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Posts posted by RehabitedHamster

  1. it certainly did add a little something extra.

    Was good to mix the gameplay up a little.


    It was amazing to see how people suddenly switched mindset for the gameplay, and was actually thinking more tactical about their loadouts. In total I think the Idea was a huge succes.!

  2. Ahoy! 


    A month ago when I played on EU2. I've experienced that the Defend AO's was active. 

    Tho there of course were some things that could be better. 


    It was super fun and different.! 


    So my question is:

    Why is the defend AO always disabled? Is it still under "Construction" ? 

  3. I like the idea of having to side missions spawn together, sometimes it is just one slammer to take out a side mission. It would also make sure that the players need to think of an more tactical insertion point, in stead of just putting down LZ's Like Arnold Schwarzenegger put down his weights.


    The only thing im worried about is how it will effect the gameplay in the FPS matter.

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