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I&A: Mentioned on the Community Guide SITREP I


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Hi all you Fellow Fighters of Stratis !!
As the situation of Stratis got out of controll and NATO forces had to come in and kick some serious butt out of them OPFOR in a 40 player COOP effort, operation Invade & Annex was born.
Now after operation I&A is only a few months underway, daily several hundred of soldiers are being deployed to this popular destination. So much even I&A just got mentioned alongside a few other popular deployments in the recent offical ARMA Community Guide video series !!


Around 4m40 zulu there is some intel mentioning the most popular deployments that have been around for many years now. And we from Ahoyworld.co.uk are very proud to be part of this list in such a short time of operations !!


Therefore we thank everyone that contributed to the success of this community mission by adding code, ideas or just valuable feedback !! A mission like this is not born in one day, nor can it grow to such a success by the efforts of just one man:





For those who didn't see the video yet, here it is:





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*pssst* you linked the wrong video :P

Guess that's what i get for doing a quick write-up job 5min before leaving the office. Thanks for fixing !



Excellent, AW succeeding in doing what Pinky and the Brain strived to do week after week :)

Are you pondering what i'm pondering ?  (this has been my ringtone for over 5 years now, and not getting boring at all :D

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