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Everything posted by iLLGT3

  1. Welcome! We're glad you're enjoying the mission.
  2. I'm way more excited than I should be for the bicycling, tennis, and golf.
  3. Alright guys, after doing some research on this topic and some testing with Raz, it appears as though the AI settings that we are able to use in single player are non-existent in multiplayer. This issue is a well reported issue on the forums and the bug submitting system. That said, there is an "AI Server Skill" mod that can be installed on a server to tone them down a bit and it's customisable but I don't think it's something we will be using at the moment. It looks like we're going to have to wait until the devs fix their super-human abilities.
  4. Hey and welcome to AW! Our server do not require any mods at all and as far as I know, we plan to keep it that way for awhile. Now, we do support a nice immersion mod called the ShackTac Fireteam HUD. It helps you recognise who is in your squad and where they are within a 50m radius. That mod isn't required to play but it is a very popular mod that the community uses so we do allow it. If you ever decide to give it a go, ask someone around here and we'll gladly help you get it installed and working. Hope to see you around!
  5. The AI set to 0.04 as seen above make them terribly bad. I played the night mission that's built in the BETA with them set like that and they can't hit you at 15m. They're absolutely terrible. There is a difference in the way the AI react in I&A and how they act when you can set them like this. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu Something like this maybe? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20003
  6. I think we all agree the AI is far too powerful. I assume it's something that's been noted but I've yet to see a proper post on it. They are simply, too powerful. We all know how the AI act when engaging us.. The difficulty I'm talking about is the "Recruit - Veteran" (or however they're labeled) settings in the server setup screen. We should be able to set those depending on how many people we have in the server to make things easier. Also is it possible force 1st person and markers off? Only for a "hardcore" playstyle option when we have good players. Is it possible to edit these settings from the lobby? I remember being able to do this in ArmA2.
  7. That was taken off of a left 3 and massive crest. Co-driver told me to slow down. I didn't listen. Picture was taken mid flight.
  8. New snapback and racing helmet.
  9. Welcome to AhoyWorld. Hope to see you around.
  10. I really hope the sequences when she's fighting the guy in white is an in-game video. Those reflections are phenomenal!! EDIT: Have this giffidy-gif
  11. Are you sure? I swear we've set those and they've made no difference what-so-ever.
  12. Welcome to AW, Rob. See ya around.
  13. Check out my new rig I was working on yesterday guise
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