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Do you have a problem on one of our servers?


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Please could everyone who has a problem on our game servers always look for a game server admin first. As core staff we are constantly dealing with messages and we can't always spare the time to go and sort out in game issues when we have game server admins specifically available for this very task.


So, in future please make sure you message a game server admin before core staff unless it's a problem only we can deal with. :)


Our ArmA III admins are:

Big Al 






John McClane 




R. Berezon 


Our Minecraft admins are:




These admins can be easily identified on TeamSpeak by the dN9Dse.png or LBPb6d.png logo beside their names. Thank you :)

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In my experience all the core staff are playing Payday :v


But yes, I've seen a few people go bother the core staff, even if there's an arma admin in the channel below them. Not too many, but I guess it's enough that the core staff feel the need to make an announcement of it xD

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In my experience all the core staff are playing Payday :v


But yes, I've seen a few people go bother the core staff, even if there's an arma admin in the channel below them. Not too many, but I guess it's enough that the core staff feel the need to make an announcement of it xD


I was personally getting it about 5 times a day through pokes and pm's about issues on our arma servers when there is several arma III admins on, they'd just not checked for admins before going to the top :P


It's not really an issue if we're not busy, but for the last few days we have been busy with meetings that it can be a pain to jump in and out again when there are several perfectly capable arma admins on :)


Not quite sure how the core staff team playing payday from time to time comes into this though?  :)

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Sorry :(


I'll pay some more attention next time. :mellow:


Its not something to be sorry for, its just that various admins be them Minecraft or ArmA Specific can sort you out easier most of the time.


If you NEED one of us then there is no issue and your are always encouraged to come and talk to any of us!


If you just want to chat or play a game just ask!  9/10 times I would love to join in with a game of whatever! :D




Just for clarity's sake we play PayDay 2 when we aren't working on issues and as ahoyworld keeps growing there is lots happening all the time in the background that you might never become fully aware of.  We still come on to have fun though hence us being in the PayDay 2 Channel.

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Oh god I've insulted the whole core staff haven't I xD


I was kidding guys, just making a playful comment on how you guys play payday together. I realize you guys have a lot of work on your plates, and y'alls are real busy almost all the time. 's cool that you guys can play something together to chill and stuff.


I actually got the game yesterday, when I get home I'll be playing it a bunch, hopefully. Maybe then I can see how the core staff rolls whilst robbing shiz ;)

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