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Everything posted by Gurlanin

  1. Surely it would be up to the discretion of the person in charge, considering that it's an FOB and not just a medical tent? If we are talking medical, then it should be an Angel asset, if anything.
  2. This is a brilliant response. I'm going to leave this open for a few more days just to let the weekend people see this, then we'll figure out a time.
  3. I've signed up, but I also have my fiancee visiting, so I might be too busy surrendering my wallet ....
  4. I'm looking to create multiple videos showing some of the many different events and missions that we get up to on EU#3. I can't do this alone, however, which is why I need you! If you would be willing to donate an hour or so of your time to help show off EU#3 by driving different vehicles, doing HALO jumps, etc. then please let me know. The more people we can get involved, the better the end result (and AI just don't seem to get it ). Alternatively, if you have some footage of the fighting we have done, or something pretty awesome, I'd love to get my hands on it. The more things we can show off the better!
  5. Is there a changelog for EU#3? I've been looking for one, but just cannot find it anywhere. If we don't have one, can we add one in? I'd like to know when the updates happen/what is included in the new updates.
  6. I'm looking forward to trying this again. Last time is went a bit pear shaped. And for those who are still wondering about the name, I have but one thing to say to you: PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN​PUNPUNPUNPUN
  7. I take it neither of you were there last game night? If you were, then you would realise that what I am referring to was a rather hilarious incident, and is meant as nothing more than a joke, not an insult. Fact finding before posting goes a long way, gentlemen.
  8. As long as we don't give Bacon a tank this time, I think we should be alright ....
  9. Can we have the pop-up box that explains the rules, like on EU#1, or has a reminder to check the TS descriptions/these forums when you log into the server? There are some people that play that don't log onto the forums, and don't read the descriptions in TS, especially new people to the server. Several times, recently, people have come in saying that they are new and don't know the rules or how to play properly. Having something in-game might help with that. It could also have announcements on it, such as when the next game night is or training session starts, etc.
  10. I would like to see a rule regarding filling up Alpha squad before any of the others. With the exception of Vortex, which is required for certain missions, you don't need any of the others when you just have one squad. Hell, two of us cleared almost all of an AO one time. It can be done.
  11. Hello. My name is Hawkeye, and I've been playing on the EU#1 server for the last few months, more recently as a regular pilot that will happily fly a few of the more suicidal sorties. Over the last week, however, I discovered the joys of EU#3 mods and a much more tactical play, yet whilst still allowing some relaxed joking. My preferred role is as a marksman, though I am comfortable being a pilot or medic. Nothing feels better, in my opinion, than a well placed shot from a secluded rooftop that takes your target out almost as soon as he comes into range.
  12. Hey all, It seems to be that the Panthera map is played all the time. Almost every time I log on, it's Panthera. I've heard quite a number of other people complaining about the fact that 4/5 times it is the same map. Is it possible that the maps are muddled up a little more? I know that Bacon recently introduced the rotation system, which is fine, but it rather likes the Panthera map Just wondering what other people's thoughts on this are.
  13. Signed up. This should be good!
  14. Personally I prefer the one squad formation. That way, the squad leader can split up and spread out his fireteams however he wants them and still be able to see everyone on the map.
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