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Posts posted by Jester

  1. this really wouldnt be hard to implement, but as zissou has said, it will never be implemented on our server. Players would have to download that mod as well as this mod http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160599-NATO-SF-and-Russian-Spetsnaz-WEAPONS-for-A3 (since the original mod is dependent on it). As we have said in the past, we will not be adding any content that forces a player to install a mod to connect to our servers.


    On the other hand, if you want to host our mission with this mod running all you have to do is throw that addon in the servers main arma folder and call it when starting the server, as well as the second mods that it is dependent on. Then it will be active and it will change all the units.

  2. I can tell you right now, with how large Altis and having a respawn button, no one is going to lay on the ground for a medivac, then wait to get back to base to get revived and then taken back to the AO again to fight more only to die shortly after and have to go through the whole process again. it is just so much more convient to click respawn if no medics are around and go back out to battle.


    Don't get me wrong this is a good concept for a reality game night type mission.


    I just do not see this type of thing working out on a public server where people just want to go out and kill stuff, rather then wait around for a mdeivac/pararescue

  3. If your thinking just for A3, don't bother, you don't need anything other than a keyboard. If you play other things then it's probably a good idea.

    I beg to differ. I cannot fly at all with just keyboard/mouse. I hook up my XBox controller and its game on. (well, sorta game on until raz or hoax or one of the other topguns start flying :P)

  4. the pvp server never had this first off.

    Second I changed the setting to only be able to spectate the group members now. (instead of the whole server. that wasnt intentional when we implemented this)

    third people were asking for a way to have it more realistic about searching for dead bodies instead of a bright neon sign hanging over their head. this was a solution.

    forth, this is only a test as of right now. we are trying to better the experience of our players by adding new content.


    @progamer, I am a bit confused. you want it more hardcore by removing extra armor, yet you want neon signs over dead players? i am a bit confused.

    again, these are just small tests we are doing to see what players are looking for, your input is very welcome and appreciated.


    I have actually had quite a few people say they enjoy the spectator view now that it is scaled down. (pro tip- press left arrow to pull up the base marker straight away when your down)

  5. Like I told you in game, we will not be changing this until full release.


    It used to be the everyone was getting one shot from 1k meters away. Everyone complained that AI were OP. Now that BiS has adjusted the AI skill, now the new complaint is going to be they are to weak....


    Here is the thing, A lot of players can thank us for the training lesson from playing against OP AI, now your game is to par and you can actually fight a good battle against them.


    So until Full release (9 days away!) just sit tight. After we see the final skill of them, then we will adjust.

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