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Everything posted by zissou

  1. Okay I've bought everyone (btw you all belong to me now!) what do i do now duffy?
  2. zissou


    It was a one day ban and you were repeatedly coming back immediately after being autokicked. This ban will be lifted on the understanding that if you get caught again the ban will be for much longer.
  3. There is no need for a dedicated admin we have admins on TS almost 24 hours a day and if you're polite and courteous they will be happy to help. To echo what dingo has said report report report. But and it's a big butt (kinda like dingos (see what I did there?)) give information and don't be a dick or lazy about it. Poking me telling me to come up to a channel because you can't be arsed will not appreciated. Especially seeing as they could have just as easily typed who was doing what. Furthermore I've noticed a worrying trend of people trying to have people kicked out of a server for no good reason. I am aware that people are trying to game the system and it will not be tolerated. Anyone caught trying to get someone kicked for anything other than a breach of the rules will find themselves on my s***list and no one wants to be on that list.
  4. Sooo.. Cast your mind back to way back when at the very beginning of this thread before it went all silly. I asked a few questions including: Which mods? Who's going to decide which mods? ACRE and ACE have been mentioned, yes okay but which weapon packs, vic packs and uniform mods are you going to use and who will choose them? Also for the love of all that is sane go easy on the quoting people. You're quoting entire blocks of text for no good reason.
  5. Okay so a few questions for you guys. Which mods? Who's going to decide which mods get picked? Who's going to build it? Who's going to maintain it?
  6. Okay so getting the data to behave hasn't been easy but here are some stats from EU1 for the week of 19th to 25th of March. 3144 connections 2632 disconnections Not sure how that one works probably an error of mine but it gives you an idea of how many people play on EU1 So we can say that's around 420 players a day on EU1 (I think I'm messing up somehow here but for the next part it won't really matter) Kicks: 454 in total of these they break down into: Now if we take away some of the reasons that the player has no control over themselves eg client not responding etc. we get Also i have no idea what the last one is??
  7. Okay the community has spoken the intention is good but the implementation isn't going over well? So firstly anything we implement can be unimplemented so don't worry on that front. Fuel issue will be sorted. Respawn time on choppers will be increased to encourage better flying. Wasting helis will be discouraged. Whitelisting slots will never happen not on the public servers it's simply not what aw is about.
  8. Not really sure what you mean by this, we have admins on EU1 & EU2? Pilots have a great deal of authority as they can land where they choose to land. Why would an EU3 like structure have any bearing on this? I'm kinda lost on this point what would that achieve in regard to the issue being discussed here?
  9. That is true and a scenario that will have to be taken into account perhaps a reduction in the number of enemy jets? As said before the fuel issue will be taken care of. Landing without your tail rotor back at spawn should not be beyond the skills of pilots they don't need to land it on the repair pad but it's a skill that should be expected of pilots not the exception.
  10. Do you as a pilot needlessly waste helis by picking poor lzs, not checking the map or unable to land. If the answer to these is no then this change won't make much of a difference. Most of the pilots regularly on ts and that I know to be good pilots have nothing to fear. This is exactly the situation we want to get rid of three out of three crashes is simply unacceptable. As said before the fuel issue is not going to be the show stopper it is now.
  11. It's not going to be easy that's for sure but we're trying to instil a more proactive attitude towards piloting on the servers so the intended results should be worth the effort. It's not a huge issue the turrets and admins have methods of finding out who the door gunners are it's simply making the pilots captains of their ship. We want to see proactive pilots taking ownership of their responsibilities and not using the helis as throwaway as they are being used now. The fuel situation is one we're looking at and exploring several different possible approaches to avoid what would happen in your example. The list of rules in the OP don't actually contain anything new it's just that we're going to readjust how we enforce them going forward. To avoid a heli falling into enemy hands would not be a likely scenario if a landing site away from the ao was chosen. Yes combat flying by definition is dangerous but at the same time a pilot with a less than 50% successful landing rate is not a good pilot in peace or war. Two examples of flying over the weekend to show where this change is coming from:Server restart pilot that we had had our eye on joins as pilot again and starts bigging his game up. "get ready for some awesomeness" "you're going to be amazed by my flying". Server comes up and he immediately breaks his tail rotor on the hescos at spawn of course not his fault. He continues flying crashing more often than not. Players while not left at spawn are not getting any gameplay other than a view of the inside of the chopper and a fiery death. Pilot flies over active ao. Pilot gets shot down. This is the exchange:Me:What happened?Pilot:got shot down M:why? P:got locked on? M:why? P:cause they're missilesM:No because you flew over the ao P:doesn't matter M:don't waste assets please P:it'll respawn straight away. This is what we want to weed out. Now let me tell you how I envision the future. Two pilots one gets his engine blown out but manages to land safely, he calls out on the radio for help pilots in the air ask have they a repairman on board, if yes they divert (if safe) to the crash site and both helis are in the air. Same scenario but no repairman answers Mohawk at spawn picks up (as yet unannounced) small repair Vic and drops it near the downed heli heli is repaired and on its way.
  12. So we know this isn't going to solve everything we are trying to improve the situation. This way allows us to be more proactive in getting rid of questionable pilots. Yes there will be an adjustment period but with the help of regular players we know it can work. There will be times when there are no options but to destroy the heli and respawn but the longer respawn time on the helis will force people to try.
  13. Ideally another pilot would take a repair vic to the downed heli. In the list check number 5 :-) This is what we're trying to reduce the number of crash landings due to poor flying, a good pilot will choose a good lz away from possible danger so as not to have to crash land. These rules are going to affect the poor pilots who choose terrible landing sites where they can't land safely and end up crashing often. Yes everyone has a bad time now and again but if they make the effort it will not be the norm. We are looking at people to make a reasonable effort to repair. 1. Noob pilot breaks heli because he was stupid and can't fly. 2. Noob pilot is asked to leave. 3. Noob pilot refuses 4. Noob pilot is kicked
  14. Nope they will have to get to spawn and bring the repair vehicle to their heli. Which is wasting assets and not allowed.
  15. yup we will provide something for this Yup it will need enforcing. But I can see pilots who ignore it getting banned and to stop trying, this is an attempt to change the server for the better and it will take time.
  16. NO, not anymore! No more blowing up your heli you've got to fix it!
  17. Yes we will be providing a repair and a refuel vehicle which will be liftable to help repair helis. Yes it's going be a massive pain but the thing we are trying to instil is a sense of value to the helis to avoid them getting damaged/destroyed/abandoned in the first place.
  18. Over the last while we have noticed a trend on the public servers of piloting getting steadily worse. One way pilots, constantly crashing pilots, pilots abandoning aircraft, pilots unable to land to list but a few of the issues. These rules changes will not affect competent pilots. Pilots are in charge of their aircraft they should make all efforts to keep the aircraft airworthy. If aircraft are damaged they need to be fixed, not destroyed. If this means getting a repair specialist to travel to fix the aircraft so be it. Flying in a manner conducive to having you aircraft destroyed will result in discipline. These rules will be enforced and pilots will be expected to abide by them. The respawn time on Aircraft will be increased to encourage better flying. They will be coming into effect on 01.04.16 Pilots seen to be breaking the rules will be asked to leave the pilots slot in which case they should return the aircraft to spawn and switch roles. If they refuse they will be kicked and if we see repeat offenders we will be forced to ban. Examples of Poor Piloting: Misuse of aircraft: CAS with the AA jet, practising, showboating and wasting resources. Landing too close, or flying over, the AO. It shows the pilot is not aware of the situation around him and if it results in the lost of aircraft or team mates will considered destroying assets or teamkilling. Abandoning aircraft in the field, this is all to prevalent and steps will be taken to weed out pilots who do this. Making no effort to repair damaged aircraft. Allowing your door gunners to teamkill. It's the pilot's responsibility to lock turrets. Teamkills will be attributed to the Pilots. Pilots should make a reasonable attempt to land if damaged. For example engine failure or tail rotor loss are not unrecoverable. If you don't know what autorotation is you simply should not be flying a helicopter. Not repairing aircraft in the field. If your aircraft is repairable then it must be repaired. While these are not technically new rules they will be enforced much more actively, and it is the pilots responsibility to make sure you are able to fly within the rules. For any possible scenarios not mentioned here or indeed any questions about the rule change please feel free to add a comment.
  19. zissou

    2LT D. Hawk

    You were banned for advertising on our servers. As you have stated you were aware of our rules. This is from the chat logs: [2016-03-19 | 09:03:20] (Group) 2LT D. Hawk: Just gonna throw this out there... Are you guys interested in being part of the [NAME OF YOUR GROUP]?... You guys are fantastic All the fluff you've written is superfluous to the fact that you came on to our servers and decided to completely ignore our rules for your own gain.
  20. Welcome and as requested.....
  21. Take it from whomever is telling you that it's against the rules then it probably is. If you're trying to justify some action by pointing out that it's not specifically outlined in the rules then already you're not playing in the spirit of the rules. Also if this is happening often just have the ruleset on your phone/tablet so you can reference them quickly.
  22. im up for it! woo hoo how many points for a pit manoeuvre?
  23. I'm going to lift this ban on the understanding that you are on your last warning any further transgressions and it's game over. Play safe
  24. how are you recording (format, bitrate etc)? how are you editting? ist it when you scrub through footage that it seems buggy or in the preview pane in the nle?
  25. You have decided to stick with your story, no it wasn't 'around a week ago', it was three days ago you came on to the servers and were tking in the morning and again in the afternoon your style of play is not welcome on our servers and your excuse of not being aware of what is allowed or not is moot. Your 'some' tks was quite a few and you don't seem to think this is a big deal. You've not shown us that you are willing to play by the rules we set out for everyone. Why should we consider unbanning you?
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