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Posts posted by Cain

  1. I would absolutely rip this horrible version of the beautiful 'hog apart, but I have no energy to do so right now.


    I'm tempted to oppose the monstrosity being put into I&A because I don't want to punch through my monitor at how badly it flies/models compared to DCS. 


    But then again, sometimes we must give the pubbies what they want. Even if it's a terrible 'modernized' version of an A-10. It ain't even supposed to be angular, what, y'think an A-10 with all kinds of armaments hanging off its stores and flying at maybe 250 knots is going to rely on some anti-radar detection techniques? Bah.

    Ain't even suited for SEAD, and that's what we really need.


    Fuckin' chuck in a Wild Weasel, or even a freaking Vietnam-era F4 suited to that role. I'm sure the AAF have some lying around that they bought surplus after Vietnam.



    Maybe the weird ass SU-27/F-15 love child will be okay.

  2. All they had to do was give us a nice interceptor or fighter-bomber for both sides, like an updated F-16 or F/A-18, or even the F-35 for Blufor, and some equivalent of the SU-35.

    But noooo, we have to get a shittily-modelled A-10 that looks like it should belong in Battlefield 2142, and some terrible kazakh attempt at building a MiG.

  3. Why were you throwing smoke grenades in a manner which could be seen as spamming, at base, in the first place? I do not think anyone needs to be warned if they do not have the common sense that spamming smoke grenades, or normal grenades for that matter, is not a good idea in the first place. And smoke grenades are still bad, whilst they may not teamkill, a lot of them can decrease FPS dramatically for other players, and particularly pilots attempting to land at base.


    I was reacting on teamspeak to a known player making me aware of what you were doing, the particulars I cannot remember, and after the ban message popped up several people said 'thanks admin', which may not be a useful tool in gauging the right action, however it usually works in the past when a high-profile dissident does something that can be seen as unfavorable on the servers.


    If you can explain this to me, I may decrease your ban to a temporary one, in my opinion. Other staff members may disagree, and may maintain or commute your ban further.

  4. Unfortunately at the moment we are not looking into low-level admin rights, and most likely will not for a period of time. 


    The thing is, if we're giving people the ability to kick/ban (hell, even the ability ban is too much imo), then why not make them full-blown admins? 


    And as such, because we like to keep our admin staff tight to a group of people we know contribute regularly, have good judgement, and we inherently trust.


    We realize that as of late the server admin presence has gone down, due to pretty much everyone being on dev to play with Zeus, and I'm switching back to stable to help with that. 



    Whilst I am not doubting you guys' or Skully's trustworthiness, we cannot just hand out such powers willy-nilly, because if we do hand out kick/ban rights that essentially makes them admins (or moderators, if you want to call them that). And we would much prefer a smaller admin team where it's easier to sort out some problems here and there, rather than a much larger moderator group where we can't really hold them accountable if one decides to abuse his powers and start kicking people out of pilots slots because he wants to fly, or something similar.


    If you want to see more admins, either:

    1) Get involved yourself, in all areas, so that perhaps you can be trusted enough with admin responsibility

    or 2) Encourage others to do the same.


    Because to be honest, if you're complaining about there being enough admins, and yes fair enough I acquiesce to that, many of us are on dev, but you lack the initiative to get involved within the community and contribute, therein possibly becoming a member of our staff, then I do not think you have much of a right to do so.


    If you're not able to because of a job, or school, or any other reasons, remember this:

    Admins are people too.


    We have jobs, we have school, we have other things that require us to not be able to be on the servers actively playing and moderating. What we are able to do most of the time when this happens, is moderate remotely. So no, do not hesitate to poke us on teamspeak for a kick or ban, because we will most likely be able to do so, that's the reason why we have our remote admining tool. To help us do most of the jobs required in the server without actually being in the server.

    Be glad we have it, because if we didn't you would see a lot more teamkillers and the like. Our responsibility is to admin the servers, when we can. To most, if not all, of us, admining is sidelined by other things in life.




  5. So it's like... A multiplayer mode/editor the likes of MCC and such?


    Typical BIS, another thing that should have been in the release.


    Looks good though, and Zeus better be able to smite those he does not favour.

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