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Blastcore A3 R2 update


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There is a update available on the Blastcore mod!


R2 Change Log 
- Redone Colour Design 
- Redone Spark Design
- Reduce slightly smoke output on smoke grenades (WIP)
- Implemented AI Block Visibility to smoke grenades 
- Reduced Missile & Rocket Smoke on some ammo classes still requires further work. (WIP)
- Updated missile smoke scripts (WIP)
- Changed particle effect on Explosion / Fireball for vehicle destruction
- Changes updates to aircraft flares
- Changes to tank counter measures / increased smoke duration (WIP)
- Implemented new tank muzzle effects (WIP)
- Increased Duration of light flash on SPAAG cannons 
- Updated number of shells to be ejected to match ROF of SPAAG cannons better 
- Updated missile explosion effects 
- Fixed artillery cluster muntions not using correct impact effect (WIP)
- Fixed small arms and other impact effects not emitting on lower quality settings 
- Increased size of debris to vehicle explosions slightly (WIP)
- Various other adjustments to some effects 



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