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Posts posted by Chief0fBoston

  1. On 4/21/2018 at 7:52 AM, razgriz33 said:

    We've shared so many memories with Ody,



    If you didn't know him, he's the kinda guy to bring people together buying gaming bundles for his friends to join him in whatever crazy adventure he could find next, payday, life is feudal, red solstice, dayZ, Mount+Blade.... this list goes on. We'd joke about him rage quitting but that feisty personality that always fought for what was fair for the people is the oderous I love. Equally he's a chap you could sit down and chill with, watch some youtube playlists (including who killed captain alex, world star, failarmy!) and I'm sure a few of you reading this have fond memories of that! Our inside joke was that we'd share "sea chanties" with each other (which were actually just grime, hip hop and similar tunes!).


    I'm gonna miss you Jeff... all of our crew will... 




  2. Your all way too kind , we all knew Jeff as a great dude and will be missed by all in this community you are apart of, I apologize for his sudden departure and as his roommate and best friend. If you are ever in the area of Massachusetts hit me up and we can burn one for Oderus,  I'll make sure to be available for anyone who wants to talk about Jeff , if you have any interest in attending his services his family will be planning it in the next few weeks so reach out to me and we can exchange info



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