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Posts posted by Leatherneck

  1. post-2389-0-61028800-1372520841_thumb.jp


    Throwing my rifle at my team leaders face.




    Team leader sleeping on the job and firing the .50 with his penis or whatever




    insert wood/penis joke here




    Arma 3 snakes have more detail than the entire map of Stratis








    Michael Phelps -scuba gear removal swimming glitch, Im not hacking y0-




    The 1337 boat of just1c3




    hugs because hugs are cool even if we're being dialed in by mortar teams




    trying to be like joe dirt and run assholes off the road but we hit an IED and all died after this screenshot




    Just gearing up for a quick mission with my unit




    Im a dumbass and  my mommy buys my clothes from Baby Gap


    I'm drunk and I know my graphics settings look like crap, I don't know why my CPU is only getting 7% usage when I have a beefy rig and I only get 20-30 fps in game on standard settings. I can play on Ultra if I turn AA off but it sometimes gets choppy when someone is doing CAS nearby.








  2. airsofting... loads of fun, anyone near cincinnati wants to play let me know. And me and my gf

    Good trigger control there buddy. :D My younger brother got me into airsoft recently, Not a bad sport. It started with him asking me to send him cammies, pouches and all that good stuff from the PX. :P

  3. Your in the army now ohooohooo your in the army now ..... *cough* funny stuff, i always wonderd what the soldiers do all day on deployment i gues now we know hehe

    I'm a Marine! Not a soldier damnit! :D  A lot of people think that deployments are just chaos like a Call Of Duty mission.


    Civilians rarely get to see what we do in our free time/safe time thanks to the American media. That's why we have youtube. :D

  4. Man Im going to regret posting this.

    A video my squad leader made during our last deployment with 2/8 and 1/6 Lima. We were originally based out in Helmand and accepted orders to assist 2/8 with a food run for the villages in their AO since they were undermanned.  Ghazni sucks ass so we tried to make it a lot more enjoyable. I'm at 0:19, shaking my money maker. :(  :mellow:

  5. Some buddies I met on the server and I have been rolling out in our own little squad lately. We seem to work really well together.


    Sorry for  the crappy quality on the screenshots. For some reason I have to play on lowest settings in multiplayer but on Singleplayer in the editor I can play on max. Im wondering if its because A3 isn't fully optimized yet or my pc sucks. My pc build is pretty nice though. :(



    Blowing up side and moving to evac.



    Patrol around Kamino.



    Yonatan and I guarding the large courtyard in Agia for Bravo's insert.



    I thought this looked badass.



    Yonatan, Idermark, Beezaleedo, Marshall, Graveyard, Vernon, Apollo, Pinpoint and myself lazing targets for CAS and friendlies above Girna.



    We gon' drop at side.






  6. Got it working again this morning. Sorry Jeff and Kamaradski for the slow replies on TS. I didn't hear the message sound, Was flying the choppers around for people. It's connected alright for now but it still becomes funky every once and a while. The address field is saying "Ts.ahoyworld.co.uk".


    EDIT: Its not working anymore. I keep getting a message when I try connecting to ahoyworld. It says, "Maximum number of requests with this identity has been reached." Then it gives me a file to upload on the TS3 forums for a debug console or something like that. This only happens with AhoyWorld servers. Anyone else getting this?

  7. Hey gents. I've ran into a strange problem that I've never gotten before when I start up TeamSpeak.

    I run it as admin and join the AhoyWorld channel for Arma 3. It loads up for about 2 seconds then It crashes. 

    Its saying that I've connected with the max amount of users which makes no sense.  


    Anyone else currently having this problem and know of a fix? Any help would be appreciated.


  8. Welcome! I've only been here a few days but so far I've really enjoyed my time with these folks. Everyone is extremely nice and helpful. I'm sure you'll fit right in! I go by my forum name in-game on the US Annex server so if you ever need help or just want to shoot some Opfor, lemme know! :D

  9. LOL! Man, I swear to jeebus, every base I've been stationed on had the exact same barracks that were made in the 40's. They're so ghetto! Peter Griffin said it best: "This place is so old, you can hear the mice humping in the walls." :wacko:


    There's another one for ya. We're the masters of warfighting and extreme innovators in combat-beer-drinking-tactics.

    I've got a picture of my squad in Afghanistan spray painting penises on the side of an insurgents compound but I don't think that would be appropriate for this forum. :D


    Semper Dumbass!


    And Jeff, you look extremely manly and ten times more badass with that little furry dog next to you! I would hate to run into you at a bar! :D


  10. awesome !

    PS your profile pic pretty much resembles my time in the Dutch army :P

    A whole lot of "Hurry up and wait" in the Dutch services too? Well, at least it gives us all between branches something to bitch about! Thanks for your service too brother. :D

  11. Name's Sean. Leatherneck is my name when I play on the US Arma 3 server. I was told about this community from another member and friend named Jester who is one of the admins. I've only been playing on the server for a few days now but so far its been pretty awesome. Lots of friendly people and the admins are the best I've seen. Things about me:I enjoy long romantic walks on the beach while naked, I Hate mustard, I love peanut butter and honey sandwiches, Active Duty Marine, Alcoholic, chain smoker, Former admin to a couple other servers, Love Death metal, The Lakers suck and I like boobs. Hope to see you all in-game! Later gents.

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