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Posts posted by Shoppy

  1. On 23/12/2017 at 2:37 AM, Ryko said:

    The despawning option is there (and should work) only for damaged vehicles; in the past this function worked for all vehicles as you suggested, but it was abused by players (despawned a helicopter out of ammo, spawned a fresh one). 


    I'll check on this function. Which map? 

    It was on Malden. To avoid that abuse, I wonder if it's possible to only have it be able to despawn if it has full ammo/fuel? That way at least to despawn something you'd have to wait out the repair/rearm script time anyway so it's still balanced?

    On 23/12/2017 at 1:53 PM, SiegeSix said:

    To remove a wreckage from an H-Pad, you service the vehicle. It will scrap it for you.

    Ah thanks for this @SiegeSix I'm sure it'll be very useful in the future!

  2. Hey,


    Teamspeak seems to take up a lot of memory but only when connected to the AW server. Pic attached, this seems like a HUGE amount. While connected to other servers, it's usually around 50,000k instead of the 900,000k+. Is there anything I can do to resolve this? It seems like a huge resource going on something that isn't necessary.


    Thanks in advance.

    TS3 memory AW.PNG

  3. I had a heli blow up on the pad (not from spawn but from typical Arma things) and the remove button wasn't working, it kept saying that there was nothing there... I wonder if it's possible to have the 'clean base' thing also remove wrecks/vehicles that haven't been used for a certain time period. I was stuck until someone who could Zeus could come on and clean up for us, so if only just for ease of admin sake, I think that might be a useful addition if it's possible.


    On a kind of similar note, it would be good to be able to despawn vehicles on the pad in case of mistakenly spawning the wrong vehicle... To be a little noob-friendly.

  4. Hi there


    I haven't been playing on Ahoyworld for long but I really enjoy the modded/more serious scene you guys have. Thanks for the warm welcome I receive when I am on your servers.


    I've noticed that when you update your mods on the repo you also change the version number (e.g. @ACE3_3.3.2). While I understand it's useful to know the version number, it also makes the repo download the entire of Ace again to a new folder instead of just adding/replacing the files it needs to the existing folder. 


    To change this to a generic folder, such as "@Ace3_Ahoy", it would not only save space and bandwidth for users but also bandwidth for the host. I know it's usually quite small at 80-90 MB but as there are many users this adds up.


    It's only a small thing, but I figure it might be worth looking into. 



    Thanks again for having me in your community.





  5. Hey folks


    I've been playing on Ahoyworld for a little bit now, thought it was about time I signed up to the forums too. I'll mostly be hitting server #3 but I'm sometimes on server #1 when there's a pilot slot open :D


    See you all in game!

  6. Hey all


    New to Ahoy, not new to modded servers. You guys run great missions :)


    I was wondering if your CBA in your repository is up to date? It seems to clash with the CBA I use on other servers which I believe are using the most up to date version.


    Thanks - see you in-game!



    Ps. It's a shame you don't use PlayWithSix anymore!



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