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Razor Operators capture Key CSAT commander.


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Razor Squad Operators capture Key CSAT Commander


Today NATO are pleased to announce that the capture of a key CSAT Commander - Mamed Jalali. In a daring raid that lasted little over 5 hours, Operators from (formerly known as 'Alpha')  Razor Squad - NATO Special Forces, successfully conducted combat operations which concluded in the capturing of Mamed Jalali; who is one of the key players in CSAT's High Command on Altis. He is considered to be a ruthless man with no compassion for his own men or for that of civilians. 

Earlier this year Jalali was put on the UN's Top 10 wanted list for War Crimes. As such, NATO High Command had made capturing Jalali a high priority.

The brave men from the Special Forces team who conducted the raid can obviously not be named for security reasons but we spoke with one or two of them briefly back at NATO's base of Operations on Altis. They had this to say:

Soldier A [squad Lead]: "I am ecstatic with the result of today's raid on Jalali's compound. We, together with the intelligence community, have been monitoring Jalali's status on Altis for some time now. This was the best possible result we could hope for. He will answer for his War Crimes. This is a great day for the people of Altis."
Soldier B: "I've trained for this kind of thing my whole life. So when you're in that chopper about to touch down... knowing what is ahead may kill you, that adrenaline runs, time slows and everything becomes clear as to what you must do."

Soldier C: "Absolutely f*****g brilliant. I'm glad we finally nailed this guy." -

Joshua Ingram, reporting from Altis, AAN World News.


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Had absolute fun out there today. Still a bit to amped up to sleep, so thats why im posting this so late :blink:

Loved how the teamwork just clicked right of the bat on this mission, and sure we had some hairy moments, but we pulled it off. ;)


As a last note, since i was in a 2 man recon group throughtout a part of this mission, i would like to thank Grim who had my back that whole time, so thanks for the good time pal.

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Do you wanna make this an official thing? Training missions and shit?

Just to inject into this idea.. I think these missions should be recorded from multiple POV's and uploaded to somebodys youtube channel and used for training... This mission could be used to show new comers to the modded server how to operate as a team effectively and how to adapt to an evolving situation... The mission went from a slow multi pov mission with a sniper team doing recon to an all out war with people making plans on the fly... I have to say (without sounding big headed) that if me and supra hadn't suddenly decided to push to the NE (towards units) I think we would have lost the mission not to long after.

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Since Arma 2, i haven't played as a Sniper very often, usualy just tagging along with whatever the team needed. For the first time since CoD ruined sniping for me, i felt it was finaly fun to put back on the ghilly suit again (even if its not realy needed with bots seeing through it anyway).


I'm most likely going to pick up the Ghilly suit again next time when the mission alows it, so when im online you guys can count on my doing the recon role again.


As for the pacing, it did get hairy around mid way throught, and everyone did a superb job at covering each others back. We didn't have a group of 6+ all looking in the same direction, we had some watching our flanks, others pushing up when needed. This mission was a good example of good teamwork all around.


Sure a couple of us, me included, didn't make it from start to finish without getting killed a few times, but we got the job done.

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That wuz freakin' amehzin' !



Thanks go to

M64,  our glorious leader - for making me feel like I was back in the forces (especially for making a recent arrival his "bitch" for 10 minutes ... not going to mention Ducky's name to save his embarrassment ... oops!)

Elcour, my fireteam leader  -  for filling me with morphine after nearly every engagement .. I don't think I could have gone much further without it !

HOK - whose piloting skills became legend  "How do I turn this thing on again?"

and the rest of the gang for just following orders and being AWESOME !


hope to do it again sometime,

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Just to inject into this idea.. I think these missions should be recorded from multiple POV's and uploaded to somebodys youtube channel and used for training... This mission could be used to show new comers to the modded server how to operate as a team effectively and how to adapt to an evolving situation... The mission went from a slow multi pov mission with a sniper team doing recon to an all out war with people making plans on the fly... I have to say (without sounding big headed) that if me and supra hadn't suddenly decided to push to the NE (towards units) I think we would have lost the mission not to long after.

Good idea! :)

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It was pretty awesome mission. Even tho it started to feel like things were falling apart towards the end with the resistance we faced. I learned few things from the mission, like double checking that my MAAWS has actual HEAT rounds instead of HE and that i actually remember to bring said rounds in the first place! :P

Love this!!

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Pissed off that I missed this.


Also glad that no one ran over him at the end with a helicopter.


The mission I recorded on that night was still a good one tho and will be edited up onto my channel. Looking forward to more this week.

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That wuz freakin' amehzin' !



Thanks go to

M64,  our glorious leader - for making me feel like I was back in the forces (especially for making a recent arrival his "bitch" for 10 minutes ... not going to mention Ducky's name to save his embarrassment ... oops!)

Elcour, my fireteam leader  -  for filling me with morphine after nearly every engagement .. I don't think I could have gone much further without it !

HOK - whose piloting skills became legend  "How do I turn this thing on again?"

and the rest of the gang for just following orders and being AWESOME !


hope to do it again sometime,

No problem mi amigo. Had no idea you were even with us hahaha. What was your in-game name?

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