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Posts posted by Jason.

  1. 1 minute ago, Stanhope said:

    There aren't any active voice channels on discord. 

    Then most of my point still stands, maybe some encouragement/pushing towards Discord? Only if it's deemed to be a suitable alternative of course, but I think the possibility of saving money on server costs could be worth it.

  2. Just now, Stanhope said:

    You're aware we have a discord right?

    Nope! Last time I was here it didn't exist, it's been awhile... 
    So what is the community split like between TS and Discord?

  3. Have you considered using something other than Teamspeak for coms? I'm mainly thinking about Discord which should have all the features you need and is free to host. 
    Although if you're still using the TS integration on AWE then you probably can't switch that. But you could use Discord for everything else? 

    I could imagine that a lot of people in this community are happy using TS and may not want to switch. But from what I've noticed Discord seems to be the go-to voice chat option for most gamers, so it could help getting new recruits (& donations).


    edit: I'm a derp

  4. Agreed it is very OP, and it seems little effort was made on balancing it since it takes about 10 seconds to repair/refuel/rearm and doesn't take too long to respawn either. Strange decisions considering the (far inferior) buzzard is only gained from an fob and takes 5 mins to rearm.


    My idea would be switching the roles of the wasp and buzzard so that the wasp can get a purely AA loadout and the buzzard a CAS loadout.


    Or could just be removed from I&A/only be a side reward.

  5. I just tested it and third person camera is back to normal on stable branch!


    On 5/24/2017 at 6:57 PM, Amentes said:

    Go first person, problem solved? :D

    I would have thought that would have the exact same issue since you are still looking straight forward?

  6. 11 hours ago, fir_nev said:

    Hopefully they did. Have yet to test it out too. I was getting motion sickness whenever I turn with third person because of the tight zoom.


    For me flying with it was ok, but landing was the real bitch. It might be more because I like to make quick, aggressive landings, but now that causes the camera to face the sky...

  7. I haven't spent that much time with the new jets but the Gryphon's performance is WAY better than the buzzard, it is so much faster and better equipped. I don't know about the sensor differences but the gryphon may be better in that way as well.

    I know usually the enemy only gets Neophrons, I don't know if the Gryhons we saw today are normal or just a zeus thing?

    Regarding stealth I haven't tested it at all, but for I&A I only expect it to be useful against enemy AAA and therefore not so important for an AA jet.

  8. 12 minutes ago, ansin11 said:

    I would do a few days of testing on the public server with a respawning F/A-181 Black Wasp II running AA loadout.

    I agree some upgrade to the buzzard is probably needed. Don't you think the gryphon would be good enough?

    Also I recommend making a new topic for the idea.

  9. 29 minutes ago, BlastaMasta said:

    The thing about nudging planes and helicopers is that in nine out of ten cases either you, the helo or both blow up. And if you don't blow up, the nudge won't be very far and you'll still waste precious time that would be better spent brrrrrrrting enemies with that sweet 30mil..


    I recommended doing it because I've done it many times myself without any issues, you just have to do it slowly. It shouldn't take long to get in a hunter and nudge it a couple of meters, maybe 30 secs - 1 min.


    The main issue I see with your script atm is that it's a lazy way of bringing damaged/out of fuel vehicles back to base for repairs, which is something I don't think the admins would be in favour of.


    However if it could be limited to only being used on the vehicles in or very near to base, then I suppose it could be useful. For this I think it could be made automatic like the other clean-up script, but instead of being disabled based on players being near, it could be based on if a player has interacted it within the last 5 mins etc.

  10. But since you're talking about the base the current script isn't going to do anything since there will always be players close.

    Something you can do in that situation is grab a hunter and carefully nudge the greyhawk off the pad.

    I don't think adding the script you mentioned is necessary and might end up being misused by trolls (they are very creative)

  11. 21 minutes ago, Nibbs said:

    I'l be honest I still don't see the point of the AA jet. Someone piloting it essentially has nothing to do for long periods, costing a vortex slot for almost no gain. (yes I realise it has an amazing FLAIR system on it, but since it's hard to correlate where you're looking at with map co-ords I'm discounting that). I'd sooner see it replaced with the CAS variant but with the ATGMs removed. (maybe 2 more AA missiles or GBUs to counterbalance)


    It depends, enemy CAS spawning seems quite unpredictable, sometimes you have multiple jets causing chaos to friendly helis, other times they're nowhere to be seen.

    The way I see it that yes, having a jet up means one less transport heli, however the transport helis that are up can be much more reliable since they shouldn't be getting shot down by enemy CAS as often.

    The buzzard CAS (with ATGMs removed) has previously been a solid no from the admins, apparently it's too powerful and has too many issues.

  12. 48 minutes ago, Lost Bullet said:

    Controlling if that unit is the "owner" of that vehicle is straightforward and would just be similar to the pilot lock of helicopters.

    The problem is prevent the player from locking several vehicles (1 or more), as from what I'm thinking, everytime the player tried to lock a vehicle a map wide call for all vehicles add to be made and check each one for the locking status. And THAT is a performance killer.



    I don't know how the code would work for Arma, but...

    If the vehicle that a player claims is saved on the server, then when the player tries to claim another vehicle, the server can check if the player has any claimed vehicles and then remove that claim. I don't see any need to need to check all other vehicles on the map?

  13. 30 minutes ago, Lost Bullet said:

    1) Troll goes in base, enters all vehicles and locks them all up to himself

    2) Watches the world burn


    The only situation where I would see this being useful is in the (future) reward system where the vehicle would be automatically locked for a few minutes to the person/group that spawn it.


    I don't think this would be too hard to fix since you could probably limit each player to only claim one or two vehicles. So claiming a new one would reset his previous claims


    I think Ryko is planning on implementing a very similar system for the reward vehicles, so it could be added to all other vehicles as well.

  14. Agreed those missions were pretty good and often create some great teamwork since it can't be completed by a single AT guy 2km away on a hill :) .


    I would have thought it would be 90+% copy/paste as it's a fairly simple mission, place supply cache in a city, spawn CSAT, add interaction to complete, all of which is already made...

    Anything else needed must have already been done for the other side missions that are in I&A 3

  15. 9 hours ago, Amentes said:

    It really isn't the same. For one, you can gimbal-lock it and still be able to move the camera, something that has not previously been possible.


    Maybe they have changed it in some ways I don't know, but you can currently lock the camera on a target and be able to move it at the same time, it's not on the UAVs but is on the jets.



    Just tried it out on dev, it seems the same for jets and they've added it to the UAVs as default.

  16. 2 hours ago, Amentes said:

    I'm pretty underwhelmed by the Sentinel UAV, as its weapons package leaves much to be desired when compared to a modern MQ-9 Reaper. It's much faster than the Greyhawk though, and supposedly should be harder to lock a missile onto.


    Agreed it doesn't seem like much of an improvement atm, but as you'd expect it's all about the stealth.

    2 hours ago, Amentes said:

    Would have been nice if more of the otherwise fairly spacious internal bay could have been used for ATG weaponry.


    Dynamic loadouts are still very WIP, so hopefully we'll get more weapon options later.


    2 hours ago, Amentes said:

    I also haven't seen any weapon-vehicle combinations that I found to be unreal. The speedier fixed-wings can't use DAGRs, for example, just like a real-world Hellfire wouldn't work.





    2 hours ago, Amentes said:

    On the subject of new weapons, all I've seen so far is Mk82 bombs; that is the equivalent of a GBU-12 without any guidance.

    I'm hoping we'll at least get to see some variation in bomb size and yield.


    I have no idea how different they are, but there are a number of "new" weapons on the new jets like the Macer II, AMRAAM D, etc.


    1 hour ago, Amentes said:

    The new "Gunner Camera", as used both on UAVs and on single-seat jets, is great. Very easy to use, with none of the old fighting for control; at least in single-player.

    2 hours ago, Amentes said:

    The laser guidance so far works with DAGRs, Skalpels and GBU-12s, and I've noticed with the GBUs, I can make them fly sideways a bit more than previously possible by moving the laser after dropping one.


    The gunner camera and laser guidance has been in the (normal) game for a while now, and at least for me, the camera's been very smooth as well (in multiplayer).

  17. Great to see that it's in progress


    7 hours ago, Ryko said:

    1) there's a "reward zone" where reward vehicles spawn after they're purchased. It looks onto a runway so you can easily taxi out and fly off, or drive out, etc.

    6 hours ago, fir_nev said:

    An extra spot for players to 'teleport' or choose on their spawn screen so that it will not cluster with the current base setup.


    I would suggest having two categories of reward vehicles, ground and air. This way the air vehicles can spawn on the runway, and the ground vehicles can spawn in another part of the base e.g. where the current reward vehicles spawn. It could also be nice if there's an option to spawn it at an FOB instead of the main base.


    8 hours ago, Ryko said:

    2) reward vehicles are locked to your group, so players in other groups cannot enter them. I may further restrict this to the group leader, or person who actually purchased the vehicle, with the option that the purchaser can unlock the vehicle to other group members or to all other players.


    The default setting should probably be locked to the purchaser, to minimise griefing, with the option to unlock it for the group or for everyone (which will be a really nice feature btw).


    8 hours ago, Ryko said:

    3) air vehicles are still locked to pilot slots, and you won't be able to buy a vehicle you're not entitled to pilot.


    If possible the squad leader for the pilots SHOULDN'T get any additional points like the other squad leaders. This is because (usually) the 5 pilots are in the same group but there is no actual "leader", so it doesn't make sense for the SL to get any more points than the other pilots. This would also avoid the issue for people fighting over who is the SL for the pilots.


    8 hours ago, Ryko said:

    4) you have five minutes to collect your reward vehicle, after which it will be despawned.


    Could it not instead be made that the vehicle is unlocked for all after 5 mins? That way the vehicle wouldn't be wasted and if needed can just be driven out of the spawn area. Also the time could probably be deceased to 1 or 2 mins, I don't see why somebody buying a reward vehicle should need so much time to go and collect it.


    About the costs of the rewards, I think that's best left to be tweaked after release from player feedback, since it's hard to know at this stage how it will turn out.


    1 hour ago, radek said:

    maybe a limit on group size, to stop invite parties (or a cap on total group reward)

    I think this is a very good idea, otherwise it will be a big issue having half the server in a single group to farm points.

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