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Everything posted by Schubz

  1. Also EU1 Pilots from my perspective *their
  2. Schubz

    Hello All

    Welcome Del. I (we) could explain EU1 to you but i'm afraid that's nothing I can wrap around human common words. We love to play on server for reasons no one can ever explain in full extension. It's some kind of mystic... like the Darkhold... like tears in rain... some guy will ask you about growing grass, his friend will guide you to the building that 4 csat soldiers occupied. then there's that tigris you can't kill with your rpg 42... it's just the most complex experience you will have in a while... good luck!
  3. I would like to see squad leaders make more use of the in game command control (marking wp's/go here/regroup/target assignment). But I also think it could go kind of obsolete if command channel will work again next time. When i first joined i was squad leader after few minutes bc everyone left my squad (don't laugh please lol). I had trouble with the not working command channel and someone suggests TS for workaround. I've been roasted for asking for advice in the alpha channel at ts, as if i'm not knowing how to use anything in arma. And that happened during the (idle) time between these missions... I had problems to get clear instructions/advice for supporting my unit in certain situations, so i kept straying around a little. If you want a noob like me to get involved with his weapons (was playing LAT) just offer me clear instructions. Overall enjoyed it a lot. That TS workaround lowered the feel of immersion for me a little. I don't want to have the ts overlay sitting on top just to see who's (of the like 20 people) talking (to me). That debriefing was wholesome and gave me goosebumps. I was so proud to be part of that experience. Please do it again. We all learn from that and it's awesome that a game this "old" can give you this joy. I hope i can be part of it next time. This will be great! (PS: AhoyWorld people, you guys are awesome. Love you for giving me joy and being part of a great community!)
  4. I'm excited about this. be prepared for I will probably joining this.
  5. Hey Andrea! Welcome!
  6. Tanoa sounds good, but 'muh frames, bro! would still join... also still got that "suddenly no sound at all" - bug with tanoa. anybody else? did someone find a solution?
  7. Hi, I've played on EU1 about 2 months now. Still a noob though. I have 360 hours on Arma 3 (170 of it fiddling with the editor and making SP/COOP Missions find me on Steam Workshop ) Played hardly ever on multiplayer servers before. Started to like it after enjoying EU1's massive, friendly coop missions. Favorite role is LAT and AT Rifleman (always carrying 2 expl. charges, lol). Want to become a heli pilot so i can help out when server is missing transport pilots. See you guys at EU1! Have fun!
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