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[Suggestion] Option for a few players to play as the enemy

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After playing for a while I find things can be repetitive and people always almost outsmart the AI.

So I propose an option to let a few players be on the enemy team with random spawn the other AI. One of these players on Opfor would then have a high command option so that they could possibly outsmart the players on Blufor.

There would be an option to allow a small amount of players on the enemy side like 1-3 players. If that option was selected, then you would have the option to give one of the players partial or full high command ranging from total control to just a few units.

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You could attempt to get our PvP server started by asking people in side to come with you. On I&A, I don't think it'll work as well just in case some idiot gets on their team and doesn't know what he's doing. That, and also the command options are a bit derpy, and the AI doesn't respond too well to it. It would also be another few slots that would have to be heavily moderated.

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Good idea! Insurgency, another successful A2 MP mission, had Opfor slots and it added challenge.


Forget about AI, human players will not control them on the other side. It would be like a more skilled squad.


Arma public servers HAVE to be heavily moderated anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...
After playing for a while I find things can be repetitive and people always almost outsmart the AI.

So I propose an option to let a few players be on the enemy team with random spawn the other AI. One of these players on Opfor would then have a high command option so that they could possibly outsmart the players on Blufor.

There would be an option to allow a small amount of players on the enemy side like 1-3 players. If that option was selected, then you would have the option to give one of the players partial or full high command ranging from total control to just a few units.


I played on the JTF2 I&A server, which uses a modified version of AW's mission, that had this implemented the other night and it was AWESOME!!!   The two OPFor players where setting up ambushes, mine traps, etc in the AO and it really forced us to work together.   What made it really intense though was the fact that JTF2 had their server limited to first-person only.  I'd love to see AW do some "hard-core" mil-sim like this on a weekend sometime.

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