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Photographer in the House!


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Hi Guys, i'm James. In-game EchoTomcat.

As Topic subject probably gave away, i'm a photographer away from the keyboard and i'm wanting to get involved with a good clan for when I graduate later this year from university.

Used to play Call of Duty, Crysis but not anymore, ARMA III is where it's at. I also play minecraft (tekkit/bukkit) however not played that in a while, but i'll probably dabble with it again.

See you all in-game. Here's a photo of me on a quad being straddled by a stranger, creepy.

http://i.imgur.com/mNHtS9V.jpg (Uploader won't work)


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Heya, Echo!


Sorry it seems to have taken us all so long to reply! I was at work when I saw the thread, so that's my excuse.


Looks like you will (and have) fit right in! Good to see you around and look forward to seeing even more of you! :)

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