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Kyle Clements

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Everything posted by Kyle Clements

  1. I am currently on the lookout for mods. More specifically, army mods, for example FFAA or KSK. Does anyone have any recommendations. Thanks.
  2. I have a question. In my understanding the Spartan group of people is basically people who can Zeus on Eu 1+2. And if this is true. How does one join such a group as I am very interested in Zeus as a whole (I enjoy playing as Zeus)? Thanks, and sorry if I was wrong, I am a noob.
  3. I am at work on Mondays. It would be a terrible shame to miss that
  4. I think that this could be a very cool feature that, when done well, could be a better way of getting into the battles on Tanoa. I say this because landing has the limitation of needing an open area to land. Wheras with this you could potentially disembark closer to the AO. But thats just my opinion.
  5. After watching the tutorial I am probably capable of doing this now. Thanks guys <3
  6. So, as I am sure you all know, Luetin has been getting more and more popular on Youtube (congratulations btw) and this means the servers are getting more and more popular. Now. With this. Why not increase the overall quality of the Ahoyworld servers by adding Zeus to the regular I&A. This has happened before when I have been playing Eu 2 and Luetin joined. He didn't make a sole Zeus mission he just enriched the normal AO. This made the overall experience much more fluid and enjoyable and I think we could capitulate on this. So why not make this a thing? Of course I'm not saying to constantly have a Zeus on but for it to be more of a case of if one is available and is happy to do it. So for example, Liru (yes I'm using you as an example :D) could just, if he wanted to, jump on Eu 1 or 2 and enrich the missions by adding extra fluidity and objectives. I think this would benefit both the players and the community as a whole. But I want to know what you think. DISCUSS
  7. How long will this mission be? As I can be on until roughly 10:30 GMT
  8. I think one problem with this could be AT teams like Badger Team (represent). We carry missiles on all of us in order to keep the AT and AA launchers fed. And with this put in place it could throttle our effectiveness when it comes to taking down armored vehicles and aircraft. But thats just my 2 cents (pence)
  9. The new Tanoa map is amazing as well as all the new units, vehicles and weapons. However. There is a problem. The VTOLs. I have noticed in my time flying them that the CSAT one is VERY overpowered and the NATO ones (without the guns) are (IMO) underpowered. So what should we do? Because I don't think just excluding them from our arsenal is the answer. DISCUSS
  10. True, maybe control the people who have their name in the 'raffle'. So people who the community (and admins) trust. Its just a thought anyway
  11. How about a Zeus server that hosts more than Luetin. Maybe have a raffle system, where people put their names in and are randomly selected. This could be a way of finding Zeus talent. I mean, Luetins missions are fantastic but imagine having 4 Zeus' per week all of whom know what they are doing because they could show off when their name came up. And I know there are some flaws in this plan (trollers etc) but I think it could be a great idea.
  12. I think having 2 more servers could be a massive benefit. However I'm not so sure about having Arma life or Exile as these may not cater to the I&A crowd. Other than that I think this could be a great idea.
  13. Hello guys. Recently I looked into joining the Eu 3 community but immediately hit a brick wall. MODS!!! *insert dramatic music here*. Now I am a generally inept person but that comes into its own when it comes to computers. Having been a console peasant for a few years I never got used to the technical jargon. And when I finally (after 4 years of saving) got my PC I was excited at the prospect of modding. I very quickly got used to the steam workshop. I am still at a loss as to how things like Armaholic works. And because of this a whole community of players (Eu 3) is locked off to me. And because of this I would like to ask why the server doesn't run on just the CUP modifications and other mods on the workshop. Thanks, Kyle.
  14. I will be sure to make this event. Even if I am currently a mute without a mic :P. I will be sure to get a audio splitter soon
  15. Damn, shame I missed this. Can you estimate the next time you are going to do a Zeus mission?
  16. Hello all. I have been playing I&A for a few months and I thought I should introduce myself to the larger community. Now, where to start. I found AhoyWorld by watching Luetin *pause for the booing* and decided to get Arma 3. And in my short time being part of this friendly community I have played innumerable hours on Eu1 and 2 and some Eu4 with Luetin. I am terrified at the prospect of complicated modding so I don't think I will ever touch Eu3. In my time playing on Eu4 I met the wonderful Liru and of course the ever salty Brandenburg (just kidding <3). I hope I meet more of the community in the future and see you on the battlefield. Much love, Kyle
  17. Another question is what will be the player limit. Because it IS going to be laggier than Altis without a doubt and that could mean that in hectic, close quarter combat (which I think will be the kind of combat we will experience) it could grind even the most powerful computers to a halt. My i5 deals with the singleplayer fine at high settings but on I&A Altis I have to knock down the graphics a touch. Imagine how people with i3s and lower end PCs are going to cope with the harsh, thick jungle. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  18. But where will the Main base be? Top right island looks ok especially with the airport but its quite a long way to go to the main island. I think the new V-TOL could help us out greatly with this but which version? There is a A-C130 inspired version and just the cargo version. Should we have one of each or just stay with the cargo variant. And also what are we going to do about the new vehicles such as the new lightly armored ones. Will we stay with the Hunter and Offroad or go for these new potentially overpowered or underpowered cars? This DLC has brought about so many questions and challenges when it comes to I&A.
  19. This could be the excuse we need to get some better side missions
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