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[suggestion] vehicle master spawner....

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Someone on our server suggested this tonight and it sounded like a fair enough request that  ithought I would mention it here and see what you guys thought.


In the US it seems we lack flying abilities sometimes *cough*


Here is the situation. I "fresh out of pilot school" pilot flies to the base to pick up units to take to the AO. while landing, the bird kinda comes in hard and takes damage that incapacitates it. Now there is a bird sitting at base that cannot be moved nor blown to respawn. All repair specialists are in the field and cannot repair the bird (or just refuse to fix it). Only fix is to grab a hunter and drive it full tilt into the bird to get it respawned.


A possible fix.... A master vehicle spawner. just an npc that does not move nor take damage but is interactable. When you walk up to this npc you can choose to spawn a new bird. Place this npc near the bird spawn point to keep people from using it just for fun. I have seen this type of script used before in missions where you can buy vehicles as you gain money from completing missions etc....


not sure if this is a good or bad idea, but when he suggested it, it seemed very interesting so I thought I would suggest it here for him.

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My solution would be: kick the repair specialists that refuse to fix the heli, and let a good player take the role.


I like to think about these situations we find in arma (like an heli that needs repairs) as mini-missions, they make the game interesting and not so repetitive. Maybe you will have to drive a vehicle to the AO and pickup the only repair spec playing, then take him back to fix the heli and then back to the AO flying. That's what I like about arma, you can have a lot of mini-missions or "stories" going on at the same time in a server.

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I think you bring up a good point, but very open to abuse.  Is there some way we can detect if a chopper is damaged in the spawn area and 'fix' it to the level where it can fly and no further?

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I think you bring up a good point, but very open to abuse.  Is there some way we can detect if a chopper is damaged in the spawn area and 'fix' it to the level where it can fly and no further?


This I think is brilliant. or even an area where the birds land at the main base that they get repaired to 25% when landing so that if something like this happens.


I also think that have a "spawner" might also be abused, I just was very tired last night and didn't think of something like the repair to a minimal state.

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I like the idea, and i think that it would work if these things are implamented.


1. Can only have Pilots use this Master Spawner

2. You can only spawn 1 Extra bird so you can use that to get people to the one that is down so it can be blown to respawn then if the one that you spawned is downed or damaged you have the other one that respawned to get in. 



Or Only allow known pilots to use the spawn vehicle option. So known pilots will have the UID provided through the forums and then use those to designate the people who are allowed to use the ability.

i personally love it when littlebirds take some damage, or pilot gets killed, and i often participate in the rescue missions, both as repair and as medic.

I do agree with this, I think its great to RP alittle bit and actually do a rescue mission. So if a pilot is down, and if there are people that are around and or aware of the crash and the pilot and the bird are fixable (a fixable pilot lol) then we should allow them to do that.

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I actually thought of an even better idea rather then being able to respawn things. Why not make it (just for birds) to have an icon displayed for any bird that is not holding units. This way if someone abandons one out in the field, or gets shot out while it is landed or the such, and it is not destroyed, people know where to go to fix/pick up the bird.


I really am not sure on what the respawn parameters are for the birds but sometimes it seems like it takes them forever to respawn if abandoned.

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I actually thought of an even better idea rather then being able to respawn things. Why not make it (just for birds) to have an icon displayed for any bird that is not holding units. This way if someone abandons one out in the field, or gets shot out while it is landed or the such, and it is not destroyed, people know where to go to fix/pick up the bird.


I really am not sure on what the respawn parameters are for the birds but sometimes it seems like it takes them forever to respawn if abandoned.


I think that would be perfect.

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