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Posts posted by Jester

  1. try this out....



    so basically something like this....

    _unit = _this select 0;
    _marker = _this select 1;
    while {alive _unit} do
    _pos = [_unit, 50, 200] call fn_vbs_randomPos
    _hm = createMarker ["_marker",_pos];
    "_marker" setmarkershape "RECTANGLE";
    "_marker" setMarkerBrush "DIAGGRID";
    "_marker" setMarkerSize [500, 500];
    "_marker" setmarkercolor "ColorRed";
    sleep 5;
    deleteMarker "_marker";

    tweak it to your needs. where 50 is the min distance from the center and 200 is the max distance from the center (or _unit). 50 can = 0 meaning directly on the units pos.


    this will update every 5 seconds as is and will never stay centered on the unit. I would recommend that you change it to like 10 seconds though so that players do not see a pattern of where the zone is and pinpoint the center.

  2. I think he has the loop there every 5 seconds to "simulate" the distress beacon effect. (i.e. so it blinks on the map)


    my question to you is this...


    are you wanting to spawn the group in the marker area? This is what I thought you were trying to do in TS earlier. But now that I read this i am having second thoughts.


    Are you wanting the marker to just be "around" the group. (i.e. follow the group around, but not accurately, just and approximation)?


    I need this info to try to better help you out, because both ways would be completely different.


    lastly, how are you calling this script you have now? in the units init? in the init.sqf?

  3. Well it was aparent that you have been warned about your behavior before. You were warned multiple times about your behavior with other players and harassing them. i personally have had complaints a few times in the last week. Here is what you did today to get your 7 day bann. ( and so you know, after the 7 days, if one more complaint comes in for this behavior, you will be permanently banned from our servers)


    <15:12:50> "Luetin": that guy Rotten whos been playing on EU 1
    <15:13:26> "Luetin": he seems to have taken some issue with me, i dont care that much but its starting to get a bit irritating and spoiling my enjoyment of the server that whenever i communicate he constantly baits me
    <15:13:42> "Luetin": comments on what im saying or generally tries to make some sort of comment to get me annoyed
    <15:14:02> "Luetin": today he started now saying that i am from german or indian descent
    <15:14:26> "Luetin": now that means nothing to me but hes clearly trying to make some racial slur to make me angry and i think its not pleasant or appreciated
    <15:14:44> "Luetin": so just informing you guys that hes being unfriendly and trying to antagonise me
    <15:15:03> "Luetin": not to mention the fact that he constantly complains and berates others on the server as well
    We DO NOT tolerate racism nor constant harassment of players on our servers. Like I said, we have had multiple complaints about this from you a few times and you have been warned. I suggest you cool down for a week and give it another go. This ban was not just because of luetin, but a culmination of multiple complaints.
    • I will look into the wounding problem. This is usually caused by BTC revive glitching out and causing constant dmg over time.

    Most certainly a VAS problem. I am waiting for a new update for this. Might roll back to an older version if it persists to long.

    Pilots do have a VAS box. It is the little truck at the pilot spawn. just walk up to it and scroll your mouse. you will then see an option for VAS.

    I am glad that the AA are having an impact. we opted for putting in a bunch more AA unit infantry teams to prolong AO's. the tigrises were just getting shot down to fast by CAS and had no effect. At least now there are some AA unit present after all the armored units are gone. 

    alternate Sidemissions- we will explore dynamic SM's after we stabilize this build. We are currently having some minor behind the scenes bugs as well as some localization problems. when everything works out to be stable, we will start looking into other things.

  4. yea, unfortunately it is BEC who has done the ban. A lot of arma 3 servers do not use it because they do not know how to set it up. That or they are renting an ARMA 3 server which does not allow access to the root folder needed to install it. So MANY of the servers you run into out there will NOT be running BEC and hence you can join them.


    Again, if BEC catches cheat engine running, it will toss a global ban. This only applies to servers running BEC. These bans are totally controlled by battleye and have nothing to do with us.

  5. that is kind of correct technerd. If battleye banned him for #38 then any server that runs BEC will not allow him on it. If however a server is not running BEC, it will not read the master ban list and he will be able to play there.


    @mackey18 - there is nothing we can do as far as unbanning you if battleye itself caught cheatengine running. you GUID is added to a master list that is controlled by them and only them. We have no say in getting your GUID removed from that list. You will have to contact them directly and appeal your ban.


    when I say you have to contact "them" what I mean is you will have to appeal here.... http://www.battleye.com/support.html

  6. As with what raz said.... we need logs to sort other problems out. We wont turn them off just to hide problems so people can use a mod that doesn't work properly. Although it may "seem" to run fine, it doesn't if it is causing a log file up to and surpassing a gig in only an hour or so.

  7. The problem with the removal of the ammo/weapons/items is this... Since it is in the file that it is in, it gets called when the vehicle respawns. All fine and good and works just fine that way. The problem occurs when another vehicle gets destroyed and that file gets called again from a respawn. The other vehicle that is destroyed now calls the aw_unitsetup and fires that line again. In turn this will check every vehicle in that list and clear out the items.


    The other way also works fine, where you place the code in the vehicle init, but the problem with that way is that the vehicle when it respawns will no longer have that code attached to it. This is how we have it for now though. Until I have extra time to write it into the vehicle.sqf file to only run it on respawn and not every vehicle that respawns.


    As for the chat problem. We are crossing our fingers that they fix it with this next patch.

  8. yea, basically how we do our acre server is this....


    start ARMA with all acre stuff enabled. go to the editor and toss a couple acre boxes down. You can also set each unit, if you feel so inclined, with a set radio.



    this addItem "ACRE_PRC119";  this assignItem "ACRE_PRC119";
    this addItem "ACRE_PRC148";  this assignItem "ACRE_PRC148";

    but you will have to enter either of those lines into each unit as you see fit.


    Lastly, you will want to throw down a few radio towers around the island. Otherwise you will loose coms easily.

  9. you wanting to put it in the aw_unitsetup.sqf. Just classify what type of vehicle you want it to be in. Getting just straight VAS in the vehicle init line, while using the vehicle.sqf is a PAIN. I spent lengths of time trying to figure it out and it sucks. So to simplify it, I just add it to the unitsetup if I put it in.


    you can add it directly to the vehicle no problem, the problem then arises when it respawns. The vehicle then will not have VAS attached to it since it is being spawned by vehicle.sqf and not the game itself.


    Just look att hat file and you will be able to figure out how you need to implement it for your needs. if not I will break it down for you. 

  10. Well if its going to be on Stratis, which I do in general like that idea, it'll have to wait until we have a functioning stock version of I&A Stratis.


    Maybe you were not around when it happened, but who do you think ported I&A over to Altis? I have my eyes on porting it back to Stratis soon. It is on my to-do list, I just have been implementing some thing into the Altis map and wanted to iron them out before I pop it back on Stratis. It is coming though. I might just make this hardcore type map the stratis one and leave it at that for release.

  11. I like the idea, but I think there are more important things to improve first so I voted no.


    What I can come up with:


    -Boat side missions are a nice addition but need a big update: have divers spawn under water at the wreck, instead of above it, so players can't just swim down and ignore the AI. More defence around the wreck is needed, either divers/boats/helicopters/underwater mines


    -The defend phase of an AO needs to be looked upon. It doesn't really give the impression of a proper counterattack, instead it spawns enemies randomly at the edge. Maybe add enemy paradrops (instead of having Orca's land first), get enemy infantry and vehicles to spawn from a only certain direction but more concentrated, have them advance into the AO more aggressively. I'd prefer the need to kill all waves of reinforcements instead of a timer to clear the Defend order. Also maybe take a look at something to lose during the defend order, like a building that can be blown up or a flag at the town square. Finally maybe a look at the frequency of the Defend order.


    -UAV's and UGV's are still bugged. More often than not after they respawn you can't connect to them. This has been a persistent problem that could use fixing.


    -Enemy Buzzards. I haven't seen them do anything useful or pose any real threat so for the sake of performance I think it's better to take them out.


    -Ammo Drop from the Ghost Hawk seems to not be working fully yet.


    -Revive bugs occurring frequently, where players can't be revived or moved by some. Also the revive point script is messed up. For a randomer it says 'you revived a squad mate' and gives you two point, and for a squad mate it says 'you revived a fellow soldier' and gives you one point. This should be turned around.


    -Side mission enemies despawning straight after the objective has been blown, clearing the side mission objective and AO immediately. My suggestion is to only make the side mission objective complete once all enemies in the side mission AO have been killed, like the Mortar AO's.


    -General performance optimization. I seem to be getting lower FPS on the server than I did a month ago. It went down from 35-40 average to 25-30 average. Changing my graphics had no impact to improve it again.


    Thank you for the detailed input here ShortNL.


    I will be looking into all of these. I think as far as stuff being "added" we are done for now. It is now time for us to concentrate on perfecting these additions or taking some out that are useless or take up resources. Such as you said about the buzzards who assist the enemy. I was hoping they would be more of a threat but it just seems I cannot get them to do what I expected them to. They will more then likely be removed.


    As for the rest, you will start seeing some new builds being released in the coming weeks with performance tweaks/tweaks to recent additions. This kind of information helps us resolve the issues that need attention.

  12. All good ideas. I like this and support it. Here is my thoughts/ideas just from reading this and popping into my head.


    • 20-30 slots (will still make for tight knit groups as well as smaller "cells" for special purposes. also will help keep FPS drop down a ton) we already know as developers that there is a human to AI ratio limit. the exact ratio is unknown by anyone but people are testing this and it is shown that the less human players the more AI you can toss in. anyways...)
    • move it back to Stratis. I think Stratis makes for a great infantry based island.
    • take out enemy air assets, maybe every now and then one will come and support the AO. very seldom though. (1 in 4-5 AO's?)
    • make playable faction independant? possibly against blufor?
    • make a few bigger vehicles available from start with long cooldowns.
    • no air support for human side, just transport.
    • jack up the enemy infantry # and lower vehicle patrol #
    • make enemy occupy the buildings so that they need cleared CQB style.
  13. it is very possible. Go through the init.sqf as well as priotity target.sqf and sidemission.sqf and comment out the appropriate lines that you want blocked that begin with GlobalHint = and then any showNotification = that follow it as well.


    i.e. here is one line in the init.sqf


    	GlobalHint = _completeText; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hint parseText _completeText;
    	showNotification = ["CompletedSideMission", sideMarkerText]; publicVariable "showNotification";
    	showNotification = ["Reward", format["Your team received %1!", _vehName]]; publicVariable "showNotification";

    you would just either block that whole section out with /* ...... */  OR at the start of each line add //


    I don't have the time to go through all the code to find them for you myself, and plus it doesn't help you learn how to do this stuff on your own if I do all the work for you. Just play around with it to your liking and if you break it, just undo what you did or start over from square one. 


    If this is confusing you, maybe you might want to have one of your guys in your community that knows a little bit about scripting to do it instead.

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