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Hello again!


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Hello! (again)


I'm Karlsson. 21 years old Currently living in Stockholm Sweden.

I've been a part of Ahoyworld before back in early 2016 and feel like now is a good time to get back at it again.


When I'm not playing videogames for example Battlefield, CS:GO, Overwatch and ARMA I do what is called "Försvarsutbildarna" Basically translates to "Defense Education & Training".

We educate and train youth volunteers (16+) for the SAF, basic operations as setting up an camp, radio education, basic medical education, (first aid and so on) military jargon and fire exercises. 

Currently I'm in this organization. I plan the exercises for weekends and help out with their smaller operations in the North Stockholm region.


Answering any questions that might pop up here!


And Merry Christmas!

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