules for custom missions: 1. Because the game nights are so popular I recommend making missions with at least 20-30 slots. 2.Only the mods that are in the modded repo can be used. 3. Inform me about the mission first by sending me a message or telling me on teamspeak. Starting time: We will start at 18:00 GMT but JIP is allowed! The slots: Let me know what slot you want so I can set everything up. First come first served!!! I will be setting up the slots starting 30min in advance of the start of the game night so please let me know what you want to be before 17:30GMT. As I already said JIP is allowed! The rules: The rules are the same as the general rules for EU3: http://www.ahoyworld...eneral-changes/ I will go over them again before we start. And just for you guys to know: being AFK is allowed as well of course, real life is more important, but try to inform your squad leader. mods: The install guide to install the mods: http://www.ahoyworld...ons-new-method/ If you need any help you can always send me a message or poke me on teamspeak See you guys then!
  17. I think that's a bit too optimistic my friend
  18. Feedback is always wanted!! 1the level of Ai is almost always ultra during game night, the last mission was just a clusterfuck. 2. We choose to not activate rallypoints because they were enabled all the mission before the last one. 3. For this going to let you read this: http://www.ahoyworld.co.uk/topic/3603-gamenight-saturday-31st-jan-2015/ The next game night is going to start 1 hour later, the post will go up tomorrow. Thanks for the feedback!!!
  19. hmm weird, the codes also appear for me but I can still use the full editor
  20. Keep in mind: the amount of accessible is lower on cherno than probably any other map!
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