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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Here here, Danny! We are up against some pretty tough enemy, so training would not be a bad Idea. For clarification, If you are interested in coming to the Op, please post in the thread. Can't save your seat if we don't know you're coming! We do need someone to be Ahoy's commanding officer. Any takers? Practice will be held a TBA at the moment.
  2. Wow, Dingo, thats a pretty tall order, but ok, I'll give it a shot. *sigh* ALL 90 Aircraft?!.. ok, like I said, here goes... Alice, Becky, Charolette, Darrell, Edgar, Frances, Greg, Henry, Isaac, Jacob, Kelly, Linda, Michael, Nicholas, Octaviano, Pablo, Quincy, Reginald, Steven, Tracy, Uma, Victor, Walter, Xavier, Zachary, Aaron, Barry, Christopher, Dexter, Emerson, Felix, George, Hannah, Ishmael, Jefferson, Kristen, Leonard, Mitchell, Nigel, Oscar, Patrick, Quinten, Richard, Sarah, Trevor, Valerie, William, Zebra. 50 down, 40 to go!
  3. Hello Lads, and Welcome, to the last Ahoy World Joint Op of the Year! Our guests and esteemed colleagues this time around will once again be the fine folks from JTF2. So lets get the details out first! WHEN: Saturday, November 30th, 17:00 UTC WHERE: Ahoy TS and Server WHO: We need 15 brave Ahoymen to pick up their rifles, and get into the field. All ground based. No roster assigning. You get a gun, and fight to complete your objective WHAT: You'll need to bring your digital copy of Bohemia Interactive's ArmA 3, as well as the mods we use in our ACRE Server. MODS:(same as ACRE server, but watch for updates) AHOY'S MISSION: It's bad, guys. We've been overrun, and the few surviving Ahoymen have found temporary refuge in a small house in an occupied town. But we cannot stay for long. Surrounded by Opfor, we must fight and escape the town, track down a radio, and hail the coming NATO QRF that will extract us. Sound good? Well there's more. If we manage to escape and regroup with our allies, then we'll take the fight back to the OpFor. Mission complete when we raze the enemy base. Yay! So, who's in?
  4. Why do you excel at getting my goat, Sheep?
  5. Want to thank JTF2 for hosting us and giving us an awesome mission to be apart of. Go America! Yeah!!!... oh.. wait... uh, I mean, Go World!!!!!
  6. No worries mate. I myself had to duck out early due to work calling me up, after some technical difficulties plagued the game.
  7. Arsenius and all. Op starts in about 5.5 hours. Start time is now 11:15 U.S. E.s.t. time. Just join OUR Teamspeak before then, and well get any questions sorted. FYI the Op will run on their servers and in their Teamspeak.
  8. I'd legit take some more VTOL over fighter jets. If only because, honestly, there's way more functionality to be had with harriers, F35B, or that crazy quad-rotor cargo plane, than with something that can whiz past all of Altis in 60 seconds. It's the same reason I keep saying lets get away from making Giant Cargo planes, like the Galaxy, and instead, make addons that will be more appropriate for the environment BIS has given us. I mean, honestly; there are people who are lobbying for a C-5 to be made, so they can spend (probably literally) 15 minutes circling to appropriate drop altitude, and then do a HALO jump into the AO-- for a map the size of Washingon D.C. Is it a neat addon? heck yeah, Definitely! Do we have a limited supply of talented Addon Makers, who in-turn have a limited amount of time/attention to spend per project? Unfortunately, yes.
  9. Lol If you think BIS will be giving us the Yak tomorrow. I'd be surprised if it comes in the next 3 weeks!
  10. Time zones are the worst! just let Google do the heavy lifting for you. "What time is it in New York?" And here is a thing: http://www.jointtaskforce2.com/attachments/operationlibertydawn-png.182/
  12. Howdy, Hannibal. Have fun, and hope to see you out there on the frontlines!
  13. Sorry for the briefest of posts; will update later: JTF2 wants to host some Ahoy members in an op of theres this weekend. Saturday. Noon, U.S. E.S.T. Let us know if you're interested in this thread! ***EDIT:UPDATE*** And Official Signups are located HERE
  14. Looks like a tactilol Pontiac Aztek
  15. Can I call Scissor for the start of the mission, and when I have to go, I'll RTB and let someone else take the spot?
  16. Pub Ops? Sounds daunting- but... with ACRE involved, it actually might probably weed out most of the less serious players.
  17. Yes, well if I were to be selfish, I'd ask for a 16:00 or, dare I even say 15:00 B.S.T. start so that I could squeeze in some game night(game afternoon? ) with the Boys From Ahoy. But I am not that selfish, nor self centered, despite what any of my Exes may say. So I will not ask.
  18. Bah! Got work at that time. oh well... have fun y'all!
  19. Ah, that was the issue. Very cool vid, man. Thanks for the great contribution!
  20. Alas, I cant watch it... some sort of copyright restriction.
  21. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Paraclete" data-cid="14113" data-time="1381812856"><p> A T-100 ravaging the base? Sounds like a good time to me.<br /> <br /> Next time maybe it will kill some of the newb "pilots" we have been getting lately.<br /> <br /> New "Pilots" are a far greater threat to the longevity of my toon than any 20 rampaging T-100s.</p></blockquote> lolol, this made me laugh, despite its subtle scent of elitism. Now now Para, we all were novice pilots once. Hehehe
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