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Introduction: Nanne118


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Hello dear people of AhoyWorld!


My name is Nanne118 and I've been playing quite a bit on your Invade&Annex server (EU1/2), which I recently discovered.

I'm having a blast playing this, mainly because it offers so much, especially in comparison to Wasteland, which I am used to. I am Dutch, around my 20's and like to cooperate with a team.


I usually tend to suqad up with a few people as the AT guy, the role I absolutely love to play, and then go out to the mission. I am sorta proficient in leading squads and mapping out the routes, but expect nothing too fancy. Have been busy bumping my flying skills in native Arma and TKoH recently; so there's that. Oh, and if you ever need help dispachting some baddies, don't hesitate. Always willing to lend out a helping hand :D


See you on the battlefield!




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