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Posts posted by StoneCold313

  1. I've got a 13 euro webcam (EW1089) which I got in some local store. Took out the IR filter & put the light filters you get in the package in front of the lens and cranked down the intensity etc. a bit in the settings of the webcam. The only thing I'm seeing now is blue dots where the IR lights are. The sunlight coming out of the window behind my monitor and the light coming out of a lamp on the ceiling don't matter a thing. So no, I've not noticed any diffrence whatsoever.


    The only annoying part with tracking software is that your head has to be in the correct position when aiming down sights, else you'll be aiming whilst looking at the sights in a bit of an angle. Lining up the shot isn't that hard, but it just looks and feels a bit odd.

    I wouldn't mind hopping on EU1 in the weekend to make a short screencapture about what it can and what it can't to with the badly tweaked settings I have now.


    I used to fly a lot on EU1 back in the day and I've got to say that ever since I've got this thing, it feels much more realistic, with landing in first person becoming easier and such.

    The only problem I've found so far is that if I turn my head further than about 60 degrees (whilst the IR lights can go up to 80 degrees) to the right side a part of my face will blot out one of the lights and the calibration is lost, thus the screen snapping back to as if you were playing without IR. Turning it back a bit resolves it into the angle you had before the light was blotted out.

    I feel like it can be easily fixed though adjusting some sliders in the program, but since I only have had it for about 3 weeks now and it's not really a big annoyance I decided to leave the settings alone for now and play with it first  :P


    Ah yes, the weirdly zoomed view when you turn your head when aiming down a scope. A huge pain in the ass tbh.


    As for the profile, you should defineately spend some time tweaking it. I used to have bit of an funky profile on my TrackIR and it was far from reliable. Then i spent like 10 mins fiddling with it and now i can basically look behind me if i turn my head like 30 degrees while flying the A-10 in DCS.


    For anyone needing some help configuring their TrackIR, this video helped me.

  2. I got the proclip and after 2 or so years it's still intact. I really haven't been rough with it tho. But after reading the stories of them breaking on people i reinforced it with some electrical tape. :)


    I haven't played ARMA 3 in a while but when i did, i used it when piloting. Usually when running as infantry i didn't feel the need for it.


    Also if you are looking to maybe save few bucks you can take a look at DelanClip -> http://www.delanengineering.com/news/

  3. @Skully,


    What i do now is when i join the server, use arsenal to get my gear sorted then save it in VAS(what usually has finished loading by then), and load it from VAS on respawns.


    The Nato weaponpack has too many pre-made weapon combinations tbh. I don't think i have used any of them "out-of-the-box", i always tend to make my own setup.


    As for garrisoning AI, i think MCC does the same thing(fortify area) along with million other things in Zeus like manner. Might be good to use it as a reinforcement spawner or something, Im not sure if it will work in the server tho. :/

  4. Agree the HMD is nice, and has some nice touches 


    but the helo's pack is not so good, the handling of all them except the chinook & huey venom are horrible you can loop barrel roll all of them on the spot, and they flip on the ground with the slightest touch of the stick.

    they're gettig there but they still need a huge config update


    Tbh, the HMD is really not even needed. All the helos have the pitch/roll indicator in the dash(and you should know if you are pitching forward or not anyways). Airspeed and altitude you can see from the default thing(along with failure warnings). Gunship(not that we have any atm) range to target indication you get from the gunner or from waypoint. Landing lights and anti-collision lights, you really need special notification for them?


    The only thing that would be good is flares to the LB. Not that it makes any sense that a helmet mounted display mod adds them in the first place.


    There is already the chinook on the server that has it's own problems(people getting stuck to the ramp, everything looking giant when you look from the inside/etc). So is there really a need for bunch of helos that really don't work right and information on a hud type of thing that really doesn't add anything?


    IMO there is more realism to keep this mod away from the server. After all, there is a reason why they exist and it's not so you can see your airspeed when doing transpo with LB. :)

  5. It's always like that when i decide to write something :D


    The repo is confirmed to be down and the problem should be solved later today or tomorrow during the day.


    So maybe it was you who jinxed it! :D


    The only reason i know that the repo is down is because i was downloading speed of sound thing from the official list in testing purposes, and noticed that my download isn't going anywhere.


    Hmmmm.. Maybe i broke it after all.. :o

  6. Thats why it is smart to always use our arma3sync repository, you will than only get the update when we have updated the server.


    In some cases we might not even want a certain new update to a specific mod on the server, and deliberately keep running an old version instead.


    http://imgur.com/yct16sE'>About that.. The program/the repo seems to have one of those days..

  7. hi guys, my first post!


    anyway, I also got the same problem when I try to join the modded server, kicks me back to the main menu.

    yesterday everything was fine. maybe I got banned? :(

    in game name: UH


    Most likely you are just missing and addon or have something old. Task Force Radio and Trixies lauchers were added at some point since last night. So check that you have all the addons required on the server(with ArmaSync that Josh mentioned above for example).

  8. I've got a small issue, I've downloaded the mods (including the two not included, plus the hotfix for the sound for massi's pack) and when I try to join the modded server it just pops me back to the lobby without any errors.


    It usually just says 'session lost' for me when there is a addon mismatch thingy.


    What version of CBA you have? (im using RC2 and it's working fine).

  9. I just wanted to say quick thanks to the people who was on the server today. I had a blast! Here's few pictures i took today/earlier -> clicky.

    (now i really need to go, i can hear that lasagne screaming my name from the fridge. :D )

  10. Maybe live AGM running and then change to CSE after it evolves in to more stable/complete experience because changing back and forward between two mods will just confused people.


    Well the changing isn't that bad, especially if Bacon keeps the 'all-in-one' package up to date. It's just learning all the stuff from the packs that takes time. I personally have never tried either and now im learning all the stuff for AGM. I even had to make a cheatsheet just for the keybinds i set up. :D

  11. I can definitely see how TrackIR would be useful with jets, and flying first person in general, but I don't think I'd get it if i'm mainly flying helis.


    HOWEVER. I really want a joystick for a better feel and control of the aircraft, instead of constantly tapping one of the WASD keys to correct my heading or angle. Probably will pick up a logitech one for christmas.


    I have TrackIR and it works awesome when it comes to flying helo's. Well especially if you use keyboard and mouse(can't look around and fine tune the helo with mouse at the same time).


    As for constantly tapping one of the WASD keys. I hardly ever use/tap them. Just when i need to do long turns(bank the helo and press and hold S for example). So it works pretty close to joystick.


    But if you do ever plan to play "actual" helo/jet sims, then joystick is really a must(IMO).


    I got TrackIR for general flying, sims and arma. But it works good when playing as inf too.


    Anyways, enough with the writing, but as a last note, if you do want to try out how TrackIR works with helo's, try FaceTrackNOIR. Only requires a webcam and a face to track, and it's free. :P

  12. I agree. What if we reduced or eliminated starting offensive vehicles (such as the Scorcher, blackfoot, Pawnee, slammer etc), and then made it so Popped AO's also yielded one of these Asset?


    that way you don't have to increase side mission frequency/ Sidemissions are fun and cool, but too many/too often, and you sap man power from the AO.


    The pawnee is hardly a threat in stratis or altis due to the fact that it goes down in about 3 minutes because it doesn't have flares and people try to be all cool and make gun runs in the AO.. :P

  13. "Only Haymaker can control UAV's now"

    With the new swap squads from the settings thing that doesn't work. I was acting as haymaker the other day and someone just hopped to the squad(even tho there is only 1 slot) and he was the SL instead of me. So i couldn't use the UAV.


    The other thing is that people join randomly to full sniper teams. I assume they think that they can get a sniper rifle with that.

  14. Few of the erros i got yesterday when i was playing..


    '...red = (_this select 1) select 1;
    if  !(|#|isNull _vehicle) then{
    if !(isNil {_veh...'
    Error Generic error in expression



    '...!isNull _unit) then {
    _marker=_markers |#|select (Alive_Players find _unit);
    if (...'
    Error Zero divisor
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\INS_revive\player_marker\functions.sqf, line 131
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