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Planetside 2 - Unbalanced Factions


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It would seem the factions are quite unbalanced after all. Straight from the fantastically-analysed data below, I quote:

Overall' date=' the TR are overpowered, VS has the middle ground, and the NC has some good PR or something because their weapons require much more burst fire.[/quote']

Check it out. http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/13a0jc/the_definitive_damage_time_to_kill_and_overall/

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Ah yes when in doubt the good people at reddit will always come to help.

It does just seem to come down to the weapons then. Which is exactly how it feels in game. On the plus side this means it inst our faction members merely the tools they have. Hopefully wit some balancing we could possibly be the best factions after these hardships! :P

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To think if we had of gone TR we would have had no issues an we would be playing happily all the time!

Aye. Seems common knowledge on the forums that the Terran Republic are OP and the New Conglomerate are "hard mode". I guess we can feel proud that we're playing the underdog at least...

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Aye. Seems common knowledge on the forums that the Terran Republic are OP and the New Conglomerate are "hard mode". I guess we can feel proud that we're playing the underdog at least...

My sentiment exactly I feel like we really are the rebles. In tanks we seems to do fairly well its just in extended infantry engagements. Probably wanna come up with some new tactics like Guerrilla tactics operating in small tactical squads instead of Large engagements.

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Ah we we're so close to switching too! the only thing that stopped me from agreeing with the switch was the fact that daan, me and couple-a others spent a little station cash. looking back i could've moved easily...

I hope they change something to even it out.

p.s. just tried looking for any news on balancing and according to the customer suport forum poll, the people who have looked for help are:

Terran: 13%

New'C: 62%

Vanu : 25%

whyy oh whyyy did we pick NC

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