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Gamenight 22. February


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We will be hosting another game night this weekend it'll be on Saturday at around 15:00GMT.



The mission will be my ALiVE mission reworked to improve some of the EI spawning and making it a tad more harder,new revive script and cargo script. Further mission route\plans will be made when i have reworked it, that would be around this evening.



We'll be using the following mods:

- AliVE

- ACRE (If you're unsure about this get it from Teamspeak)

And allow the following mods:

- Blastcore A3 R3

- sthud

- JSRS2.0/2.1

To sign up this week please click HERE

If you need any help or have any questions please feel free to ask below!


Slots available (8-16 players):



Actual slots TBA




Edit: Signup forms up

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