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EU#3 gamenight 4/2

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Wednesday the 4th of february I will be hosting the weekly game night on EU3. We will be playing patrol ops just as always but missions that are made by you guys are allowed as well!


Rules for custom missions:

1. Because the game nights are so popular I recommend making missions with at least 20-30 slots.

2.Only the mods that are in the modded repo can be used.

3. Inform me about the mission first by sending me a message or telling me on teamspeak.


Starting time:

We will start at 18:00 GMT but JIP is allowed!


The slots:

Let me know what slot you want so I can set everything up. First come first served!!!

I will be setting up the slots starting 30min in advance of the start of the game night so please let me know what you want to be before 17:30GMT. 

As I already said JIP is allowed!


The rules:

The rules are the same as the general rules for EU3: http://www.ahoyworld...eneral-changes/

I will go over them again before we start. And just for you guys to know: being AFK is allowed as well of course, real life is more important, but try to inform your squad leader.



The install guide to install the mods: http://www.ahoyworld...ons-new-method/

If you need any help you can always send me a message or poke me on teamspeak  ;)




See you guys then!


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