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Posts posted by Cain

  1. They took a perfectly solid aircraft and; instead of just putting it in, decided to dress it up with angles and a paint-scheme more at home on a F-117 Nighthawk. At least a tank with a railgun is more appropriate of the time-setting. 


    The F-35 is still horrible anyhow. Chuck in an F-22 or an overhauled F-16, oxygen supply issues aside it's still a mile better. Even the Fake-10 is, horrible makeover aside.

  2. Knowing Rockstar, GTA's going to get pushed back to 2016 so I can't really be looking forward to it until the day before its actually releasing lol.


    Otherwise, Project Cars is pretty high on my list right now, as well as The Division and Star Citizen. Also, Dragon Age Inquisition; I've been keen to see what Bioware have improved on since DA2.

  3. Oh man Cain #5! I had completely forgotten about that quad-bike thing! Haha I felt so guilty when we stole it but then I didn't want to walk so the guilt passed :D

    It was the only time I've been like 'I'm AAF commander, you're just a private. I need this vehicle.'. Pulling rank on someone feels so horrible but there was no way in hell I was going to spend another 20 minutes walking to the new AO because JTF2 fucked us.

  4. I have a tonne of things that happened during gamenights or other periods of organized play:


    1) On one game night when I was in charge of a squad, I split the squad into two fireteams and knowingly sent one fireteam on a suicide mission because I had selected the people in the squad that were really ticking me off.


    2) On a separate game night, again in charge of a squad, I gave permission for my squad to blue-on-blue the entire force in the middle of a debrief (which sounded like it was finished) after several elements had proposed the idea and the rest of the squad were up for it.


    3) One time, one of my AT guys said he spotted several MRAPs in the distance and wanted to engage. Too busy pouring over my maps and attempting to locate the other squad which had fallen far behind, I gave him permission to fire, he destroyed the first vehicle and the second blew up by hitting the back of the wreckage. The third survived. I only found out later when the remnants of the squad met us that two of their vehicles had been destroyed by an AT ambush. I had their grid coords the wrong way round and they were much closer to us than I thought. I told them we eliminated the AT team.


    4) A reoccurring problem one game night was some non-AW lads who had signed up and were doing their own thing, disregarding our commands/orders and what we were trying to do. They had an MRAP as their vehicle, and when we caught up to their pos one time and they had disembarked, I got in their vehicle and ran over them before linking back up with my squad and telling our lead that I had solved both the problem of our dwindling ammo and our non-abiding teammates.


    5) In I believe our second large joint-op with JTF2 (where Angel's mission started with us being AAF and suppressed in a shack, and I was assigned leader of AAF because I thought I signed up as a fireteam leader, not team leader), after we had been picked up by NATO (after a beautiful meeting with them swooping down in a littlebird in the middle of the night) and we had been split as an AAF force due to vehicles' passenger constraints, some of my team had taken it upon themselves to jog for about 15 minutes to arrive at an old vehicle camp and picked up a quadbike, and brought it all the way back to us. In what was not my proudest moment, I was tired of being dicked around by JTF2 over transport to the final AO, and pulled rank on the guys who painstakingly found the quad (which was Angel himself and someone else), relieved them of it and took myself (and either Christiansen or Danny?) to the rest of the team where Raz, as 2ic, had set up a preparatory assault position in a forest. It was about 8 km away from where we originally were, and Angel and the other man had to jog all the way over to us.


    I remember a lot of those ones Raz, especially the heli music one. We were all yelling because we thought someone in TS was mic-spamming and we damn-near shat ourselves when it started playing.



    1st admission: during gamenight I once ordered my AT soldier to fire his rpg over the other squads head. It led to a large amount of anger towards him for doing it. I never admitted to the order.

    It led to Smith terming me 'The ruiner of gamenights'. That was a funny gamenight.

  5. I bought my HOTAS specifically to play DCS, and it works a charm. Honestly when it comes to stuff like DCS, its more about button mappings and easy-access controls rather than the actual precision of the stick itself.

  6. Now, even though I'm practically the only person who still plays GRID: Autosport on a regular basis, anyone who's interested in a more simulator-type racing game should take a look at project CARS. I didn't actually hear much about it until relatively recently, but its the same studio that was behind NFS Shift and Shift 2, along with a few other big titles I forgot.


    They actually self-published this through community funding, and in a more 'the players have the say' kind of way, where their playerbase has given them feedback and things they may want to see in the game. Looking through IGN's interview with them at Gamescon, the game itself looks really nice: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/09/04/how-well-tuned-is-project-cars (First video)


    It releases on Windows/PS4/Xbone in November (so that's another game to add to the November wish-list for me)


    Again, I'm not too sure how 'realistic' the handling and all that is, but the level of detail the developers have put into the tracks, the cars, stuff like the dynamic weather, the interesting take on a career mode, and a few other cool things (pit stops!) makes me want this game. Here's their website which has information on their growing tracklist (which they say will be one of the largest on release) and their car-list (not as many right now but they're releasing more as it gets closer to release date) http://www.projectcarsgame.com/


    Take a look at it whoever's interested, I'll most likely be pre-ordering it. See if it's less rage-inducing than GRID can be sometimes.

  7. That live fire exercise tho.


    The benefits of having a massive bloody desert, you can shoot as much ordnance as you want in it, and the biggest casualty you might get is a camel.

    I've hiked in the desert here and the amount of spent casings, used trip-mines, grenade shells etc we found was astounding.

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