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Everything posted by Ryko

  1. I&A 4 beta 069 change log: NEW --- 1. Showing/hiding admin scripts preference now saved to player profile. 2. Reward point donation cap of 10,000 points. 3. When incapacitated, the hint regarding the nearest teammate will disappear when you are revived, or when you die. 4. Closing the map will clear any active hint, including (and most importantly) the hint you get if you click on a unit to reveal the squad composition or vehicle crew. 5. Zeus players may show/hide enemy units on their map. FIXES 1. Repair depot success condition 2. Admin scripts didn't appear. 3. Admin TK notices now don't include the projectile as that information is usually missing 4. Zeus control double-click *may* be fixed 5. Fixed bug where players could donate infinite points. 6. Air unit players (Vortex, Viper, Reaper and Talon) no longer receive engagement zone messages (nor receive reward points for being in the zone at mission completion). 7. Bug in IA4 menu re Air Channel button. (thanks Stanhope) 8. Bug related to MPHit eventhandler on Ammo depot, repair depot, and command center subobjectives (thanks Stanhope) 9. Base cleanup script re-activated. This will occasionally kick players out of inventory screens. 10. Fixes to two-strike rule for Vortex pilots. 11. Attempted fixes for custom groups. 12. Players no longer able to purchase non-class reward weapons and take them from arsenal (you can purchase them, but they won't show up in arsenal until you change to an appropriate role). TWEAKS 1. Random chance of waking up from incapacitation has been tweaked significantly; should happen much less often, if at all. 2. Waking up from incapacitation, player will be wounded and limping, which can be fixed with a first aid kit or medpack. 3. Tweaked location of Selakano air service stations. 4. Changed max player count to 61 (1 HC slot, 60 player slots) 5. Tweaked conditions for picking up non-class, non-faction weapons. - a non-class weapon will increase your difficulty to aim (setCustomAimCoef to 6). (For example: a NATO medic using a NATO autorifle.) - a non-faction weapon will give you a 50% reward point penalty. (For example: a NATO grenadier using a CSAT grenade launcher.) - a non-class, non-faction weapon will do both. (For example: a NATO medic using a CSAT grenade launcher.) 6. Arsenal will disappear when opened (locally) for cosmetic reasons, and will re-appear when closed.
  2. Yeah, agreed. I will make some changes to incapacitation, so that it's not quite so random.
  3. IA4 change logs for 067 and 068; 068 will be tested today at 1800 UTC. 068 --- NEW 1. Engineers, Pilots and Armor crew have a new action to add emergency fuel to a vehicle that has no fuel. 2. Any role which has access to the Air channel may now use the button in the IA4 menu to add or remove themselves from the channel. Intended for Squad leaders who don't want to hear air chatter. 3. Added Livonia camo uniforms to default western arsenal. 4. Added Quality of Life features for Zeus users: - canned admin messages - ability to delete objects while not in zeus - admin scripts submenus available (and can be toggled) 5. New rule for picking up non-class or non-faction weapons: instead of not being able to run, you will have an increased difficulty to aim. (setCustomAimCoef=4 instead of default 1) 6. If you are incapacitated, there is a small chance every 4 seconds that you will wake up. FIXES 1. Zeus/staff players can now donate points and purchase rewards without having any points. 2. Refined success condition for enemy mortar subobjective. 3. Attempt to catch error when player attempt to join role before fully connected to the server (prevent 'Error: No Unit' in squad list) 4. Reward point donation to team/group. 5. Only Vortex group members can fly Transport aircraft (previously: VIPER pilots could crew/fly Vortex vehicles) 6. Contact DLC woodland uniforms were accidentally added to Sniper/Spotter kit; added for all roles to select. 7. Error in Destroy Radio Tower secondary mission 8. Added all base magazines to arsenal. 9. Pre-purchased gear configuration (taking gear from arsenal no longer disappears) 10. Being nearby a destroyed subobjective will no longer delete your vehicle; you still might take damage from an explosion, however. 11. Fixed secondary missions to improve performance. Enemy unit composition has been lowered in all missions. 12. Armed/Unarmed UGV reward fixed, should now work TWEAKS 1. Reinforcement air vehicles spawn further away, and despawn further away. 2. Changed IA4 menu: toggle map markers button moved to map/diary link. 3. Changed method for detecting player interaction with primary / secondary objectives and moved to client to improve server performance. Message to player on these engagements also changed to be less intrusive. 4. Additional information on teamkill/incapacitation situations. 5. Rending an OPFOR mortar disabled in any way will destroy the spotting UAV. 6. Attempt to get enemy subojectives off the roads. 7. Hold Actions now have percentage hints to show progress, in the event that BIS' progress icon disappears. 8. Destroy artillery secondary mission tweaked to encourage actual firing of artillery shells. 9. Enemy CAS lessened slightly. Should reduce instances of multiple enemy CAS in the air, unless there is a lot of player Air. 10. 50% chance ambient AI spawns will prefer players with high scores. 11. Tweaked custom smoke screen deployment (will only run on clients within 2km of smoke deployment). 067 --- NEW 1. Added reward point values chart to map diary. Reward points are modified by the difficulty setting, and also by the skill level of the unit killed, so this may not be consistent from game to game, but is rather a base value. TWEAKS 1. Overhaul of opforAwarenessDaemon script to improve performance. 2. Increased readability of dynamic text on map (spotted vehicle time codes, player titles, vehicle despawn and delock timers) 3. Default grenadier loadout for basic NATO: sand tracer magazine changed to black tracer magazine. Default autorifleman for NATO: added 1 tracer 100-round magazine. 4. Removed Secure Intelligence Documents subobjective as wonky 5. Added more vests to Western Arsenal 6. Tweaks to enemy CAS support 7. Overhauled enemy reinforcements code for performance and minor errors 8. Tweaked position / distance / opacity for in-world player name tags, especially for wounded players. Wounded players will now be visible up to 200m. Your squad mates are visible up to 60m. Other non-wounded team members are visible up to 20m. FIXES 1. Underbarrel-launched smoke grenades were bouncing contrary to intended behaviour. 2. Fix to cleanup script accidentally removing non-dead vehicles. 3. VIPER crew able to fly CAS helicopter alone, fixed, requires full crew in helicopter 4. Fixes to reward point donation.
  4. To be fixed next version Investigating for next version. Not sure why this isn't working, reviewing the code, it's supposed to give you a notice that you've TK'd. Yep, will review I'll look into adding a button to the IA4 menu to allow you to join/leave the Air channel.
  5. Thanks for posting this question Jonas, I'm looking forward to hearing people's thoughts.
  6. Hi folks, We'd like to canvas your opinions on whether a player receives reward points for simply being present in the Area of Operation when it completes. The intention behind this mechanic was to reward players who participate in the mission and provide support, but don't get points from enemy kills. There are a lot of scenarios that can't be scripted for specific reward situations. However, there are a few scripts that are required to enable this, and while I don't think they have an overly significant amount of processing cost, every little bit helps. Also, it can be a bit invasive to the experience, with notifications popping up to tell you that you are or are not participating in the primary or secondary operation. Furthermore, some people may feel that players who aren't racking up kills shouldn't be receiving "free" points, or that players outside of the AO and shooting into it shouldn't be excluded from receiving these points. Your opinions please! - R
  7. Hi folks, I recognize that a lot of the development work on IA4 is kind of done in a black void, so I thought I'd share some data on optimization generated over last Friday's beta test. This graph shows server performance per minute, relative to the number of players connected and the number of AI units present in the mission. If you played on Friday you noticed that performance really began to tank at around the two hour mark. Your first instinct might be to think, "well, the mission's been running for 2 hours, there's probably a lot of clutter, lots of units running around, it's probably making the mission slower". But in fact, that's not the case. The key metric that's slowing down the mission...? The number of players connected! Arma's actually quite efficient when it comes to running units, the trouble is when you have a mission that is running any kind of custom script (as both 3 and 4 do) in order to manage how the mission plays, and to give any special instructions to the AI units. In the case of 4, there's one special script called opforAwarenessDaemon, whose sole purpose is to give instructions to patrolling AI units based on their knowledge of player units. Put another way: if you're shooting at the AI, the script will let the AI respond to your shots rather than just sit there and take it. It'll have them change their patrol path, call in support from other units, or even call in air support. Here's another version of the chart that's a bit easier to read when it comes to player count / FPS; What we're seeing in the graph is that when the player count is below 30 players, everything is working fairly well - average server FPS (the green line) hovers between 20-47 FPS, which is excellent. And it's doing so whether the number of AI is low or high. But when we get over 30 players, server performance tanks quickly (see the chart between the 100 and 150 minutes mark). This is because with more players, there are more enemy units, and they're taking longer to do their opforAwareness check. And since Arma's internal design philosophy is that if the program can't complete a script in a certain amount of time, it gets bumped to the next cycle, which just pushes the problem further down the line... until eventually the program crashes. (the spikes, if you're wondering, are generally when new AOs are spawning and a bunch of new AI units are populated.) So, how does one address this? 1. Less AI units? IA4 scales the number of enemy units to the number of players, so that there are plenty of targets for the players to engage and make the mission fun. If I reduce the number of units, I'll hear more feedback of "I just got the AO and it ended". And since on its own, Arma is pretty efficient at running units, that's not the preferred option. 2. Optimize opforAwarenessDaemon? Definitely the preferred direction. Data like this helps me identify methods for improving the efficiency of the code in question. In the script there are a few factors to be decided in figuring out what targets the enemy AI units will prioritize, as I've laid out in this decision tree: to summarize, every 20 seconds, an enemy group leader will assess their known targets, and decide whether one of them is a threat worth leaving their patrol route to attack. There are certainly things I do (ie., corners I can cut) which give similar results to what I'm looking for, that are more efficient in doing so. But the long and the short of it is the same. If there are more players to assess, and more enemy groups to do the assessing, then that's more work being performed by the server. 3. Cut opforAwarenessDaemon? It has to be a consideration; while the intent of IA4 is to create a more intelligent mission, if the performance requirements to do so exceed the playability of the mission, then it's just not worth it to pursue, and maybe it'll have to go back on the shelf and await a more capable engine (Arma 4, here we come?). So that's a look at how the sausage gets made - if you have comments or suggestions, I'm always happen to discuss. - R
  8. Short answer: you never noticed. Long answer: we have had public consultation in the past regarding direction, both internally and externally. Please don't ask me to drag it all up because it was done through a combination of forum posts, Telegram (which we no longer use), and Discord, which is a pain in the ass to navigate historically. I'm willing to bet there are forum posts here as well if someone where to search for them. One thing I will tell you, is that there have been (and continue to be) mutually exclusive hopes, wishes and expectations for a successor to 3. One excellent example is the FOB system from 3. Some people love it, other people hate it (we've had multiple people pine back to I&A2's system with just a central base, and decided to work off of that). At some point you have to make a decision and run with it, hopefully that accommodates the majority of players, or you might as well pack up your things and go home. What I've learned: if you try to develop a mission through public opinion and concensus, it'll never get done. And it'll certainly never please everyone. Most of the time it's because the revision cycle is a merciless process of people saying "I don't like that" but not saying how that could be done differently or better, leaving it up to the mission designer to take stabs in the dark with different approaches. Which other people now don't like. What I've also learned is that people who take the time to write responses are people I want to hear from, because they obviously care about what's being developed. Unfortunately I can't accommodate everyone's desires, and as I'm sure you're well aware, the Arma engine isn't capable of everything we want to do. But I will say that every feature that's in there is there for a reason - most often to address a specific deficiency from how IA3 was designed, or to address gameplay issues from how we see the mission played. I would say that at least I'm being consistent. I'll harken back to what I've mentioned earlier in this post: you are entitled, and encouraged, to give your opinions, your earnest criticism, the whole thing. I have no ego to bruise. But if it's general feedback, I can only respond with general changes. For example, when you say ... it's up to me to interpret what you say in order to make any kind of changes. Is it the squad system? The role-specific arsenal? The mission structure? Rewards? The direction of the mission? I can infer a lot based on how 3 works, but unless you say something like "I don't like how the squads are set up", or better yet, "I want there to be nothing but custom squads" then it's up to me to just take deep breaths and try something else.
  9. The point of the Zeus squad is that it's intended for Staff players to deliberately recuse themselves from gameplay. You don't show up on the map, enemy AI won't target you, and you get a whack of reward points that you can use to reward individual players. Not being in the Zeus squad in no way impairs staff's ability to use Zeus powers. It's tied to your UID, not your squad. So if you are playing, and you need to pop into Zeus to fix something, you are able to do so. If someone - anyone - can point me to anything that prevents this issue - namely, all Zeus users being kicked at random intervals - I'll gladly implement it. We've asked Bohemia, notable coders, everyone's stumped. Yes, there are some drawbacks with the system I've implemented to get around that - namely, that a Zeus module is dynamically generated when you ask for one - and you've hit the main one, that when you leave Zeus, your module is destroyed, along with the links to items that you've spawned. That said, there's nothing that stops you from using Achilles to add objects in Zeus to bring them right back into your interface. It's to clean up the interface, following a theme of simplicity. Also, putting it in the admin menu gives me a lot more flexibility to do things like respawn specific vehicles, sent hint messages to players, etc. Stuff I can't do within the context of the scroll menu without several layers of sub-menus. See above Feel free to elaborate. We've already eased a whole lot of restrictions we started with based on feedback, and if you can point to specific things, I'm happy to discuss them. Many of the things people do complain about (long spawn times, role-based gear restrictions) are there for long-debated and resolved reasons, but if you have new points to consider, don't hesitate. Please elaborate... I find the paperwork comment very confusing As of ... two versions ago? This is no longer the case. All role-specific purchasable weapons are now by default "purchased" which means they can be armed straight from the arsenal. Based on a discussion we all had, no less... It's never been my intention to force people into absolutely predetermined squads, that's why I have the custom squads functionality. It's not something I can test on my own for obvious reasons, so every beta test I am responding to how it chooses to break (and it almost always does). Custom naming of squads had led us into more than one ban situation thanks to people's creative choice of naming, or using the names for advertisement, and apart from the lolz, I can't see a great reason to have something which is just one more thing we have to enforce. If people don't want to play here because they can't name their custom squad D1CK BOIZ I'm not sure we're worse of without them. There's no great way for me to determine who's "participating" in the mission or not, apart from their proximity to the bad guys. And generally, if they're sniping targets or destroying vehicles from over a kilometer away (the current threshold for when you are participating or not), you're outside the AI's capacity to engage you back, so I don't know if that's worth rewarding. You'll still get points for kills, you just won't get your share of the mission objective reward points, which frankly, aren't going to be as much as vehicle kill points anyway. The part that says Beta test is there for a reason... optimization is where we are right now, and it gets a little better every version. This is a long discussion but suffice it to say I don't want 4 running at lower frame rates, the whole point here was for better performance by culling old/bad code, and if it's a matter of streamlining / removing features to get back to good performance, than that's what happens. See above... by default, all role-specific gear is considered purchased at mission start. Gear like non-faction weaponry still needs to be purchased at this point, but I suppose if there's overwhelming demand that you should be able to leave the NATO base decked out in complete CSAT gear and weaponry, well, we can go there. I'm not an expert with UI, and Arma doesn't give you a ton of options. If someone's got a better flair for it than me, I welcome the assistance to overhaul it. What I'm most concerned with is creating an interface that is easy to understand and intuitive. I clearly have not gotten there, because we get the question every session, how do I join a role? despite several layers of hints, suggestions and tooltips. Remember that the whole point of this system is so that people don't have to go back to the lobby to take a different role, which is a major perk in my opinion, as well it is a bit more stable (in some ways) than Arma's stock system. (and yes, much more unstable in others, I will fully concede). Well, this is the hardest part of balancing the mission, I've got Xwatt saying we need to not punish players for being outside the AO, and you suggesting we need to reduce the reward for players being inside the AO Neither of you is wrong, it's just a matter of balancing how to reward players. I welcome your suggestions. Ah yes.
  10. In case this helps anyone; class names introduced in the 1.94 expansion. This isn't necessarily an exhaustive list, but it is pretty thorough. Weapons: ["launch_RPG32_green_F", "launch_RPG32_camo_F", "launch_I_Titan_eaf_F", "launch_B_Titan_olive_F", "srifle_DMR_06_hunter_F", "srifle_DMR_06_hunter_khs_F", "LMG_Mk200_black_F", "LMG_Mk200_black_ACO_pointer_F", "LMG_Mk200_black_LP_BI_F", "LMG_Mk200_black_BI_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_green_F", "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_green_F", "arifle_AK12_lush_F", "arifle_AK12_arid_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_lush_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_arid_F", "arifle_RPK12_F", "arifle_RPK12_lush_F", "arifle_RPK12_arid_F", "arifle_AK12U_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_F", "arifle_AK12U_arid_F", "arifle_AK12_lush_arco_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_lush_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_lush_arco_snds_pointer_bipod_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_lush_arco_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_lush_holo_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_holo_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_RPK12_lush_arco_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_RPK12_lush_holo_snds_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_lush_arco_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_lush_arco_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12_GL_lush_holo_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_holo_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_holo_pointer_F", "arifle_AK12U_lush_holo_pointer_F", "arifle_RPK12_lush_arco_pointer_F", "arifle_MSBS65_F", "arifle_MSBS65_Mark_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_F", "arifle_MSBS65_Mark_black_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_black_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_black_F", "arifle_MSBS65_sand_F", "arifle_MSBS65_Mark_sand_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_sand_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_sand_F", "arifle_MSBS65_camo_F", "arifle_MSBS65_Mark_camo_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_camo_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_camo_F", "arifle_MSBS65_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_ico_F", "arifle_MSBS65_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_snds_ico_pointer_F", "arifle_MSBS65_black_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_GL_black_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_UBS_black_ico_pointer_f", "arifle_MSBS65_Mark_SOS_LP_BI_F", "sgun_HunterShotgun_01_F", "sgun_HunterShotgun_01_sawedoff_F"] Optics/Muzzles/Bipods: ["optic_ico_01_f", "optic_ico_01_black_f", "optic_ico_01_sand_f", "optic_ico_01_camo_f", "bipod_02_F_lush", "bipod_02_F_arid", "muzzle_snds_B_lush_F", "muzzle_snds_B_arid_F", "optic_Holosight_lush_F", "optic_Holosight_arid_F", "optic_Arco_lush_F", "optic_Arco_arid_F", "optic_Arco_AK_lush_F", "optic_Arco_AK_arid_F", "optic_DMS_weathered_F", "optic_DMS_weathered_Kir_F", "optic_MRD_black"] Helmets: ["H_HelmetHBK_F","H_HelmetHBK_headset_F","H_HelmetHBK_ear_F","H_HelmetHBK_chops_F","H_HelmetAggressor_F","H_HelmetAggressor_cover_F","H_HelmetAggressor_cover_taiga_F","H_Beret_EAF_01_F","H_Booniehat_mgrn","H_Booniehat_taiga","H_Booniehat_eaf","H_Booniehat_wdl","H_MilCap_grn","H_MilCap_taiga","H_MilCap_wdl","H_MilCap_wdl","H_HelmetB_plain_wdl","H_HelmetB_light_wdl","H_HelmetSpecB_wdl","H_HelmetCrew_I_E","H_Tank_eaf_F","H_PilotHelmetFighter_I_E"] Vests: ["V_CarrierRigKBT_01_EAF_F","V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_EAF_F","V_CarrierRigKBT_01_heavy_EAF_F","V_CarrierRigKBT_01_Olive_F","V_CarrierRigKBT_01_light_Olive_F","V_CarrierRigKBT_01_heavy_Olive_F","Vest_Camo_Base","Vest_Camo_Base","V_SmershVest_01_F","V_SmershVest_01_radio_F","V_PlateCarrier1_wdl","V_PlateCarrier2_wdl","V_PlateCarrierGL_wdl","V_PlateCarrierSpec_wdl"] Items: ["C_UavTerminal"] Vehicles: ["I_E_Offroad_01_covered_F", "I_E_Offroad_01_comms_F", "B_GEN_Offroad_01_covered_F", "B_GEN_Offroad_01_comms_F", "C_Offroad_01_covered_F", "C_Offroad_01_comms_F", "Tractor_01_base_F", "C_Tractor_01_F", "Truck_01_base_F", "Truck_01_base_F", "B_Truck_01_flatbed_F", "B_T_Truck_01_flatbed_F", "B_Truck_01_cargo_F", "B_T_Truck_01_cargo_F"] UAVs / backpack things: ["B_UGV_02_Science_F", "B_UGV_02_Demining_F", "O_UGV_02_Science_F", "O_UGV_02_Demining_F", "I_UGV_02_Science_F", "I_E_UGV_02_Science_F", "I_UGV_02_Demining_F", "I_E_UGV_02_Demining_F", "C_IDAP_UGV_02_Demining_F", "B_W_Static_Designator_01_weapon_F", "B_CombinationUnitRespirator_01_F", "B_SCBA_01_F", "B_UGV_02_Science_backpack_F", "B_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F", "O_UGV_02_Science_backpack_F", "O_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F", "I_UGV_02_Science_backpack_F", "I_E_UGV_02_Science_backpack_F", "I_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F", "I_E_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F", "C_IDAP_UGV_02_Demining_backpack_F", "I_E_UAV_01_backpack_F", "I_E_UAV_06_backpack_F", "I_E_UAV_06_medical_backpack_F"] Units: ["B_W_Soldier_A_F", "B_W_Soldier_AAR_F", "B_W_Support_AMG_F", "B_W_Support_AMort_F", "B_W_Soldier_AAA_F", "B_W_Soldier_AAT_F", "B_W_Soldier_AR_F", "B_W_Medic_F", "B_W_Crew_F", "B_W_Engineer_F", "B_W_Soldier_Exp_F", "B_W_soldier_mine_F", "B_W_Soldier_GL_F", "B_W_Support_GMG_F", "B_W_Support_MG_F", "B_W_Support_Mort_F", "B_W_Helicrew_F", "B_W_Helipilot_F", "B_W_soldier_M_F", "B_W_Soldier_AA_F", "B_W_Soldier_AT_F", "B_W_Officer_F", "B_W_Soldier_Repair_F", "B_W_Soldier_F", "B_W_Soldier_LAT_F", "B_W_Soldier_LAT2_F", "B_W_Soldier_SL_F", "B_W_Soldier_TL_F", "B_W_Soldier_CBRN_F", "B_W_RadioOperator_F", "B_W_Survivor_F", "B_W_Soldier_UAV_F", "B_W_soldier_UGV_02_Science_F", "B_W_soldier_UGV_02_Demining_F", "B_W_Soldier_universal_F", "B_W_Soldier_unarmed_F", "O_R_Soldier_TL_F", "O_R_Soldier_GL_F", "O_R_soldier_exp_F", "O_R_Soldier_AR_F", "O_R_soldier_M_F", "O_R_medic_F", "O_R_Soldier_LAT_F", "O_R_JTAC_F", "O_Soldier_F", "O_R_recon_TL_F", "O_R_recon_exp_F", "O_R_recon_AR_F", "O_R_recon_M_F", "O_R_recon_medic_F", "O_R_recon_LAT_F", "O_R_recon_LAT_F", "O_R_recon_JTAC_F", "B_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_MTP_F", "B_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_Tropic_F", "B_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_Wdl_F", "I_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_AAF_F", "I_E_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_EAF_F", "C_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_Blue_F", "C_CBRN_Man_Oversuit_01_White_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_tanktop_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_shortsleeve_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_officer_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_sweater_F", "I_E_Uniform_01_coveralls_F", "I_E_Soldier_base_F", "I_E_Soldier_F", "I_E_Soldier_unarmed_F", "I_E_Soldier_A_F", "I_E_Soldier_AAR_F", "I_E_Soldier_AR_F", "I_E_Soldier_lite_F", "I_E_Soldier_GL_F", "I_E_soldier_M_F", "I_E_Officer_F", "I_E_Soldier_SL_F", "I_E_Soldier_TL_F", "I_E_Survivor_F", "I_E_RadioOperator_F", "I_E_Soldier_AA_F", "I_E_Soldier_AT_F", "I_E_Soldier_LAT_F", "I_E_Soldier_LAT2_F", "I_E_Soldier_AAA_F", "I_E_Soldier_AAT_F", "I_E_Support_GMG_F", "I_E_Support_MG_F", "I_E_Support_Mort_F", "I_E_Support_AMG_F", "I_E_Support_AMort_F", "I_E_Soldier_Pathfinder_F", "I_E_Engineer_F", "I_E_Soldier_Exp_F", "I_E_soldier_Mine_F", "I_E_Soldier_Repair_F", "I_E_Soldier_CBRN_F", "I_E_Scientist_F", "I_E_Scientist_Unarmed_F", "I_E_Medic_F", "I_E_Soldier_MP_F", "I_E_Crew_F", "I_E_Helipilot_F", "I_E_Helicrew_F", "I_E_Soldier_UAV_F", "I_E_soldier_UAV_06_F", "I_E_soldier_UAV_06_medical_F", "I_E_soldier_UGV_02_Science_F", "I_E_soldier_UGV_02_Demining_F", "I_E_Soldier_universal_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_TL_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_AR_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_AR2_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_GL_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_A_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_M_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_M2_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_Medic", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_Engineer_F", "O_R_Patrol_Soldier_LAT_F" ] Vehicles: ["I_E_UAV_01_F"] Backpacks: ["B_RadioBag_01_wdl_F", "B_RadioBag_01_mtp_F", "B_RadioBag_01_tropic_F", "B_RadioBag_01_black_F", "B_RadioBag_01_hex_F", "B_RadioBag_01_oucamo_F", "B_RadioBag_01_hex_F", "B_RadioBag_01_digi_F", "B_RadioBag_01_eaf_F", "B_Carryall_green_F", "B_Carryall_taiga_F", "B_Carryall_wdl_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_F", "B_FieldPack_green_F", "B_FieldPack_taiga_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_F", "B_AssaultPack_eaf_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_IEAmmo_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_IEAAR_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_IEAAA_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_exp_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_exp_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_Mine_F", "B_Carryall_eaf_IEAAT_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IEAA_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IEAT_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IELAT_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IELAT2_F", "B_AssaultPack_eaf_IEPathfinder_F", "B_AssaultPack_eaf_Repair_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IELAT_F", "B_AssaultPack_eaf_IELAT2_F", "B_Fieldpack_green_IEMedic_F", "B_RadioBag_01_eaf_FAK_F", "B_RadioBag_01_wdl_FAK_F", "B_Carryall_wdl_BWAmmo_F", "B_Carryall_wdl_Mine", "B_Carryall_wdl_BWAAA_F", "B_Carryall_wdl_BWAAT_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_BWMedic_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_BWRepair_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_BWLAT_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_BWLAT2_F", "B_AssaultPack_wdl_BWReconMedic", "B_Carryall_taiga_Exp_F", "B_Carryall_green_exp_F", "B_FieldPack_taiga_Medic_F", "B_FieldPack_taiga_RPG_AT_F", "B_FieldPack_green_Exp_F", "B_FieldPack_green_Medic_F", "B_FieldPack_green_RPG_AT_F", "B_Patrol_Carryall_green_Ammo_F", "B_Patrol_Carryall_taiga_medic_F", "B_Patrol_FieldPack_green_eng_F"] Supply boxes: ["Box_EAF_Wps_F", "Box_EAF_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_EAF_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_EAF_Ammo_F", "Box_EAF_Equip_F", "Box_EAF_Grenades_F", "Box_EAF_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_EAF_Support_F", "Box_EAF_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_EAF_Uniforms_F", "I_EAF_supplyCrate_F", "I_E_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"] Statics: ["Land_FeedShack_01_F", "Land_DeerStand_01_F", "Land_DeerStand_02_F", "Land_Anthill_01_F", "Land_Bark_Beetle_Trap_01_F", "Land_Bark_Beetle_Trap_02_F", "Land_Bark_Beetle_Trap_03_F", "Land_DeerSkeleton_damaged_01_F", "Land_DeerSkeleton_full_01_F", "Land_DeerSkeleton_pile_01_F", "Land_DeerSkeleton_skull_01_F", "Land_FeedRack_01_F", "Land_WoodenLog_02_F", "Land_GarbageBin_03_F", "Land_MapBoard_Enoch_F", "Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Enoch_F", "Land_WoodenBox_02_F", "Land_WoodenWindBreak_01_F", "Land_Map_Enoch_F", "Land_Map_unfolded_Enoch_F", "Book_01_F", "Book_02_F", "Newspaper_01_F", "AluminiumFoil_01_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_olive_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_yellow_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_black_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_sand_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_double_olive_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_double_yellow_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_double_black_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_double_sand_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_quad_olive_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_quad_yellow_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_quad_black_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_quad_sand_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_folded_olive_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_folded_yellow_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_folded_black_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_folded_sand_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_olive_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_yellow_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_black_F", "Land_PortableLight_02_single_folded_sand_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Mounted_Olive_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Mounted_Black_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Mounted_Sand_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Small_Mounted_Olive_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Small_Mounted_Black_F", "SatelliteAntenna_01_Small_Mounted_Sand_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v1_sand_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v2_sand_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_large_sand_F", "Land_PortableGenerator_01_sand_F", "Land_Tablet_02_sand_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v1_black_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v2_black_F", "Land_TripodScreen_01_large_black_F", "Land_PortableGenerator_01_black_F", "Land_Tablet_02_black_F", "DeconShower_01_F", "DeconShower_02_F", "SpinalBoard_01_orange_F", "SpinalBoard_01_white_F", "SpinalBoard_01_black_F", "Sponge_01_dry_F", "Sponge_01_Wet_F", "Broom_01_yellow_F", "Broom_01_grey_F", "Brush_01_yellow_F", "Brush_01_green_F", "TrashBagHolder_01_F", "WalkingFrame_01_F", "StretcherRollerSystem_01_F", "AntidoteKit_01_F", "DeconKit_01_F", "DrainageDeck_01_F", "SCBACylinder_01_F", "SCBACylinder_01_CUR_F", "LiquidSpraySystem_01_F", "LiquidSpraySystem_01_Extended_F", "Tarp_01_Large_Yellow_F", "Tarp_01_Large_Green_F", "Tarp_01_Large_Red_F", "Tarp_01_Large_Black_F", "Tarp_01_Small_Yellow_F", "Tarp_01_Small_Green_F", "Tarp_01_Small_Red_F", "Tarp_01_Small_Black_F", "WaterSpill_01_Small_New_F", "WaterSpill_01_Small_Foam_F", "WaterSpill_01_Small_Old_F", "WaterSpill_01_Medium_New_F", "WaterSpill_01_Medium_Foam_F", "WaterSpill_01_Medium_Old_F", "WaterSpill_01_Large_New_F", "WaterSpill_01_Large_Foam_F", "WaterSpill_01_Large_Old_F", "WaterTrail_01_New_F", "WaterTrail_01_Old_F", "WaterTrail_01_Foam_F", "HazmatBag_01_F", "HazmatBag_01_empty_F", "HazmatBag_01_roll_F", "CBRNContainer_01_yellow_F", "CBRNContainer_01_olive_F", "CBRNContainer_01_closed_yellow_F", "CBRNContainer_01_closed_olive_F", "CBRNLid_01_yellow_F", "CBRNLid_01_olive_F", "CBRNCase_01_F", "PressureHose_01_Roll_F", "PressureHose_01_StraightLong_F", "PressureHose_01_StraightShort_F", "PressureHose_01_SBend_F", "PressureHose_01_Corner_F", "PressureHose_01_CurveLong_F", "PressureHose_01_CurveShort_F", "PressureHose_01_Step_F", "LayFlatHose_01_Roll_F", "LayFlatHose_01_StraightLong_F", "LayFlatHose_01_StraightShort_F", "LayFlatHose_01_SBend_F", "LayFlatHose_01_Corner_F", "LayFlatHose_01_CurveLong_F", "LayFlatHose_01_CurveShort_F", "LayFlatHose_01_Step_F", "PowerCable_01_Roll_F", "PowerCable_01_StraightLong_F", "PowerCable_01_StraightShort_F", "PowerCable_01_SBend_F", "PowerCable_01_Corner_F", "PowerCable_01_CurveLong_F", "PowerCable_01_CurveShort_F", "PowerCable_01_Step_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_olive_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_black_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_sand_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_closed_olive_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_closed_black_F", "Land_MultiScreenComputer_01_closed_sand_F", "Land_IPPhone_01_olive_F", "Land_IPPhone_01_black_F", "Land_IPPhone_01_sand_F", "Land_Laptop_03_olive_F", "Land_Laptop_03_black_F", "Land_Laptop_03_sand_F", "Land_laptop_03_closed_olive_F", "Land_laptop_03_closed_black_F", "Land_laptop_03_closed_sand_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_olive_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_black_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_sand_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_cover_olive_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_cover_black_F", "Land_PortableServer_01_cover_sand_F", "Land_Computer_01_olive_F", "Land_Computer_01_black_F", "Land_Computer_01_sand_F", "Land_Router_01_olive_F", "Land_Router_01_black_F", "Land_Router_01_sand_F", "Land_PortableSolarPanel_01_olive_F", "Land_PortableSolarPanel_01_sand_F", "Land_PortableSolarPanel_01_folded_olive_F", "Land_PortableSolarPanel_01_folded_sand_F", "Land_SolarPanel_04_olive_F", "Land_SolarPanel_04_black_F", "Land_SolarPanel_04_sand_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_open_olive_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_open_black_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_open_sand_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_closed_olive_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_closed_black_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_closed_sand_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_battery_olive_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_battery_black_F", "Land_BatteryPack_01_battery_sand_F", "House_Small_F", "Land_GarbageBarrel_02_F", "Land_GarbageBarrel_02_buried_F", "House_Small_F", "Land_BurntGarbage_01_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_black_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_black_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_black_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_black_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_olive_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_olive_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_olive_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_olive_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_olive_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_olive_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_CBRN_F", "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_CBRN_F", "Land_Bare_boulder_01_F", "Land_Bare_boulder_02_F", "Land_Bare_boulder_03_F", "Land_Bare_boulder_04_F", "Land_Bare_boulder_05_F", "Land_R_rock_general1", "Land_R_rock_general2", "Land_R_rock_general3", "Land_RM_boulder1", "Land_RM_boulder2", "Land_RM_boulder3", "Land_RM_boulder4", "Land_RM_boulder5", "Land_Sinkhole_01_F", "I_E_Quadbike_01_F", "I_E_Truck_02_F", "I_E_Truck_02_transport_F", "I_E_Truck_02_fuel_F", "I_E_Truck_02_Ammo_F", "I_E_Truck_02_Box_F", "I_E_Truck_02_Medical_F", "I_E_Truck_02_MRL_F", "I_E_UGV_01_F", "I_E_UGV_01_rcws_F", "UGV_02_ExternalDetector_F", "UGV_02_Wheel_F", "UGV_02_Tracks_F", "I_E_Van_02_vehicle_F", "I_E_Van_02_transport_F", "I_E_Van_02_transport_MP_F", "I_E_Van_02_medevac_F", "B_W_Static_Designator_01_weapon_F", "Land_StoneWell_01_F", "Land_ConcreteWell_02_F", "Land_DryToilet_01_F", "Land_Hutch_01_F", "Land_ChickenCoop_01_F", "Land_FirewoodPile_01_F", "Land_BusStop_02_shelter_ruins_F", "Land_BusStop_02_shelter_F", "Land_BusStop_02_sign_F", "Land_GasMeterCabinet_01_F", "Land_TreeGuard_01_F", "Land_TreeGrate_01_F", "Land_ConcreteTreePlanter_01_F", "Land_ConcreteTreePlanter_02_F", "Land_MysteriousBell_01_F", "Land_Camp_House_01_brown_ruins_F", "Land_Camp_House_01_brown_F", "Land_Caravan_01_green_F", "Land_Caravan_01_rust_F", "Land_Scaffolding_New_F", "Land_House_1B01_ruins_F", "Land_House_1B01_F", "Land_House_1W01_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W01_F", "Land_House_1W02_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W02_F", "Land_House_1W03_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W03_F", "Land_House_1W04_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W04_F", "Land_House_1W05_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W05_F", "Land_House_1W06_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W06_F", "Land_House_1W07_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W07_F", "Land_House_1W08_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W08_F", "Land_House_1W09_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W09_F", "Land_House_1W10_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W10_F", "Land_House_1W11_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W11_F", "Land_House_1W12_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W12_F", "Land_House_1W13_ruins_F", "Land_House_1W13_F", "Land_House_2B01_ruins_F", "Land_House_2B01_F", "Land_House_2B02_ruins_F", "Land_House_2B02_F", "Land_House_2B03_ruins_F", "Land_House_2B03_F", "Land_House_2B04_ruins_F", "Land_House_2B04_F", "Land_House_2W01_ruins_F", "Land_House_2W01_F", "Land_House_2W02_ruins_F", "Land_House_2W02_F", "Land_House_2W03_ruins_F", "Land_House_2W03_F", "Land_House_2W04_ruins_F", "Land_House_2W04_F", "Land_House_2W05_ruins_F", "Land_House_2W05_F", "Land_HealthCenter_01_ruins_F", "Land_HealthCenter_01_F", "Land_PoliceStation_01_ruins_F", "Land_PoliceStation_01_F", "Land_Shed_09_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_09_F", "Land_Shed_10_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_10_F", "Land_Shed_11_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_11_F", "Land_Shed_12_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_12_F", "Land_Shed_13_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_13_F", "Land_Shed_14_ruins_F", "Land_Shed_14_F", "Land_FuelStation_03_prices_F", "Land_FuelStation_03_pump_F", "Land_FuelStation_03_roof_F", "Land_FuelStation_03_shop_F", "Land_VillageStore_01_ruins_F", "Land_VillageStore_01_F", "Land_CastleRuins_01_bastion_F", "Land_CastleRuins_01_wall_10m_F", "Land_CastleRuins_01_wall_d_L_F", "Land_CastleRuins_01_wall_d_R_F", "Land_Grave_08_F", "Land_Grave_09_F", "Land_Grave_10_F", "Land_Grave_11_F", "Land_Tombstone_04_F", "Land_Tombstone_05_F", "Land_Tombstone_06_F", "Land_Tombstone_07_F", "Land_Tombstone_08_F", "Land_Tombstone_08_damaged_F", "Land_Tombstone_09_F", "Land_Tombstone_10_F", "Land_Tombstone_11_F", "Land_Tombstone_11_damaged_F", "Land_Tombstone_12_F", "Land_Tombstone_13_F", "Land_Tombstone_14_F", "Land_Tombstone_15_F", "Land_Tombstone_16_F", "Land_Tombstone_17_F", "Land_GraveFence_01_F", "Land_GraveFence_02_F", "Land_GraveFence_03_F", "Land_GraveFence_04_F", "Land_Cross_01_small_F", "Land_Chapel_02_base_ruins_F", "Land_Chapel_02_white_ruins_F", "Land_Chapel_02_yellow_ruins_F", "Land_Church_04_F", "Land_Church_04_small_F", "Land_Church_04_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_lightblue_F", "Land_Church_04_lightblue_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_lightyellow_F", "Land_Church_04_lightyellow_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_red_F", "Land_Church_04_red_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_white_F", "Land_Church_04_white_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_white_red_F", "Land_Church_04_white_red_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_yellow_F", "Land_Church_04_yellow_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_lightblue_F", "Land_Church_04_small_lightblue_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_lightyellow_F", "Land_Church_04_small_lightyellow_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_red_F", "Land_Church_04_small_red_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_white_F", "Land_Church_04_small_white_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_white_red_F", "Land_Church_04_small_white_red_damaged_F", "Land_Church_04_small_yellow_F", "Land_Church_04_small_yellow_damaged_F", "Land_Church_05_F", "Land_OrthodoxChurch_02_F", "Land_OrthodoxChurch_03_ruins_F", "Land_OrthodoxChurch_03_F", "Land_Statue_03_F", "Land_Monument_02_F", "Land_OldSculpture_01_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_01_base_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_01_single_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_01_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_01_end1_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_01_end2_F", "Land_Roads_decals_01_base_F", "Land_roads_patch_01_F", "Land_roads_patch_02_F", "Land_roads_patch_03_F", "Land_roads_patch_04_F", "Land_roads_patch_05_F", "Land_roads_patch_06_F", "Land_roads_patch_07_F", "Land_roads_patch_08_F", "Land_roads_patch_09_F", "Land_roads_patch_10_F", "Land_roads_patch_11_F", "Land_roads_patch_12_F", "Land_roads_cracks_01_F", "Land_roads_cracks_02_F", "Land_roads_cracks_03_F", "Land_roads_cracks_04_F", "Land_roads_cracks_05_F", "Land_Decal_damage_long1_F", "Land_Decal_damage_long2_F", "Land_Decal_damage_long3_F", "Land_Decal_damage_long4_F", "Land_Decal_damage_long5_F", "Land_Decal_damage_medium1_F", "Land_Decal_damage_medium2_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_01_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_02_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_03_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_04_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_05_F", "Land_Decal_roads_ars_06_F", "Land_Decal_roads_oil_stain_01_F", "Land_Decal_roads_oil_stain_02_F", "Land_Decal_roads_oil_stain_03_F", "Land_Decal_roads_oil_stain_04_F", "Land_dirt_road_damage_long_01_F", "Land_dirt_road_damage_long_02_F", "Land_dirt_road_damage_long_03_F", "Land_dirt_road_damage_long_04_F", "Land_dirt_road_damage_long_05_F", "Land_dirt_road_rocks_01_F", "Land_dirt_road_rocks_02_F", "Land_dirt_road_rocks_03_F", "Land_dirt_road_rocks_04_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_base_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_straight_v1_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_straight_v2_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_straight_start_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_straight_end_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_left_v1_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_left_v2_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_left_crossing_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_right_v1_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_right_v2_F", "Land_VehicleTrack_01_right_crossing_F", "Land_DirtPatch_05_F", "Land_Drainage_01_F", "Land_HayBale_01_F", "Land_HayBale_01_decayed_F", "Land_HayBale_01_packed_F", "Land_HayBale_01_stack_F", "Land_Trough_01_F", "Land_SilageStorage_01_F", "Land_ManurePile_01_F", "Land_FeedStorage_01_ruins_F", "Land_FeedStorage_01_F", "Cargo_base_F", "Land_Cargo20_EMP_F", "Land_Cargo20_EMP_Training_F", "Land_CementWorks_01_base_F", "Land_CementWorks_01_brick_F", "Land_CementWorks_01_grey_F", "Land_CoalPlant_01_MainBuilding_F", "Land_CoalPlant_01_Conveyor_F", "Land_CoalPlant_01_LoadingHouse_F", "Land_DPP_01_mainFactory_old_F", "Land_Barn_02_ruins_F", "Land_Barn_02_F", "Land_Barn_03_small_ruins_F", "Land_Barn_03_small_F", "Land_Barn_03_large_ruins_F", "Land_Barn_03_large_F", "Land_Barn_04_ruins_F", "Land_Barn_04_F", "Land_StrawStack_01_F", "Land_WaterTower_02_ruins_F", "Land_WaterTower_02_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_A_ruins_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_A_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_B_ruins_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_B_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_C_ruins_F", "Land_Cowshed_01_C_F", "Land_Greenhouse_01_ruins_F", "Land_Greenhouse_01_F", "Land_Greenhouse_01_damaged_F", "Land_GarageOffice_01_ruins_F", "Land_GarageOffice_01_F", "Land_GarageRow_01_large_ruins_F", "Land_GarageRow_01_large_F", "Land_GarageRow_01_small_ruins_F", "Land_GarageRow_01_small_F", "Land_Factory_02_F", "Land_WaterStation_01_ruins_F", "Land_WaterStation_01_F", "Land_Workshop_01_ruins_F", "Land_Workshop_01_F", "Land_Workshop_01_grey_F", "Land_Workshop_02_ruins_F", "Land_Workshop_02_F", "Land_Workshop_02_grey_F", "Land_Workshop_03_ruins_F", "Land_Workshop_03_F", "Land_Workshop_03_grey_F", "Land_Workshop_04_ruins_F", "Land_Workshop_04_F", "Land_Workshop_04_grey_F", "Land_Workshop_05_ruins_F", "Land_Workshop_05_F", "Land_Workshop_05_grey_F", "Land_TimberLog_01_F", "Land_TimberLog_02_F", "Land_TimberLog_03_F", "Land_TimberLog_04_F", "Land_TimberLog_05_F", "Land_TimberPile_02_F", "Land_TimberPile_03_F", "Land_TimberPile_04_F", "Land_TimberPile_05_F", "Land_WoodPile_02_F", "Land_WoodPile_03_F", "Land_WoodPile_04_F", "Land_Mine_01_conveyor_10m_F", "Land_Mine_01_conveyor_begin_F", "Land_Mine_01_conveyor_end_F", "Land_Mine_01_heap_F", "Land_Mine_01_hopper_silo_F", "Land_Mine_01_minecart_F", "Land_Mine_01_rail_track_end_F", "Land_Mine_01_rail_track_F", "Land_Mine_01_rail_track_switch_F", "Land_Mine_01_warehouse_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_9_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_18_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_18ladder_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_ground1_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_ground2_F", "Land_IndPipe3_big_support_F", "Land_IndPipe3_bigL_L_F", "Land_IndPipe3_bigL_R_F", "Land_IndPipe3_Small_9_F", "Land_IndPipe3_Small_ground1_F", "Land_IndPipe3_Small_ground2_F", "Land_IndPipe3_SmallL_L_F", "Land_IndPipe3_SmallL_R_F", "Land_PowerStation_01_ruins_F", "Land_PowerStation_01_F", "Land_Substation_01_ruins_F", "Land_Substation_01_F", "Land_Sawmill_01_ruins_F", "Land_Sawmill_01_F", "Land_Sawmill_01_illuminati_tower_F", "Land_IndustrialShed_01_ruins_F", "Land_IndustrialShed_01_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_ruins_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_off_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_ruins_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_off_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_base_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_lower_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_middle_F", "Land_Smokestack_01_factory_upper_F", "Land_Smokestack_02_ruins_F", "Land_Smokestack_02_F", "Land_Smokestack_03_ruins_F", "Land_Smokestack_03_F", "Land_Smokestack_03_off_F", "Land_Highway_Pillar_01_F", "Land_Highway_Pillar_01_garage_F", "Land_ConcreteKerb_01_2m_v2_F", "Land_ConcreteKerb_01_4m_v2_F", "Land_ConcreteKerb_01_8m_v2_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_end_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_end_A_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_junction_A_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_lamp_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_lamp_off_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_A_F", "Land_PowerLine_02_pole_small_hook_F", "PowerLines_Small_base_F", "PowerLines_Small_base_F", "PowerLines_Small_base_F", "PowerLines_Small_base_F", "Land_TelephoneLine_01_wire_50m_main_F", "Land_PowerLine_03_pole_F", "Land_PowerLine_03_pole_end_F", "Land_PowerLine_03_pole_junction_F", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood1", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Amp", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Lamp", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood1_Lamp_Amp", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood2", "Land_Power_Pole_Wood3", "Land_Rail_Bridge_40_F", "Land_Rail_ConcreteRamp_F", "Land_Rail_Crossing_Barrier_F", "Land_Rail_LineBreak_Iron_F", "Land_Rail_Platform_Cross_F", "Land_Rail_Platform_Segment_F", "Land_Rail_Platform_Start_F", "Land_Rail_Signals_F", "Land_Rail_Station_Big_ruins_F", "Land_Rail_Station_Big_F", "Land_Rail_Station_Small_ruins_F", "Land_Rail_Station_Small_F", "Land_Rail_Track_25_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Down_25_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Down_40_F", "Land_Rail_Track_L25_10_F", "Land_Rail_Track_LB_RE_F", "Land_Rail_Track_LB1_RE_F", "Land_Rail_Track_LE_RB_F", "Land_Rail_Track_LE1_RB_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Passing_10_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Passing_25_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Passing_25NOLC_F", "Land_Rail_Track_R25_10_F", "Land_Rail_Track_SP_F", "Land_Rail_Track_TurnOutL_F", "Land_Rail_Track_TurnOutR_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Up_25_F", "Land_Rail_Track_Up_40_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_2_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_4_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_8_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_8NOLC_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_25_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_25NOLC_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_40_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_40NOLC_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_L25_5_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_L25_10_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_L30_20_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_R25_5_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_R25_10_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_R30_20_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_TurnOutL_F", "Land_Rail_TrackE_TurnOutR_F", "Land_Rail_Warehouse_Small_ruins_F", "Land_Rail_Warehouse_Small_F", "Land_SewerCover_04_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_02_four_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_02_single_dmg_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_02_single_v1_F", "Land_ConcretePanels_02_single_v2_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_2m_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_4m_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_8m_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_32m_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_2m_v1_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_2m_v2_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_32m_v1_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_32m_v2_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_4m_v1_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_4m_v2_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_8m_v1_F", "Land_CobblestoneSquare_01_edge_8m_v2_F", "Land_ServiceHangar_01_base_F", "Land_ServiceHangar_01_L_F", "Land_ServiceHangar_01_R_F", "Land_ControlTower_02_ruins_F", "Land_ControlTower_02_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_base_ruins_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_green_ruins_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_brown_ruins_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_smooth_ruins_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_base_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_green_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_brown_F", "Land_GuardBox_01_smooth_F", "Land_ControlTower_01_ruins_F", "Land_ControlTower_01_F", "Land_Barracks_02_ruins_F", "Land_Barracks_02_F", "Land_Barracks_03_ruins_F", "Land_Barracks_03_F", "Land_Barracks_04_ruins_F", "Land_Barracks_04_F", "Land_Barracks_05_ruins_F", "Land_Barracks_05_F", "Land_Barracks_06_ruins_F", "Land_Barracks_06_F", "Land_GuardHouse_02_ruins_F", "Land_GuardHouse_02_F", "Land_GuardHouse_02_grey_F", "Land_GuardHouse_03_ruins_F", "Land_GuardHouse_03_F", "Land_GuardTower_01_F", "Land_GuardTower_02_F", "Land_Bunker_02_double_F", "Land_Bunker_02_left_F", "Land_Bunker_02_right_F", "Land_Bunker_02_light_double_F", "Land_Bunker_02_light_left_F", "Land_Bunker_02_light_right_F", "CamoNet_wdl_F", "CamoNet_wdl_open_F", "CamoNet_wdl_big_F", "CamoNet_wdl_Curator_F", "CamoNet_wdl_open_Curator_F", "CamoNet_wdl_big_Curator_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_green_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_green_ruins_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_brown_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_brown_ruins_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_jungle_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_jungle_ruins_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_rusty_F", "CargoPlaftorm_01_rusty_ruins_F", "Land_DomeParts_01_panel_white_F", "Land_DomeParts_01_panel_white_stack_F", "Land_DomeParts_01_struts_stack_F", "Land_DomeParts_01_white_openstack_F", "Flag_EAF_F", "Flag_Enoch_F", "Banner_01_EAF_F", "Land_Radar_01_airshaft_F", "Land_Radar_01_cooler_F", "Land_Radar_01_antenna_F", "Land_Radar_01_antenna_base_F", "Land_Radar_01_kitchen_ruins_F", "Land_Radar_01_kitchen_F", "Land_Radar_01_HQ_ruins_F", "Land_Radar_01_HQ_F", "Land_MobileRadar_01_generator_F", "Land_MobileRadar_01_radar_ruins_F", "Land_MobileRadar_01_radar_F", "Land_ShellCrater_01_decal_F", "Land_ShellCrater_01_F", "Land_ShellCrater_02_small_F", "Land_ShellCrater_02_large_F", "Land_ShellCrater_02_extralarge_F", "Land_ShellCrater_02_decal_F", "Land_ShellCrater_02_debris_F", "Land_ShootingPos_Roof_01_F", "House_F", "Land_DisturbedSoil_01_decal_F", "Land_DisturbedSoil_02_decal_F", "CraterLong_02_F", "CraterLong_02_small_F", "Land_ChurchRuin_01_F", "Land_HouseChimney_Ruin_01_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_01_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_01_half_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_02_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_02_half_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_03_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_03_half_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_04_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Big_05_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Small_01_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Small_01_half_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Small_02_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Small_03_F", "Land_HouseRuin_Small_04_F", "Land_HouseWallRuin_Corner_01_F", "Land_HouseWallRuin_Corner_02_F", "Land_HouseWallRuin_Door_01_F", "Land_OldFactorySign_01_F", "Land_OldFactorySign_01_graffiti_F", "Land_VergePost_02_v1_F", "Land_VergePost_02_v2_F", "Land_sign_entry_en_pl_F", "Land_sign_leave_en_pl_F", "Land_Sign_noentry_big_en_pl_F", "Land_sign_noentry_small_en_pl_F", "Land_sign_uwaga_pl_1_F", "Land_sign_uwaga_pl_2_F", "Land_BrickWall_01_l_5m_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_01_l_5m_F", "Land_BrickWall_01_l_corner_F", "Land_BrickWall_01_l_pole_F", "Land_BrickWall_01_l_end_F", "Land_BrickWall_02_l_5m_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_02_l_5m_F", "Land_BrickWall_02_l_corner_v1_F", "Land_BrickWall_02_l_corner_v2_F", "Land_BrickWall_02_l_end_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_5m_v1_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_5m_v1_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_5m_v2_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_5m_v2_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_gate_F", "Land_BrickWall_03_l_pole_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_5m_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_5m_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_5m_old_d_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_5m_old_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_pole_F", "Land_BrickWall_04_l_pole_old_F", "Land_SilageWall_01_l_5m_F", "Land_SilageWall_01_l_pole_F", "Land_SilageWall_01_l_d_F", "Land_ConcreteWall_03_m_pole_F", "Land_ConcreteWall_03_m_2m_F", "Land_ConcreteWall_03_m_6m_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_l_4m_d_v1_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_l_4m_d_v2_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_l_4m_v1_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_l_4m_v2_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_l_end_v1_F", "Land_CamoConcreteWall_01_pole_v1_F", "Land_GameProofFence_01_l_5m_F", "Land_GameProofFence_01_l_d_F", "Land_GameProofFence_01_l_gate_F", "Land_GameProofFence_01_l_pole_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_3m_d_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_3m_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_3m_hole_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_9m_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_3m_corner_F", "Land_NetFence_03_m_pole_F", "Land_PipeFence_03_m_gate_l_F", "Land_PipeFence_03_m_gate_r_F", "Land_PipeFence_04_m_gate_l_F", "Land_PipeFence_04_m_gate_r_F", "Land_PipeFence_05_m_gate_l_F", "Land_PipeFence_05_m_gate_r_F", "Land_PipeFence_06_m_gate_l_F", "Land_PipeFence_06_m_gate_r_F", "Land_PoleWall_02_3m_v1_F", "Land_PoleWall_02_3m_v2_F", "Land_PoleWall_02_end_F", "Land_PoleWall_03_5m_v1_F", "Land_PoleWall_03_5m_v2_F", "Land_PoleWall_03_end_F", "Land_StoneWall_02_s_10m_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_5m_v1_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_5m_v2_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_d_5m_v1_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_d_5m_v2_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_gate_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_pole_F", "Land_WoodenWall_03_s_d_pole_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_5m_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_d_5m_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_end_v1_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_end_v2_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_gate_F", "Land_WoodenWall_04_s_pole_F", "Land_WoodenWall_05_m_4m_v1_F", "Land_WoodenWall_05_m_4m_v2_F", "Land_WoodenWall_05_m_d_4m_F", "Land_WoodenWall_05_m_end_F", "Land_WoodenWall_05_m_pole_F", "Land_Mi8_wreck_F", "Land_PowerGenerator_wreck_F", "Land_TrailerCistern_wreck_F", "Land_V3S_wreck_F"] Goggles (cfgGlasses): ["G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_olive_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_olive_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_sand_F","G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_sand_F","G_RegulatorMask_F","G_Blindfold_01_white_F","G_Blindfold_01_black_F"]
  11. We have seen instances where a player is somehow rejoining automatically, and being disconnected automatically, presumably because they have a mod enabled that we don't allow. So speaking of systemChat spam, that's a great example of how the kickTimeout rules are actually effective as it stops that player from wasting system resources to handshake a connection. I'm personally in favour of removing the -1 active kick timeout, as I don't believe it's our intention to implement a tempban of up to 24 hours when a person is manually kicked. However, I think if an admin issues a kick, there's probably a reason for it, so I don't think it's inappropriate to make that five or ten minutes. I do wish BI could segregate between a manual kick and bruteforce detection, as those are different scenarios IMO.
  12. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg kickTimeout[] = { {0, -1}, {1, 180}, {2, 180}, {3, 180} }; kickTimeout[] = { {kickID, timeout}, ... }; kickID (type to determine from where the kick originated e.g. admin or votekick etc.) 0 - manual kick (vote kick, admin kick, bruteforce detection etc.) 1 - connectivity kick (ping, timeout, packetloss, desync) 2 - BattlEye kick 3 - harmless kick (wrong addons, steam timeout or checks, signatures, content etc.) timeout = in seconds how long until kicked player can return >0 seconds -1 until missionEnd -2 until serverRestart
  13. Ryko

    Defend Altis

    The problem with defend missions is that Arma's AI are pretty poor at navigating an attack. Besides, there's no sense of progression on a defend mission, you just sit there until there are no more enemies. Agree with Aegis that it could be a good zeus mission or game night
  14. Yeah but you can't drop a zeus remote control module onto a unit in the edit list (I think that's added via CBA or achilles).
  15. This is when you remote controlled the APC, yes? I think Achilles has a function to let you select the driver or gunner, vanilla zeus puts you in the commander position by default (unless someone knows a sneaky way to control the gunner/driver)
  16. Right now, you can turn it on or off in the IA4 keybinds segment... I don't want to mess too much with UI. Or any MX, for that matter. I'm creating the magazines list by parsing the config files for each weapon available to the faction, and in the case of the MX, it's one choice: magazines[] = {"30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag"}; I think what's happened here is the MX rifle was set up on release, and hasn't been updated on APEX and other expansions which introduced additional magazine types. Which means I have to add them all manually... These and others, added in next version
  17. I should add some more detail to help you out here. The number of enemy assets present in a primary mission is generated according to the number of players on the server. This is to address complaints that "the AO is over and I didn't even get there." It is also balanced around the presence of excessive air assets (ie., Viper and Reaper are both in the air), where extra Tigris will spawn. The number of units doesn't fluctuate in the AO if players join or leave the server, meaning an AO that spawns with 12 players will be much easier to complete when 20 more players join, and an AO that spawns with 32 players will be more difficult to complete when 20 players leave. In addition, when players are in armored vehicles or combat air assets, there is are two separate scripts which occasionally spawn units to target them specifically. This is a balancing measure to "fill in the gaps" from spawned units, and to provide challenge and threat to asset groups which might otherwise dominate an AO. The rate at which these assets spawn is also related to the number of players online and difficulty settings provided in mission parameters. So, when I say that the mission is balanced around the presence of armored and air units, that's what I mean; so if Gambler, Hitman, Reaper and Viper all lose their vehicles, there will be no additional assets that spawn to counter them. The Panther is an APC, and people shouldn't be using it like a tank, which they are. Then again, the same people tend to use a Hunter like a tank, so not much I can do there. The overall intention is to try and encourage more team play, but as you've pointed out, standard tactics of zerg rushing and hill camping still work, it's just a bit more difficult given I have intentionally created some scripting to counter these tactics. The reasoning behind this is that inadvertently the players are exploiting the limitations of Arma by attacking targets from long distances; in a vanilla scenario, after a certain distance, enemy AI won't engage back. Which makes it comparatively easy and boring to complete AOs with a standard attack of find a hill, and snipe the enemy from a distance. Now, a couple of things will happen if the players try to do this: 1. Enemies will be alerted to the location of shots fired at them 2. Enemies on patrols that are closest to the identified targets will engage in search and destroy patterns to identified targets 3. Mortar groups will target players that are identified, and aren't moving 4. Enemy squad leaders will call in CAS on priority targets 5. Garrisoned enemies will leave garrison, so they won't just sit there and take it There are additional assets in place to help players engage enemy missions: artillery, UAV strikes are reward-based, and obviously calling in player-controlled combat air support is another. If the players all decide to attack from the same direction, they're going to be met by enemies on the way; landing squads in different locations, for example, would be an excellent way to counter this. After all, we're talking about an average of 20-30 players attack an objective that's filled with upwards of 100 enemies. I'm not sure how players think they can run in there with a gun, a grenade and a first aid kit and emerge unscathed, except for the fact that they know Arma AI is a bit wonky.
  18. When the squads mission parameter is different, the Platoon Commander's job is to create or unlock squads for players and assign them to those squads. In the default layer, all squads are unlocked so yes, the platoon commander is not as vital. However, the PC has the same rewards available as the Squad Leader, including the artillery strikes, UAV strikes, ammo drops and such, so they are useful in that regard: most especially, the PC gets 10% of all reward points generated, so they are a valuable asset in that they can use those surplus points to fill in the gaps of what's required by the team. As for more power, we can't give a player equivalent power to an admin, as that's ripe for abuse. We've already had issues in the past with a player jumping into the slot, removing a player from a role (Reaper) and then taking that role for himself. This is a general problem that's be in existence since the early days of I&A, and if a solution were available then, I'm sure it would be available now. Unless people come up with a great idea, all we are left with is issuing warnings, kicks and bans if CAS players ignore the server rule. I am reluctant to implement a system where, say, the PC has control over Viper and Reaper's ordinance, because in the majority of times there are no support requests and the mission is balanced towards the presence of Combat Air Support. You need to use your words here. This is by design. The system is designed to give infantry players the primary method for generating points, to which they can advance into specialist roles if they want to buy specialized vehicles. The intent is not to allow vehicle drivers a way to garner huge amounts of points so they can just buy replacement vehicles when they are killed. Rather, we want an organic way for players to move between roles, so everyone gets a chance to play the rarer roles. I'll have a look at this.
  19. You're absolutely right. My concern about binding it to T was that vehicle operators might run into the same problem when targeting vehicles, but if that gets spotting used more often, maybe that's not a bad thing. And it makes zero difference to ground units. So maybe I'll shift the default to T. Well, the way I see it, in 2035 I am imagining that a compass is a bit out of date. For game functionality, having it attached to every player's screen makes team play much more feasible. Some players don't even know the compass exists. This is all about bridging the gap between the ease of communication in real life, where I can just point to something and the guy on my left knows what I'm talking about, and in-game, where we don't even share the same context. As for disabling the crosshair, I don't see that as being part of the same issue. We also haven't gotten a single complaint about the crosshair being absent. Most people will not do this, and again, not a single complaint about the compass. Once you change your preference it's saved to profileNameSpace, ie., you won't have to change it again when you visit again. I'd agree with this if you didn't give the user tools to change their interface. 99% of the users will not explore beyond the default settings, and thus, wouldn't know that there was a compass to turn on, etc. Yeah, I have to fix that white whale.
  20. You keep on pointing to these tech demos, but you're not telling me what you consider them to be. Shift-T is the default keybind for tactical ping, so now you're asking me to force players to use Shift-T to spot targets. If players don't want to use the keybinds I've pre-assigned, they are free to rebind them to scroll lock or some other useless key. The only "practical" keybinds I've put in place: I&A 4 menu (Default keybind: U) - as you say, leverages the historical use of the U key to bring up a multi-purpose game menu. Earplugs (Default keybind: Pause/Break) - also historically used for ear plugs, now can be rebound to any other key, especially useful for non-standard keyboards which don't have a P/B key Spot target (Default keybind: Page Up) - new "tech demo" function which provides in-game spotting of targets which is communicated to other players within 1km and on the map to all players. Fades out quickly in-game, and within 30 seconds on the map. Waypoint (Default keybind: End) - allows squad leaders / team leaders to place /remove a waypoint for their squad.
  21. Yeah, either I haven't figured that out completely or Bohemia's functions for dealing with dynamic vehicle loadouts aren't really intended to work this way. Either way, that's a known bug (in my view, so long as the new weaponry is there, at least it is working somewhat as intended). Fixed in next version Yeah, I'm on the fence about this. The intention was to make it more of an incentive to take the medic role. I've decreased the non-medic revive time to 25 seconds as a compensation (still ~8 seconds as a medic). Well, nothing has changed in that regard (same number spawn). I think you have to assume that there are always manpads in the area. People have complained about flying over Altis being too easy. I think I can add some speed detection for that (say, if you're going less than 60 km/h, you'll get it) - should exclude pilots from this notice. All you have to do is move your mouse or hit a key and you're not afk Well this is kind of the point. The presence of the SAM side mission is intended to limit air operations. If players want to essentially skip the mission, it's not super hard to spend some reward points on a UAV recon mission to get the UAV over the side mission, and a strike mission to give yourself 2x Skalpels and wipe out the SAM. Or any other number of methods.
  22. Yup, good call This is hard to fix because of how the AI is operating it's hunting protocol - with the Search & Destroy waypoint. Technically, they will return to their patrol routes when they complete their search and destroy waypoint, but that waypoint only completes when they determine there is nothing in the area to destroy. So if they are always aware of you - and it's a bit generalized how the AI can become "aware" of you - they will constantly hunt. Now, arma does have some intelligence about enemies responding to threats, however it is by no means perfect. If you were an AT soldier, an enemy vehicle considers you a high-priority target, possibly on the same caliber as Hitman in an armored vehicle, and because you are closer, it may be prioritizing you. TL:DR, arma has some funky dynamics about determining target priority that I can't easily override, and performance would probably suffer if I attempted to do so.
  23. Well, ia4 adds some custom features that I thought would not fit well as addactions. You can rebind these key assignments in the ia4 menu. Or do you have a better suggestion on how this can all be accomplished? You've mentioned this before, and the only obvious example is dynamic groups. There are clear reasons why we've implemented this (so you don't have to go back to the lobby to change roles). What other tech elements are you referring to? I'm happy to discuss my reasons for including these if you like.
  24. It was most definitely a bug. I tried a new tactic for dealing with an exploit to get stuff out of saved loadouts, and I think the unintentional side effect was that purchased gear items were getting removed immediately. I didn't find it in local testing as "zeus" users are exempted from gear restrictions... long story short, it's on the list. That's not a bad idea. So that's a classic problem. What happened the AO spawned with 40 people on it, and then people started to disconnect because it was getting late, and now we have a fully-stocked AO full of bad guys, and half the players needed to deal with them. Even with 20 players, between Vortex and people afk, or getting geared up, there were only ~5 players actually in the field... ouch. I'm not sure what the answer is to this; I'm hesitant to try and implement something where enemy squads disappear or despawn in relation to player numbers, because that would also imply they should spawn in response to an increase in player numbers.
  25. Change log for beta 060 --- NEW 1. Changed how UAV optics work, no longer uses the keypad, but mouse control. UAV strike reward is back; purchasing it activates two Scalpel missiles for the player to use. After six missiles have been fired, Goblin will RTB to rearm. 2. Added Sniper teams to OPFOR assets in main AO, randomly spawn when player number > 35 players. FIXES 1. Several bugs related to improvements implemented in dynamic groups. 2. Donate button was obscured by filter button in rewards screen 3. Bug related to map icons 4. UAV respawning 5. Bug related to role removal (no vehicle available) 6. Bug related to mission persistence 7. CTRG marksmen now have SPAR-17 as default weapon 8. Base cleanup 9. Refine how Zeus modules are created/used in attempt to stop Admins from being battleye kicked en masse TWEAKS 1. Optimizations to ambient AI subroutines 2. Added nearest player notice while player incapacitated. 3. Added additional MAAWS rockets to ammo boxes. 4. Revives will bring you back to a wounded state. If you were revived by a medic, you will be revived back to normal. 5. Slight reduction in main AO assets to improve performance. 6. Added maintenance loop to synchronize tasks for JIP players (and other rare circumstances where players don't see active tasks).
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