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Posts posted by Louis

  1. Heyho ,


    I just wanted to ask if someone has some Zeus-Missions with a respawn , arsenal and

    for at least 4 players , so your mates are able to get ready for the mission , while

    the Zeus is making a mission anywhere on the map and then they have to get there and

    make the things they should do etc. I found some missions online but only for Altis and Stratis

    but not yet for maps like Zargabad or the other CUP_Maps from the EU3 modpack..

    I tried to make them by myself , but they're not working well and theyre not working in

    multiplayer , because im a noob in the Arma 3 Editor.. x.x

    So yeah :D I'm looking mainly for any CUP_Maps.

    It would be nice , if someone has some missions to offer :D


    Thanks in advance for your answers ,






    (I'm sorry for writing mistakes and stuff like that )

  2. Feedback to EU#2
    It works perfectly and I got like no laggs or FPS decreases.
    The FPS of the map is on 3-4 which is perfectly fine. You can track yourself or just get a big overlook over the whole map if you want.
    If you're a pilot this map is extremely good , to look where you're flying or where are people in the middle of nowhere to pick them up and stuff like that.
    It even shows you all the LZs from the Global,Side and like every other section.
    For me , it works perfectly fine , how about you all?


  3. Hello fellow AW gamers ,

    I'm Louis , a 16 year old student from germany. I started playing on the ahoy-server like 1-2 months ago.
    My ingame name is Louis aswell , because its just easier then to communicate. ^^
    I'm mainly playing on #EU1 as a pilot or sniper. :)

    I'm sorry for grammar mistakes and stuff like that , my english isn't that good , but I'll try to
    improve my english skills . :D

    See you on #EU1



  4. Hello ,
    I just found a really interesting mod. Its a mod for people with a second screen , to see on this second screen the map of Altis , from the server you're playing at. You should take a look on it.Its the Athena mod: http://www.athenamod.com/
    It looks really nice and it would be really nice , if the mod would make it on the list of the allowed mods.
    It just gives you a live picture of the map , so you don't have to press M all the time and take the risk to ram something (if you're a pilot ( expecially when you're flying in a jet))

    Well , thats my suggestion :D


  5. Ingame name: Louis     [iceT] <- Clantag

    Why do you think you were banned?: Because I had cheat engine in the background opened.


    Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted?: Because I forgot to close it ( I used it for a selfmade game) and didnt want to cheat.

    Which administrator banned you?: Not an Administrator but BattleEye


    When were you banned?: Today at ca 14:00 , I dont know it excactly anymore.

    EDIT: Sorry if i posted this wrong and sorry for the grammar and writing mistakes x_x




  6. But how do i  buy then another copy of Arma 3? I have it already in steam

    I've contacted them and the replied , and said I have to contact the Admin of the Server..
    The wrote that:

    "Admin Bans (including BEC "GameHack #X" bans)

    Those are third-party bans and we cannot assist you in any way with them. Please contact the server admin or community for help."


  7. Heyho ,
    i wanted to play today on the #EU1 Server like everyday ,
    but today i got kicked with the Message:

    You've got kicked from the game, [battle Eye: Admin Ban:[bEC: Game Hack#38]]

    I didnt used hacks or something like this , but this message appears everytime again ,
    when I connect to the server.. What do i have to do , to get unbanned? Is it only temporary ?

    Thanks in advance ,


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