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[Oct 7, 2012] Meeting of Minds III (TeamSpeak 3)


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A few things to clean up this month. Shouldn't be anything too gruelling. Here's the agenda.

  • Minecraft
    • Survival Server
      • Status
      • Who is managing this server?
      • Plans?
      • Advertising?

      [*]Creative Server

      • All running as needed?
      • Who is managing this server?
      • Do the players need anything added / changed / removed?
      • Advertising?

      [*]Tekkit Server

      • Who is managing this server?
      • Plans?
      • Does anything need adding / changing / removing?
      • Advertising?

    [*]Dedicated Servers

    • Throttle
      • Retiring after this month is over
      • We will lose the ArmA II Windows server, though Linux now seems to be stable


      • Now has all RAM dedicated to Minecraft servers (+Tekkit) and ArmA II server
      • Review costs with staff to look for upgrade if it's a possibility

    [*]Other items

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Thanks for doing this fellas.

Sounds to me like there are two main things.

  1. Clean up the website

Sam - mind going through the website with me at some point soon? We'll cover everything that needs covering and clean it all up. Minecraft wiki has been removed (data kept safe) as it's all about RP things anyway; all server data and information on the games we play will go in the Servers / Games tab.

In terms of focus, I agree entirely. We need a solid decision and some commitment from all of us (mainly me). If we find something good to go for, we'll have to treat it at least partially like a job; if something needs doing, do it. Deadlines must be met and promises kept.

I'm sure we'd all like to see Ahoy World progress and we have the resources to do it. I'll speak with you all soon, but start throwing around ideas for what could be our main focus and we'll set a plan.

I say it lightly when welcoming new members but, truly, I'm glad to have you all here.

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oh something i forgot to mention at the meeting, how does paintballing sound folks? yeah it's getting colder but it's not quite winter warfare yet

I dont want to play in weather that is too cold. So if its before the end of december. But I will survive :)

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If we go to one that is central it would be easier, also a local travelodge/premier inn should be cheap for 1/2 nights. Depending on the location, you could jump on the train.

On a side note if we knew how many and when, I think we can get a discounted price at travelodge for bulk rooms...I've not worked at travelodge for awhile so don't quote me.

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