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Posts posted by Jester

  1. Will be fixed next release ( a day or two).


    The drone, at the current time, Will not be able to respawn properly. It has nothing to do with the mission though. It has to do with how BiS has them coded. If they respawn they are "empty" and then therefore will not be controlable by blufor units. We know of this issue and are awaiting a fix for it. For now they are basically "placeholders" for when it gets fixed.

  2. We got everything completed last night and Altis is now playable with I&A. Both our #2 servers are running the DEV build of Arma 3 with the new mission. Come join us and have some good fun!


    Also to go along with this is our PvP mission as well. We are going to be constantly updating this mission to keep it fresh and exciting.

  3. I'm going to spend the day playing tomorrow and see if I cannot figure out whats causing this. The last few times I have played, I have had no problems at all. I will try a few things and see if any fix the problem.


    @josh, is yer FPS when start or after a period of time?

    @all, do your FPS seem to be fine after a server restart? (i.e. fresh load of mission)

    also I am going to toss up an old mission file on one server. I need you guys to play on it and see if you still have the issues, this will help me diagnose the problem.
     This will be done tomorrow (friday)

  4. and you guys only now are noticing this? did it happen before I changed the AI settings? (i.e. did it happen more then 2 days ago as well?) When I get some free time, I will look into the logs and see what is going on. Unfortunately for me, i work stupid hours the days I work, like today i will be working 10 hours, so I don't really have to much time when i get home. And the time I do have i am trying to get stuff done "behind the scenes" on the server.


    I will take a look at it as soon as I can.

  5. right, and i am sorry for going off your main question. My reply was more for xOderusUrungusX and his post rather then to your main question. Again, sorry for straying off there. (as you can see, I quoted his post before my response originally)

  6. Unfortunately, in the update to 2.88 (to ensure compatibility with 0.72), several classnames had to be changed in the mission.sqm as BIS had changed a good few, causing older missions to crash upon starting. 



    Ahhh yes, didn't even think of that. My apologies. I think the merging and just removing what you don't need is probably going to be the easiest way. (as Rarek has stated)

  7. you get a sniper rifle when you spawn in. Why would you need to change it to the same sniper rifle again?


    ^^^^ that is my point.


    You have one when you spawn in originally as well as after death and respawning. I do not see why not having them from a box is really an issue hence.....



     It really is not that hard to go to a box and plop on a backpack and then add a bunch more magazines to your inventory.
    So needing a premade loadout is not even necessary. Take the extra minute to grab more ammo.
  8.  Also when you spawn as a sniper you can't load either sniper from your saved loadouts. Say goodbye to sniping on AW servers guys.




    you get a sniper rifle when you spawn in. Why would you need to change it to the same sniper rifle again? As I said in my other post, It really is not that hard to go to a box and plop on a backpack and then add a bunch more magazines to your inventory. A sniper shouldn't be carrying around a sachel, 15 grenades, blah blah blah.... Their job is long range support. If you are blowing up a radio tower as a sniper, you are not doing your job correctly.


    So needing a premade loadout is not even necessary. Take the extra minute to grab more ammo.


    I see more where this is leading from everyone who is pissed about it. It seems that people who are not in a sniper role are mad because they cannot get these weapons any longer. All I can say to that is ........ The system is working :)

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