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Posts posted by Titangames98

  1. Undo all the FPS +'s by adding a mirror render reflections to water surface -for fps (huge fps dump)

    to quote "Speaking of which, in terms of performance, the new lighting configuration itself should have have no impact; however, terrains with a lot of shoreline may be slightly impacted, due to the new approach to rendering water on the coast. Although we expect the new Screen Space Reflections tech will be more demanding"


    They did say you can disable SSR, so hopefully you can save yourself some frames if it isn't worth it and still be sitting with a few FPS +'s ;)

  2. Applications your suggesting with integration of password does nothing, but apply unnecessary burden to the administration.

    Reading rules is kind of like reading license agreement. Glancing through and clicking accept.

    I'm getting the feeling you just "glanced through" at the EU3 rules and "clicked accept" just to get that oh so desired TS password. I'm sure the admins are head over heels for that comment.

  3. I agree with Ryko, stability is key. Having a normal experience on eu3 or a gamenight without anything going wrong is the goal, and I think the current repo should be fixed/polished (I am always available for testing), and then the AI enhancement mod should be toyed with and tested until it can be effectively added to the repo.

    We have a good, effective set of mods at the moment (ACRE is another story). Stability and a consistent experience is I think what every Arma player desires, and Arma things are always happening, shit is never going right because that's just the way Arma is. A stable set of mods is what I would rather have instead of immediate AI enhancement mod additions, as cool as they are.

    On another note, the gamenight was fantastic. Fire support could have been better, but I think overall it was a pretty great experience and the AI were quite a challenge. We never did get through the whole thing, barely past the first objective. It would be nice to play it again in another gamenight soon. Keep up the good work Colliers.

  4. Good post mate :)

    Agreed.  This is so ridiculously helpful, thank you for the educational post, they are underrated and I can't use enough of them.

    As a semi-new, but avid, EU3 player I am going to try a team leader position soon because of this post and the basic things it teaches, and hopefully build on the advice provided and combine it with the things that others in-game tell me to do as a team leader.  I know the team could use more leadership, and strong leadership, and this really really makes it a lot easier to tell myself, "Hey it isn't that bad. I could easily do this. I should try this soon."  And that is exactly what I shall do. Thank you SkullCollector.

  5. I would just like to point out that any game I have played on has had new players on it, and I actually can't think of a case where I didn't find the new player open to instruction, patient with direction, and pleasant to play with.  I think we are attracting quality players, and I'm super happy about that.

    Clock just turned to 1:00 AM as I type this, so bear with me. Being one of the new players, I want to thank Ryko for all his help recently. And Dreams. But he is not in this thread, so I will settle for Ryko (;  Ryko has helped me with anything from keybindings to CAS bombings to how to do a proper radio check.  The more cut and dry parts of playing on a hardcore server for your first times are the parts that are the hardest to learn sometimes, especially if you're like me and overthink things. I also wanted to thank everyone who has helped me or told me off or made me re-slot or given instruction and everything else.  I've never enjoyed Arma 3 more than I have in the last month, although I have to say goodbye to precious RHS and TRYK ): But it is for the greater good, so I will shut my big mouth and play on.

    So far, I have never had a staff problem, have not seen them abuse anything, except OPFOR.  Nothing but respect for staff and admins and mods and the people who go out of their way to make things the way they are. And I think more of us should just take a step back and look at things this way. If you don't like that, then think about just how damn bored and miserable you would be without them and without this community.

    I hope I am not seen as someone who just gets on the server and starts fucking with the experience (despite my recent ACRE issues), because no one here knows how much I truly value a hardcore Arma experience. Since joining the forum community and sharing my thoughts with all of you beautiful people, I have come to realize my love for the hardcore and modded element of this stupid, time consuming, stamina limiting, room-heating, video game.

    This is because of what exactly? THE RULES.

    Those who know me, know that I love the rules, and I love enforcement of the rules, and that I believe rules are set to be set, and to create a fun experience.  The rules are NOT SET TO BE BROKEN.  If you think so, the 1960-2000 was a time for you.  I hope the older veterans of EU3 can take some joy out of the fact that the new influx of players really doesn't have to be all that bad.  I don't like to blow my own horn, but if I must, I don't think I'm that bad.

    Now, lets all chill out and go play some EU3.

  6. Just wanna say that the mission parts and all the things I've heard about this have been really cool and I love Gauntlet, but this just sounds too damn cool. Especially with that picture (;  

    Keep up the good work, and if you need test monkeys/lab rats, I am always down to help in any way I can!

  7. will be there for the marksman stuff, 


    give me a holo sight with magnifier i can hit at 500m


    give me a sniper scope and good look getting me to hit a barn door at 500m


    also i do believe this is Ryko not raz ;)

    LOL that's awkward. I had just put a comment on the other forum post with David regarding Raz leaving.  That's where I got my R's confused. Maybe a sign I need to go to bed earlier

  8. Sad to hear about Raz stepping down, but as a newer member of the community (I have been playing EU1/2 since 2014), I wish you nothing but good luck in keeping this running smoothly! Always willing to help if it is needed, and I'm looking to definitely get as involved as I can. Cheers

  9. The thing that I'm most afraid of happening is the EU3 atmosphere changing into one of full milsim, from the current semi-milsim atmosphere that is present. Sure, Milsim atmospheres are the most realistic possible, but they are usually cold and aggressive. Having been part of 2 Milsim companies in Arma 2 and having played for a year and (almost) a half on EU3, it would pain me greatly to have this cold attitude between people set in. I don't have the answer on how to get rid of excessive jokes, and think that this is something that we definitely need to discuss during the meeting.



    Could you please elaborate who these people are? If they really are talking about things like this, I'm sure the Mods would like to have a talk with them.

    Yes but the fact that both of the gamenight missions were clearly labeled on the forums with the words "strict milsim rules" in their respective posts means that they would be more hardcore than joining EU3 during any other time. Yes, EU3 Gauntlet is not the most hardcore or serious experience, that part of EU3 is more lenient with jokes and whatnot because it is just a casual hardcore experience. The gamenight missions, especially if they are meant to be strict in order to create the best milsim experience possible, need to be discussed thoroughly. The admins don't have to get rid of the excessive jokes, I'm not asking for permanent bans for everyone who makes a joke in an EU3 server. The admins and mods already do their respective jobs well, all I'm trying to get out of my post was a good, thoughtful discussion on how we can fix this or implement something to weed out the players who will just screw around. Not too severe, but also not too soft because it is the job of all EU3 mods and admins to let the misbehaving players know that they want a desired overall atmosphere in their hardcore server, and that the players goofing off need to follow this.  Possibly, just being more strict about the players who are heard to be screwing around during the gamenights and putting the admin hammer of power down a bit. After first offense, a warning in-game from an admin and close monitoring, and then an immediate kick for a second offense. This lets the player know that their goofing off will not be tolerated in an AhoyWorld hardcore server, and maybe they will learn to change their attitude toward how they play EU3 and gamenights. Following the kick, maybe put the player's name on a "watch list" and give them a form of a suspension. This could mean not allowing the player back into the next gamenight or two and checking the in-game player list during mission brief to ensure that the player is not in the server. Just a general idea off the top of my head. And no, I am not going to elaborate on who it was screwing around, especially not on a public forum. If the Mods/admins want to know who it is, they can privately ask me and I will gladly give them the names of the players with my full compliance.

  10. I want to make it clear here that the admins are doing their job and nothing here is against anyone at AH working EU3 or gamenights.  Also, sorry for such a long post but I really wanted to get my point across because Ahoyworld is mainly the reason I play Arma3 and I would like to help and improve things in any way I can.  

    Being one of the newer EU#3 players (I have been playing EU#1 and EU#2 for about a year and a half now and Arma3 since the alpha), one of the main topics I would like to see discussed is the lack of seriousness in a serious environment.  EU3 is meant to be a serious gaming environment for the more hardcore players, right? Hence the strict forum rules, countless mods and complicated (if you're new) files to download and such.  That is exactly what I was looking for when I wanted to get into EU3; a serious gaming environment for both the hardcore players and softcore players looking to get into the most realistic part of Arma3.

     Parabolic said in one of the first comments in this thread that the casual attitude needs to happen at the right time, and yes, jokes are needed but only at precise moments and not during a serious mission or a gamenight, unless during debrief and other out-of-mission downtime.

     I've played two of the three most recent gamenight missions so far, and I did immediately notice the lack of strong leadership in a few areas.  Some weaker squad leaders do know what they are doing, yes, they really do.  Its just a matter of execution and its something that should not be done for the first time in a gamenight.  However, I also feel that both of the missions I participated in, the Fallujah mission (blackhawk down) under Bacon and the chaotic Sahrini town mission under Icy, seemed to be understaffed.  Not by admins, but by players. I think there were only maybe 30 players in each mission. If the server was more populated during these two missions, then maybe a stronger squad leader would have been present.

     Anyways, back to the main point. It really just doesn't fulfill anything for me, and I'm sure others too, when there are players who join EU3 during the week and for the gamenights, and just screw around constantly.  It ruins the whole environment of a serious and yet fun time playing these missions when there are around 4, maybe 5 or more players, in both of the gamenights I've played, who will talk about waffles and bananas and STD's and weird sexual things that should be left at the EU3 server lobby, and not taken into EU3, especially gamenights.  YES, there is a time for jokes and all of that stuff, but I think it should not be in the middle of clearing buildings or any part of a mission.

     Having weaker squad/team leaders may have an impact on this, maybe a stronger squad or team leader would have told these players to cut the shit during a mission.  Maybe better leaders would take action and discreetly inform admins (not using side channel, I hate that). Like I ParabolicAJB said earlier, this weak form of leadership recently has been the cause of a casual, and I think somewhat immature, attitude at the wrong time.

     EU3 is about a hardcore Arma3 experience for the serious gamers, and players will join and treat it like EU1 or Altis Life.  It breaks the immersion, but I think it also supports the issue that players will skip right over the EU3 rules here in the forums just to get the TS3 password and get into the server to do whatever the hell pleases them. The people guilty of the screwing around are rarely in the forums as far as I've been able to tell in the last month. Yes, I might have finally joined the forums a month and a half ago but trust me, I check the forums daily at about 11AM-2 PM MST (I live in the States) and I know EXACTLY who the hardcore players and the experienced EU3 veterans are and it is honestly so easy to distinguish them from the people who join the gamenights and EU3 play sessions during the week and just treat it improperly.

     Again, I apologize for the super long reply, but this is just a concern and opinion of mine that should be brought up at the meeting on Saturday. I'm a little bummed that I will not be able to make it to the meeting to share this, so I thought I'd leave it here to be discussed, and hopefully we can come up with a resolution.  Thanks.

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