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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Lol, arghhhh! The frames! I did what I could to mitigate system stall, but I guess that surprise counter attack was just too much for the frames. It wasnt too much for jtf2 though! Those guys dealt with it like pros (the counter attack, not the lag). (Ps we need to make medals or something for Hoax and Plisken (and, the extremely brave UAV operator Corndog, risking his life and limb at base ) for being the only real Ahoy Survivors.
  2. I want to take a moment to apologize to any and all ahoy members who wanted to play that we couldn't accommodate due to the limited Ahoy Slots available. I want everyone to know next time, I will try to get as many slots as we need reserved! Next, there will be a next time! JTF2 enjoyed themselves, and have even invited us to participate in one of their missions next week! There are also other groups our there, and I will effort arranging future inter-group ops. Lastly, maybe, potentially, perhaps, next time we should practice just a little bit... or something. Lol. p.s. a million thanks to everyone of you who helped test and participated in this thing. It really couldn't have worked without you!
  3. Well... Let me just say that was awesome. I am sorry that we may or may have not died in mission. I scoffed at the idea of training. Lol. welp... The Joint Effort itself was great. And JTF2 was the best, nicest group of people.
  4. More details: We will be meeting in our Ahoy ACRE TS Preferably, you'll be here at least 15 to 20 minutes before the game, but as long as your there on time and fully ready to go by game time, I guess I don't care; no mission critical things will be discussed or gone over before-hand. BE ADVISED: 1 minute after game-time, and you aren't there, there will be one of the many eager replacements filling your spot. I believe we will be playing on the Ahoy ACRE server as well. Edit: One last thing, we should discuss a common uniform. I suggest the recon getup: Recon Fatigues, Khaki Chest Rigs, Beanie's. Medics and repair techs and bomb experts can carry extra gear in the smaller assault packs or something. Our squad is going to want to be able to move light and fast.
  5. Excellent. Now, can anybody who is attending the event Stream or record this shindig?
  6. Excellent, Tristan. Please be prepared for BACKSTORY!!!! Special thanks to JTF2 Member Officer Cadet "StrongHarm" for fancying up my BACKSTORY for the mission.
  7. Everyone who is playing or even planning on playing (ie you're an alternate hopong someone is a no show) please have ACRE all sorted and ready to go by start time. No offense but, We wont suffer any fools who waited till the last minute to check if their TS or Acre Plug ins or whatever is working. Also, less than 24 hours left for those last two confirmations to be made. Stand-bys, be at the ready, just in case...
  8. OK, so we have 10 AW slots. Their are only few left to fill. If your name is on that list I've put up, and you HAVE NOT picked a slot, you have 48 hours from now to confirm you're still down, and pick a slot. confirmed are as follows: Squad leader - Raz Explosives expert - Ninjaneer Repair tech - Dingo Marksman - Hoax Medic - Danny Rifleman - Kenny/aka Christiansen Rifleman/co-pilot - Plisken (please Confirm) Pilot - Archangel UAV operator - Paraclete UAV operator - Tristan (Please Confirm)
  9. Btw, folks on this list: Danny, Dingo, Kenny, Raz, Tristan, Ninjaneer, Hoax, Paraclete, Pliskin, Have priority, however, if any of them say they can't make it, or don't show up, hopefully some of y'all who also posted will be around and available as alternates. Remaining slots are 2 riflemen, 2 uav operators 1 marksmans 1 repair tech and 1 pilot Now, personally, I'd like to be pilot, but if anyone else wants it, by all means, take it. I can respec as something else.
  10. Of course, I'll put final details up in under the hour. Ok. Heres a recap: Saturday, October 19th, at 11:00 US CST (I believe that's 17:00 GMT, but I could be wrong; someone double check that for me) I have to talk to a core staff member to finalize ACRE and server stuff. Raz will be the Ahoy Special Forces squad commander. ninjaneer will be the explosive specialist Danny will be a medic Slots left: repair Pilot 2 uav operator slots 2 riflemen
  11. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="pach" data-cid="14083" data-time="1381590924"><p> Wait, Arma 3 has singleplayer?</p></blockquote> the correctest response.
  12. Survive! Lol, at least we should be getting some new toys. I hear opfor's getting a Yak. Now, if only I could believe BI won't push back that release...
  13. I have yet to see a Greyhawk given as a side mission reward.
  14. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="razgriz33" data-cid="13994" data-time="1381205088"><p> Ohhhhh i finally get what you're talking about<br /> <br /> Ill fix this at the weekend,</p></blockquote> and here I thought dubbing the parachute as a pilot-only vehicle was a clever ahoy adaptation devised to reduce/eliminate parachute-related server crashes. Hmmm.. the more you know. Ps hoax, I loled at your witnesses comment.
  15. That list in my last post has 10 peeps in it. Given the lack of too many other players, I think I'm going to have to revert back to the 10 Ahoy Slots for the Op. Any and all other who post in here that want to play will be considered alternates in case we lose players.
  16. There are a couple. Theres a Nimitz, I believe, as well as a French carrier. The Cousteau or something.
  17. Yes. I agree. Thumbs up. Wow, so navy.
  18. I've had multiple consistent reports of, as well as personally experienced, BattleEye regularly going crazy and murder-spreeing half the server population regularly. like every hour and a half or so, by some accounts. Just a sudden, massive purge of 10 to 20 players. Not sure if that's exactly what this thread is about, but I thought I'd mention it in here.
  19. So right now the count is at: Danny, Dingo, Kenny, Raz, Tristan, Ninjaneer, Hoax, Paraclete, Pliskin, and Myself. Maybes include: Josh? Cain? Stuffed Sheep? Let me know if that's correct.
  20. That would be 1700 hours for you. Also, things are somewhat fluid right now, so I need as firm a head count as I can get as soon as I can.
  21. So good news everyone! There will be room for everyone in this Joint Op. JTSF2 will be happy to join us on Saturday, October 19th, at 11:00 a.m. US CST for the first of hopefully many Joint Ops. Roles previously mentioned will still be available, and a few extra slots might now be available for standard infantrymen. Post, post, post if you're down!
  22. How does Saturday, October 19th sound? 2 time options: 11:00 US CST or 22:30 US CST? vote away!
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