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Testing the objectives system again this evening\night 26/09

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So a handfull of you got to see the Objectives system I was testing yesterday (25\09) in a small singe instance mission yesterday. That was just me checking to see if it worked properly in mp. Now the task is to check if the function i wrote for making a new task everytime a objective moves\gets created is underway. So around 2300 orso im gonna run some tests on EU#3 to check if the new code works and that a task gets a new ID everytime it should ETC. 



Keeping to the spirit of last test its going to be PVP but on  bit bigger scale this time, its BLU vs INDEP this time in a simplified cache hunt mission where INDEP defends and BLU attacks.


There will be some vehicles present also for those who missed them last nights test ;)



Hope to see a good turnup =) 

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