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Introduction - Xwatt


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Ahoy Wonderful People! (I am not really "new" to Ahoyworld, I have been around for quite a while.)


Finally I have some spare time on my hands and I can get started on this forum. If some of you don't know me, my name is Xwatt and I play a lot on EU1 and I have made quite a few friends too! It has been a wonderful journey and I have many people to thank for this, if I had to name everyone this would go on forever! And I am very thankful that I can be here today in this wonderful community. I am a very friendly person and If you see me around be sure to say Hello!  :P





And this here is me when people decide to run into a minefield or destroy vehicles at an Intel side mission!



And on this note, I will finish my Introduction with a question:


If I fire a bullet in-game and quickly disconnect, would my bullet continue to travel in-game or would it simply.... vanish?

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Hey there Xwatt! :D


I'm getting a rematch on that race, and no cheating this time  :P



Hey Archon!


 Sure we will get back to that race, Hit me up with a time and date!  :lol:



I remember you well from EU#1, Xwatt, thanks for all the fish there, it was always a good day near you.. for me at least (Nicolai in-game).. *grin*



Ahhh Why Thank you! It was a great pleasure playing with you mate!

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