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Posts posted by Kacper

  1. - I would prefer to have classic additional arsenals at every base

    - last gear sometimes dont save

    - vehicle customize options (tanks dlc stuff)
    - maybe more stuff from CSAT? (backpacks etc.)

    - hunters from the vehicle depot will despawn at base (even if its locked by a player), cuz you can anyway buy your own

    - ofc view distance plugin

  2. Hello there,


    When im reading the chat and see things like: i was rearming (vehicle) at base and rocket out of nowhere killed me... Im wondering why old hint from I&A v2 "Enemy CAS (or jet whatever) has entered the space" was removed. It just simply can save a lot of our vehicles when we're vulnerable at base.


    As always im waiting for the opinions of others. (maybe will be back in I&A 4 ?)


    Regards, Kacper

  3. Just another idea. 


    USS Liberty spawns after Terminal AO is done (with FOB Guardian).

    I think its possible to add laptop near the arsenal and add AA defence option(like the Carrier defense) + MK41 VLS support (for your points).


    What do you think? Does it would be hard to implement?

  4. Imo when you're entering pilot slot there should be a hint with some the most important rules like:


  If you are very bad we suggest practising offline first and in extreme cases may ask you to surrender your slot to a known good pilot. If you refuse we may be forced to kick you. (must be :P) Are in command of their aircraft, not the passenger or co-pilot. Don’t confuse this to mean that co-pilots cannot take control. Pilots are required to engage with admins when requested. If an admin asks who the pilots are please respond. AFK pilots will be kicked. Pilots are required to land in designated areas! Landing in non-designated landing zones around spawn will most likely result in a kick. Repeated crashing or abandoning choppers is not permitted.



  5. Yep thats annoying and sad but when admins are online they're mostly doing their job and punishing incompetent pilots.

    What are you proposing? Something like the prevention system? Pilots license? Maybe punishment worse than just a ban?

  6. 1 hour ago, Amentes said:

    It won't stop someone "stealing" the asset, but it does provide a little time in which to stand next to the guy, making your case in Direct.


    Be surprised how reasonable people can be if they're communicating with a voice rather than a text.

    Yeah, teamwork is a key. You can always join these "stealers" if they are kind :P It won't work everytime because mostly they are toxic...

    Suddenly i can't zap them xD

  7. 18 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    Not a solution, but maybe an improvement:


    Spawn all Side Rewards locked, unlock after three minutes.


    Should provide enough time for someone to respawn and stake their claim, while not leaving the vehicle unusable if nobody has a claim.

    I like that improvement

  8. 7 minutes ago, Stanhope said:

    What if you and your squad spent half an hour clearing the side mission anf suddenly someone in a prowler shows up, drives to the obj and completes it?

    I don't know tbh, maybe i want too much but there are too much limitations. Staff member can talk with them and unlock vehicle eventually, but without evidence (SS, video) its impossible to solve ? 

  9. Hello. Imagine situation like this: Someone (or his team) did a side mission. This person(s) in example respawns because he wants to take his reward. But someone takes it because he spotted this reward, took a quad and in 0.23546 sec just stole it. Ofc these person(s) who played side mission doesn't allow to take his reward. They are trying to talk but "Rewards zone camper" screams like this: OOH stop crying I took it first and now get out. And for now he is right because there are no rule like... "protecting rewards for person(s) who did side mission/zeus op etc".


    I know that isn't easy topic, and in situations like this "reward owner" REALLY have to prove his rights. Staff member should evaluate the situation very carefully.


    For now I'm inviting you to a discussion. It's not easy to express situations like this in 1 paragraph / correction in existing paragraph.

    I understand that is a COOP mode where all shared content are free to take, but its not fair when "Rewards campers / stealers" 

    (without CLEAR statement from "Reward owner(s)") just taking a vehicle.

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