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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Dingo. I speak fluent (read: terrible) french, but before we go down that road, would you be interested in a couple different mods in the works that will mirror what ACE did in A2, for A3?
  2. Bruce, let me tell you, flying a helo full of doomed souls into the depths of an AO is an my specialty. I approve.
  3. *narrows eyes with disdain and contempt* You people... Our base was overrun and most of our forces destroyed. We're lucky to be alive, and you people want VAS? You know what, Danny? I think you fell during the retreat. Yeah, maybe tripped over a rock or something and broke your gun. Sorry mate, looks like you're starting the mission unarmed. Lol. No but seriously, the slots have no specific designation. We've all been promoted to Rifleman. There will be 2 squad leads, so you guys can ask for that here. All of us will start with 343's. I'll put up radio stuff tonight or tomorrow. Love, Archangel.
  4. Ok, so to update, we are just over a week out from this baby. Next Saturday, It's on! looks like we currently have: David Danny Christensen Cain Tech Archangel Hoax Adamstain Stuffed Dingo Paraclete All good still? If so, we have room for like... 2 or 3 more, but otherwise, we can hang with this number. lemme know, please
  5. An excellent question, Sub. We implemented that slot as a means to facilitate and encourage coordinated play. Ahoy's servers that most people play on are public, and therefore are at times free for all melee of lone wolves and little clique - is squads. On occasion however, with the right direction and players the whole server begins to work together, constructively. In those cases, we felt a "High Command" would be helpful in coordinating gameplay. An interesting point you raise though, is what attributes or abilities could this high command have. We may look into that. Thank you for the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I believe that is what David was talking about.
  6. Oh sure, yeah, he listens to you, but I still can't get him to take out the trash once a week. Pfft.
  7. Archangel


    Howdy! Please remember to drink plenty of Gatorade while playing ArmA. ELECTROLYTES!
  8. Why, oh why, God, did I schedule practice at 1400 UTC? I'm so stupid. Oh well. Lesson learned: I am an idiot.
  9. Yeah, where the heck did you go?
  10. I'll second the idea of pulling out the UAV's and replacing them with 2 CAS UAV's. increased liklihood of UAV operator's working WITH infantry.
  12. Hoax. As hero of ahoy, I will give you a pass on practice, this time. ;P
  13. Tentatively, we will do a little practicing this coming Saturday. 14:00 U.T.C. sound good? Anyone is invited, but preferably, if you signed up for this op, or interested in future ops, you'll attend. Acre, VTS, Shactac HUD
  14. Welcome. I look forward to having your computer man die many times under my incompetent command!
  15. Brief, and succinct. I like it! Welcome to Ahoy.
  16. Ahem... yes, please send all funds to my swiss bank account in the Cayman Islands.
  17. Welcome to Ahoy world. Remember: have fun and be cool. *smokes a cigarette*
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