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Everything posted by zissou

  1. Get active on Teamspeak and on the Forums. Be a good sport and report bad play. We will notice you and if we feel you fit the bill we will let you know.
  2. I would remind people that being honest in your ban appeal is vital.
  3. That's just a great way to get our attention. Okay you have my attention, you going to back it up with anything of substance or is a quote from a game the limit of your contribution? Are you calling any admin or mod out for abuse or are you just upset that we don't tailor EU3's ruleset to your needs and wants? Yes, because the player base repeatedly have asked for this. If you don't like it EU1 or EU2 are always available. EU3 has always been a place for exactly not that 'messing about', people asked for it and it was provided. Judging from the response you seem to be in the minority Are you judging EU3's popularity by the time spent on it by you or some other metric? If the later, please share.
  4. zissou


    Multiple instances of lobby idling over the last week. When you lobby idle you are taking up a slot that could be otherwise enjoyed by other players your ban is going to be lifted on the understanding that if you get caught again it will result in harsher punishment.
  5. Multiple instances of lobby idling over the last week. When you lobby idle you are taking up a slot that could be otherwise enjoyed by other players your ban is going to be lifted on the understanding that if you get caught again it will result in harsher punishment.
  6. zissou


    This ban will be reduced to one day on the understanding that if you are caught breaking the rules again the punishment will be much harsher.<br />Knowing and playing according to the rules is your responsibility whether or not you did or didn't know is beside the point.
  7. zissou

    Taking the reins

    One quick point on the availability of staff to questions. Take into account who you're asking what eg don't ask the site owner what weapon sight would be best on a mg for eu2 or the classic "tker on eu1" then no more info. There are plenty of people around who can help everyone else so make use of that resource rather than taking it straight to the top, who while they are at the top, may not be the best placed for the particular inquiry or question.
  8. Lobby idling takes up slots on our servers resulting in players being unable to join. Your excuse of having to use the bathroom, taking a call or making a sandwich isn't really valid if you get auto kicked and reconnect seconds later. I will reduce the ban on the understanding that if you are caught idling again the ban will be for a longer period of time. Maybe do all those things before hopping on the server.
  9. you've been kicked for lobby idling on more than one occasion! Quite a few in fact so if you'd like to be honest in your ban appeal that would be great.
  10. zissou

    bann lift

  11. I'm going to lift the ban on this occasion but I would remind you to not lobby idle the next time I catch you at it you will receive a much longer ban.
  12. If you're starting out and don't want to jump right in the deep end then I'd go for flaming cliffs 3,you'll get f15, a10a, mig29, su27 su24s and su33 so a good mix of different aircraft types some easy to fly others not so much. The a-10a will give you a good intro with simplified avionics that may whet your appetite for the complexity of the a-10c. Once you have it watch a few tutorials on YouTube, open up the editor throw a few targets around and blow some shit up. Download the key maps and have them close by (phone or tablet). And have fun
  13. What ban message do you receive when you join the mission?
  14. Is this a permanent ban you asked in your attempted new appeal well it most certainly didn't have to be had you been honest from the start. Wasting helis: you still haven't explained or apologised for intentionally crashing helis multiple times including into the hangers at spawn, into other aircraft and vehicles and radio tower. That's simply not how the game is played and you are determined to use the excuse that you were simply doing it to respawn helis when there absolutely no need for that. You still insist that you haven't tked but you've been witnessed multiple times teamkilling at spawn. You've had so many opportunities to say sorry but you've refused to accept any guilt. Then there's the matter of playing your role on more than one occasion you've decided that a full server would be a great opportunity to let your niece have a go at flying helis. You've accused me of killing you in a heli full of people with lightning when I have video to prove that it never happened you've accused me of lying and then you think that you can simply wipe the slate clean by asking another admin to look at this appeal or even just start a new appeal where you continue to lie about what got you in trouble. So is this ban permanent, yes it will be unless you begin seeing what you did wrong, admit what you did, apologise for doing it and promise that you won't do it again. Because if this ban is lifted you will have no more chances.
  15. All I have asked is that you be truthful. As Pero has said it doesn't matter who you're discussing it with you need to tell the truth.
  16. we don't discuss bans in private. what do I mean by stick to the truth? I mean stop lying about what you've been up to. So far you've been nothing but untruthful and you know that we reject appeals that aren't truthful. Why were you banned? For destroying helicopters without any need, tking in spawn, not playing your role (or letting your niece fly) and general disruptive behaviour.
  17. Okay so now we're getting somewhere. But unfortunately you're trying to undo the mess you've created by simply lying even more. The two "accidents" regarding team killing both took place at spawn not while covering the AO. Your helicopter was struck by lightning by me but it only had you on board. Furthermore the two times you were struck were five minutes after your brb 1 min message where you left the hummingbird in mid air. And the second time was when you were ignoring the game and letting your neice fly. Which you have done on more than one occasion. You will see from the rules that wasting team assets is not allowed nor is it in the spirit of the game. There is no need to destroy flyable helis. You also do not do the gameplay any favours when you ram your heli into the radio tower. Waste resources multiple times to speed up an already fast respawn time. Nor are you helping anyone by intentionally crashing into buildings at spawn. You were asked to be truthful in your ban appeal and told we would not entertain dishonest appeals. You haven't been at all truthful in your (three, so far) variations of your story. Be honest because every time you lie we have less and less trust in anything that you say.
  18. Okay a few things here firstly you've quoted me as saying "wasting broken heli" had a look at the chat logs, it doesn't appear. In your first ban appeal you stated you've never tked but that's not true you've been caught doing it twice in the past few days. You haven't been banned up until this point but you have been kicked. In both tking incidents you're argumentative and hostile towards the admin in question. As for wasting helis, apart from the video of you crashing a perfectly good heli into the hanger I've found six more incidents where you admit to ramming the helicopters in the past few days. As for the last point you half heartedly accuse me that I killed you and a few others while you were on the way to the AO for no reason. Do you have any evidence to back that up? No because it never happened.
  19. Cool so you can try again but this time let's stick with the truth.
  20. okay only cause of how awesome that is I'm not going to ban you for the heinous crime of vertical video!!
  21. I will take this opportunity to remind people to tell the truth when appealing a ban.Appeals will not be considered if the appeal is not truthful. Edit: this appeal will not be entertained in it's present form having received additional information.
  22. Rugglan once you are able to please reply to this topic.
  23. Okay this guy Rugglan had trouble filling out a ban appeal so he sent it to me via ts it follows now with no edits from me: Banned... Why do you think you were banned? Probably banned for ¨wasting¨ helicopters, being afk for 1 min, or just argueing with admin Why (in your personal opinion) should your ban be lifted? because im a ¨reletive¨ good pilot, and ive never teamkilled,¨wasted¨ helicopters or agrued with admins before AND its the only good server to play on. Which administrator banned you (ArmA 3 only)? Zissou When were you banned? 2016-01-28
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